What do guys get nervous about?


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Pimwing said:
Ironrose said:
I think it's strange that guys simply wont accept that size is far far from being a deal breaker. I've had a fair few small guys but it has never been a problem whatsoever, however the one or two larger guy's I've had have caused a lot more problems. You do NOT want to be huge because girls find it intimidating, too unwieldy for bj's and too painful.
I think that in a way, guy's think about their penis size the same way girls think about their breasts. (well most of them do) big isn't useful or convenient or even beautiful but for some reason they all think they are to small.
Disagree on the breasts thing, though that's just me personally, I think mine are too big.

Alon Shechter

New member
Apr 8, 2010
Well, men are generally worried about being accepted, that the ladies would think they are pretty, and that they would be impressed of their genitalia in the case of the bedroom.
Then again, I AM an overly feminist male...


Wrote Some Words
Jul 16, 2009
Ironrose said:
I think it's strange that guys simply wont accept that size is far far from being a deal breaker. I've had a fair few small guys but it has never been a problem whatsoever, however the one or two larger guy's I've had have caused a lot more problems. You do NOT want to be huge because girls find it intimidating, too unwieldy for bj's and too painful.
This reminds me of an article I read once in a magazine (yes guys: the little black squiggles in those magazines really do make WORDS! I have tested it myself!), there were three women writing the article and two of them had not slept with a large guy; both of them wanted to but the one who had said she'd never do so again because she was 'walking like a penguin for the rest of the week'. If you're intersted, and let's face it you are, the highest rated overall was the totally average option; six inches (give or take an inch) and not quite perfectly straight. The second highest was the 'so short it's barely there' option. I kid you not (they said being so short made it great for oral sex).


New member
Oct 9, 2010
Ironrose said:
]Disagree on the breasts thing, though that's just me personally, I think mine are too big.
That make's you 1 of the 2 people I know that think they are to big. :p
come to think of it, I think that no one will say that their body is perfect. But that's just human nature i guess.

oh one more thing that make's me shiver and sweat. having to play a gig. no matter how often i do it i'm alway's nervous


This is the most wittiest title
Oct 26, 2009
I'm not nervous about anything in regards to sex.

But it does take some of the edge off when the girl is nervous about something. Everyone is to some extent, at least if the relationship is new or it's a one-night-thing, but some girls are just straight up neurotic and so unfamiliar with themselves that the sex can become somewhat of a bore.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
Alon Shechter said:
Well, men are generally worried about being accepted, that the ladies would think they are pretty, and that they would be impressed of their genitalia in the case of the bedroom.
Then again, I AM an overly feminist male...
I don't think the feminist male part has anything to do with it. It seems to be a pretty common fear in general with any males. It just isn't something that is talked about or shown outwardly often.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Talking to new people. I can chat your ear off no problem, it's just breaking that first wall is my problem. "Will they like me, do I have a shot at being a friend?" Same comes to asking a girl out. I can be a friend and chat and have fun, and simply hang out with them, but when I want to ask them out I just crash, my brain shuts off and I don't know what to do

ham and red bull

New member
Dec 2, 2010
Since I'm fairly young and a virgin, I have no idea what to expect, but I freak out at any sign of disinterest from a female companion.


New member
Feb 14, 2010
I hate to be the stereotype gamer here, but i'm not really good at chatting up girls... its just don't know what to say...


New member
Feb 11, 2010
1. Never had sex.
2. Yes, I have quite a few personal insecurities, most of them have to do with how I look, which are really just faults that no one other than me notices.
3. Yes, I always try to have my hair at least partially down in front of my eyes.


New member
Mar 20, 2010
Ironrose said:
I have a rather irrational insecurity about being on top, I just don't feel like I knkow what I'm doing in that position.
Now imagine what it's like being the man, the one usually expected to be on top, and not to be crap.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Dango said:
seagoon said:
I hate to be the stereotype gamer here, but i'm not really good at chatting up girls... its just don't know what to say...
And I found that to be really funny combined with your avatar.
and its made even more hilarious when you combine the picture and comment with the 'copy clerk' under his name well. No offence meant in any way, just amusing coincidence


New member
Feb 14, 2010
Ironrose said:
Dango said:
seagoon said:
I hate to be the stereotype gamer here, but i'm not really good at chatting up girls... its just don't know what to say...
And I found that to be really funny combined with your avatar.
and its made even more hilarious when you combine the picture and comment with the 'copy clerk' under his name well. No offence meant in any way, just amusing coincidence
haha! no offence taken! the avatar is from zero punctuation!


New member
Feb 14, 2010
seagoon said:
Ironrose said:
Dango said:
seagoon said:
I hate to be the stereotype gamer here, but i'm not really good at chatting up girls... its just don't know what to say...
And I found that to be really funny combined with your avatar.
and its made even more hilarious when you combine the picture and comment with the 'copy clerk' under his name well. No offence meant in any way, just amusing coincidence
haha! no offence taken! the avatar is from zero punctuation!
oh, and he is quite tha laydees man! ;)


New member
Aug 20, 2008
Well, no one I know personally knows my account on this website so I guess I post this.

