What does the world have against America?


New member
Nov 27, 2010
I don't think people hate American citizens, at least not nearly as much as they hate the American government.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
I dare say that if you talk to most people who espouse anti-US views, it'll emerge that they don't hate 'Americans' so much as 'US foreign policy' or 'the political culture of squawking ignorance of the Republicans and various whackjobs associated with them', while considering US citizens to be 'people, y'know? You can't really generalise about a whole nation.'


New member
Nov 18, 2010
Anoni Mus said:
Sean951 said:
America is a country, North America is the continent. Granted, that's because when America was founded, it was the only independent nation on the continents...
Wrong, America is a Continent, North America is a specific part of that Continent, same for South America.

Ok, in the US is taught there are 7 continents, in Europe and other parts of the World 6.

But the point stands, calling America a country is wrong.

Check wikipedia the word Continent, America was used first to name South America.
@Anoni Mus, Actually, America the country is actually called the United States of America. We just shorten it to America or USA because it's, well, shorter. The actual continent is North America, which includes Canada, the United States of America, and Mexico and Latin America, along with smaller island countries. Same goes with South America.

And if you have that attitude about half of the world, you'll never have any friends.


New member
Nov 18, 2010
Anoni Mus said:
Sean951 said:
America is a country, North America is the continent. Granted, that's because when America was founded, it was the only independent nation on the continents...
Wrong, America is a Continent, North America is a specific part of that Continent, same for South America.

Ok, in the US is taught there are 7 continents, in Europe and other parts of the World 6.

But the point stands, calling America a country is wrong.

Check wikipedia the word Continent, America was used first to name South America.
@Anoni Mus, Actually, America the country is actually called the United States of America. We just shorten it to America or USA because it's, well, shorter. The actual continent is North America, which includes Canada, the United States of America, and Mexico and Latin America, along with smaller island countries. Same goes with South America.

And if you have that attitude about half of the world, you'll never have any friends.


New member
Nov 18, 2010
Anoni Mus said:
Sean951 said:
America is a country, North America is the continent. Granted, that's because when America was founded, it was the only independent nation on the continents...
Wrong, America is a Continent, North America is a specific part of that Continent, same for South America.

Ok, in the US is taught there are 7 continents, in Europe and other parts of the World 6.

But the point stands, calling America a country is wrong.

Check wikipedia the word Continent, America was used first to name South America.
@Anoni Mus, Actually, America the country is actually called the United States of America. We just shorten it to America or USA because it's, well, shorter. The actual continent is North America, which includes Canada, the United States of America, and Mexico and Latin America, along with smaller island countries. Same goes with South America.

And if you have that attitude about half of the world, you'll never have any friends.


New member
Nov 18, 2010
Anoni Mus said:
Sean951 said:
America is a country, North America is the continent. Granted, that's because when America was founded, it was the only independent nation on the continents...
Wrong, America is a Continent, North America is a specific part of that Continent, same for South America.

Ok, in the US is taught there are 7 continents, in Europe and other parts of the World 6.

But the point stands, calling America a country is wrong.

Check wikipedia the word Continent, America was used first to name South America.
@Anoni Mus, Actually, America the country is actually called the United States of America. We just shorten it to America or USA because it's, well, shorter. The actual continent is North America, which includes Canada, the United States of America, and Mexico and Latin America, along with smaller island countries. Same goes with South America.

And if you have that attitude about half of the world, you'll never have any friends.


New member
Dec 27, 2011
Pierce Graham said:
Now, I'm Canadian, and I know that a lot of people dislike, even hate, the US.
A lot of people dislike a lot of things. Generally speaking, the more superior a thing is, the greater the number of jealous, envious, and inferior people who come to vocally dislike it. The strident haters of the USA, those obsessed with hating us, are those who feel inferior to us. Most of the world.

For example, nobody vocally hates Canada. Why would they? Canada is next to invisible, its economy is mediocre (California has a much larger economy than Canada), its military is effectively non-existent, it has no foreign policy power other than as a US mouthpiece and obedient proxy. When you are nothing at all, nobody hates you.

People hate that which is consequential, and don't even notice that which isn't.

Pierce Graham said:
Is it because the Republicans and Democrats seem determined to tear the country in two apart because of their feud?
You mean, unlike the political parties in Canada who agree on everything and never argue their policies or attack one another? You must be either joking or trolling.

Americans have given their lives helping just about every other country on this planet, we grow the corn that feeds the entire globe, we help every country with every natural disaster ... we're the only nation that can. We invent virtually everything of any importance, our science helps the entire world.

When we bleed and die protecting weak, incapable nations from invasions and wars, we ask for nothing in return but a bit of land under which to bury our dead.

Anyone who hates America is a fool, any American who apologizes for America is a loser. America has nothing to apologize for, and if you don't like us, we don't care. You should be much more concerned about whether we like you....


New member
Oct 9, 2008
Biodeamon said:
two words: Very Demotivational [http://verydemotivational.memebase.com/?s=america &utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=sharewidget]
need i say more?
oh ffs. She isnt holding her baby and giving it 100% of her attention for every second of the day, so obviously shes a TERRIBLE PERSON!

Thats just a photo from one second in time. It doesnt mean anything.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
I don't hate Americans as a whole.

I hate any Americans that voted for George Bush, any who supported the War in Iraq, any who supported the killing of Saddam Hussein(sp?) and any who think that their country has a right to police the world.