Where to begin... I sympathize with the people who said they have Asberger's, psychologist keeps saying I have "some" of the symptoms but he hasn't convinced me one way or the other. I almost think it might be worth admitting to get the medication if it fixes my social awkwardness. Which is weird because the people I know as friends don't really treat me as awkwardly as I expect them to and I keep meeting people who will say hello to me and remember meeting me once or twice and I forget who they are. Then there was the anger management issues in high school which have now been replaced with just regular anxiety and a habit of whispering out loud what I'm thinking, a lot. It's not understandable, but I keep catching people giving me funny looks, so I know they hear it, even if they only hear "pss pss pss."

More on topic, I'm also an idiot when it comes to girls. I've asked two girls out total and neither of them said yes. The first one I asked out to prove to my friend how easy it was. There have been four girls I'm pretty sure liked me, none of which I asked out (in my defense, I was almost certain one of them was on drugs and that that was the reason she found me funny, then later I met her when she was clean and still didn't ask her). I mean, one girl just said I have pretty eyes and what do I do? I blush and keep playing video games as she laughs. I spent all of last semester trying to work up the courage to ask the second girl out because I knew I probably wouldn't see her again, when I finally did she said yes. Then I spent two days agonizing over what movie she would want to see only to have her tell me she wasn't interested in dating because she was moving to a new college, and she said this over the phone when I asked her what she wanted to see. There's at least one girl in every class I attend that I would want to go out with, but some of them know each other so what happens when they realize they weren't asked first. I used to be concerned about my looks but now I'm more physically fit (albeit there are no visible muscles on my torso), regardless I'm still afraid of asking out a girl who would turn out to have a very muscular angry boyfriend already. Even in the unlikely event of that happening, I could probably get away with only a few bruises, but it's a left over fear from the days when I was weak and fat(ter).

Holy crap this is long. Okay let me try and squeeze the rest of this in. I haven't kissed a girl let alone been in any situation going farther than that (well one kissed me on the cheek recently, but I had met her boyfriend). I'm worried that when I do they will either be dissatisfied or want to do something I don't want to, thus making me miss my only chance for any kind of pleasure in that area. Some stuff I've only heard about and it sounds sick, but then again I don't look that kind of stuff up, I just hear part of it and my imagination ruins everything for me.

And the worst part of this is, I kept remembering stuff as I typed this. I remembered 2 other girls who liked me so there were probably more that I totally blew it with that I will remember as soon as I hit post.

Why am I posting all this information? I think I thought it would help, but now all I can think of is that there are 2 girls I like now whose last name's I don't even know or anything else about them. One at least doesn't look at me in disgust, the other might just be naturally predisposed to appearing sick.

Phew. I guess I'll just ask Ms. Whatsherlastname if she wants to see a movie and hope that I can still run really, really fast if she already has plans with a guy named Thick McLargehuge.

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
I don't like how some women stare at me like they think I'm some sort of threat to them, though I could be very paranoid.


New member
Jul 4, 2008
Honestly, nervouse doesn't even touch it, more like fucking terrified... lol and everything, well more specific, I aint well hung, and I've never even been kissed, gotta love goin on a quarter century and being completely alone, been dumped recently, only relationship I've ever had that has had any relevance was long distance, and lasted about a month... so yeahs, I've been out with like 30 people, and been let down by every goddamn one of them, they're mostly just not into me due to financial shit, or because I'm a droppout, or because I'm not a hairless girly half-man or something... I'm a bit in the difficult end of bein a guy, I'm far from hairless... Though I don't have back hair to speak of (a plus I guess), I do have a bad back (birth defect mixed with various injuries) causes alotta pain and greif in damp weather, I'm man enough to voice my opinion, I'm like a hairy ornately dressed sledgehammer... not eloquent unless I really feel like makin someone out to be an idiot, which is usually when big words and fancy vocab comes out, but otherwise, I really don't know why women don't want me, I'm loyal and dependable beyond compare, I listen well and have more than a few possible solutions to any problem a person can have in life, I'll support a partner through ANYTHING, and when it comes down to it, I'd gladly lay down my life if required... Of course most women rather have a rich prick with a suit and a BMW than a janitor/gas station attendant with a '70 polara and a bad back... but yeah, aside from being unloved unwanted and generally rejected, I'm fine... I drink alot lately, and haven't felt even a base level of surface happiness in weeks, I feel drained and been getting thoughts of violence rushing through my head every time i hear a woman laughing, might be because my only "real" relationship ended less than a week ago, and she hasn't given me so much as a cursory or superficial reason as to why I failed so badly as a man... fuck I hate life...


New member
Nov 18, 2009
seagoon said:
seagoon said:
Ironrose said:
Dango said:
seagoon said:
I hate to be the stereotype gamer here, but i'm not really good at chatting up girls... its just don't know what to say...
And I found that to be really funny combined with your avatar.
and its made even more hilarious when you combine the picture and comment with the 'copy clerk' under his name well. No offence meant in any way, just amusing coincidence
haha! no offence taken! the avatar is from zero punctuation!
oh, and he is quite tha laydees man! ;)
Oh absolutely! I just thought it would be seriously poor form to insult someone by laughing at them in a thread where I'm asking people to lay bare their insecurities.


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2009
I've only had sex with one girl, and I wasn't nervous about anything.

I do get nervous when I meet new people. It takes me a long time to open up, and I think a lot of the time people just think I'm strange or quiet before they actually get to know me.