Oh and while this doesn't constitute as hatred, it really annoys me how over-emotional many of them are about....well...everything. Seriously, watch an American TV show be it a reality show, a game show, a documentary and just take a shot whenever someone cries or starts welling up. You'll be shitfaced by the time the show is over.


New member
Dec 27, 2011
anthony87 said:
I hate any Americans that voted for George Bush, any who supported the War in Iraq
You "hate" the majority of Americans, and over 95% of the politicians in both major political parties then...

I thought you lefty guys were supposed to be free of hate.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
AladdinSane said:
anthony87 said:
I hate any Americans that voted for George Bush, any who supported the War in Iraq
You "hate" the majority of Americans, and over 95% of the politicians in both major political parties then...

I thought you lefty guys were supposed to be free of hate.
What does the hand I use to write with have to do with anything?

Also, kudos on the name ^_^.


New member
Dec 27, 2011
anthony87 said:
What does the hand I use to write with have to do with anything?
I've found it a pretty good bet that those with hairy faces who say, "I hate whoever voted for GW Bush and the Iraq war" are generally solid lefties. If you're the exception to the rule, then I apologize for the erroneous assumption.

If being called a lefty insulted you, then I apologize for that as well.

Thanks for the compliment on the name!


New member
Aug 13, 2009
AladdinSane said:
anthony87 said:
What does the hand I use to write with have to do with anything?
I've found it a pretty good bet that those with hairy faces who say, "I hate whoever voted for GW Bush and the Iraq war" are generally solid lefties. If you're the exception to the rule, then I apologize for the erroneous assumption.

If being called a lefty insulted you, then I apologize for that as well.

Thanks for the compliment on the name!
Well actually I AM left-handed so you're not wrong.

Emergent System

New member
Feb 27, 2010
People hate the US because if anybody other than the US were doing what the US is doing, the US would be the first to condemn them. Constant, unprovoked, both internationally and nationally illegal wars of aggression, constant assassinations of other countres' citizens, random open, blatant violations of other countries' sorvreignity (of which they then proceed to brag), the extreme over-hyping of everything good that they do while downplaying anything good that others do (how much do you know about what the soviet union did during WW2? They killed 4 out of every 5 germans, but all we ever hear about is how awesome americans were in the war, even though they arrived after the soviets had basically won it - and that includes the financial support they gave, btw), the military bases everywhere, the corrupt politicians, the corporate culture, the anti-scientific attitude and religious fanaticism, its constant violations of its own ideals in the name of the "war on terror", etc...


New member
Dec 27, 2011
anthony87 said:
Well actually I AM left-handed so you're not wrong.
Heh heh! It occurs to me that President Obama took office under the pretense of ending the evil Bushitler war. And while he couldn't resurrect Hussein, he certainly indicated that this would be the administration under which the sea levels stabilized, infinite medical care would become freely available to all in defiance of every known economic axiom, and everyone would have a job. Oh, and 95% of Americans would get a tax cut.

Considering that Gitmo is still open (Obama prevented it from closing this year, with the 2011 defense authorization bill), he's expanded the conflict to Libya, and increased the contingency in Afghanistan...

Would you say you hate everyone who voted for Obama?


New member
Dec 27, 2011
Emergent System said:
unprovoked, both internationally and nationally illegal wars of aggression
"Unprovoked" has a well-understood definition. So does "illegal". The bombing of the US Embassies, the USS Cole, and both World Trade Center bombings ... the final one on September 11 being the last straw ... were all acts of war and fit tidily into the standard, well-understood and accepted definition of the common and well-known term, "provocation".

Likewise, when the Congress of the United States authorizes military action, it is ... by definition ... legal.

Do a quick Google on "Authorization for use of military force in Iraq 2002". That's called a Declaration of War. Legal.


New member
Dec 27, 2011
Syzygy23 said:
The idea that and communism itself is evil is laughable at best. In fact on paper communism is the only really viable government method.
How sad, then, that we don't all live "on paper". Considering the abject and total failure of Communism anywhere it's been tried.

It is evil to demand that, by the simple act of continuing to respire, you have an enforceable claim to the property and wages of others. Theft, whether institutionalized under a political regime, justified in the name of welfare and compassion, etc. remains theft. Ergo, all such collectivist theories are inherently evil.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Hey guys,
I totally hate America. Everything about it just pisses me off. Can I be accepted by the forum now? Am I cool?

In all seriousness, though, and at the risk of being disliked for my opinion I will say that I'm proud of my country. Its for selfish reasons, though. I like having the freedom to do and say whatever I want. If maintaining those freedoms requires that my government go knock a few heads in some foreign country that I can't relate to, then by all means, please do.

And before any of you self-righteous douche-bags start talking about how 'ignorant' and 'narrow-minded' I am, give me a break. I know that most of you posting here are just doing so because you think disliking the US is the in thing to do and that in any other situation, hypothetical or otherwise, you'd be just as goddamned selfish as I am. There's proof in hundreds of threads posted right here on these forums as to how selfish a good majority of the posters here are.

America does what it does to maintain its status as a world power, and so its citizens can maintain the lifestyle that they're used to. Unless you're completely willing to give up those freedoms or that standard of living so that other people in other countries can be happier and have a better life, then just stuff a sock in it and stop being a goddamned hypocrite. If you are willing to do so, then I offer my apologies for my assumption and wish you good luck in your sacrifice so that other people worlds away can live better. I'd like to also recommend that you pack some extra water bottles. I hear that its a scarce resource in those 3rd world countries.

On that note, I'm going to go pop a vicodin, plop down on my leather recliner in front of my 48" OLED TV and play some Skyward Sword with my golden Wii-mote.