What has ruined YOUR life?

Im A Cuttlefish

New member
Aug 21, 2008
mnimmny said:
Im A Cuttlefish said:
Drugs and Alcohol.

I am faced with the choice of trying to get myself out of a mess, attempting to better myself and eventually make something, I could become what my heroes are, I could reject how most of society works and not take the normal option, I could be in a band and live a life of excitment of adventure.


(Note: I have not given up on my dream, I believe it is achiveable, and I still have time, I have years, but when I look forward and think of what i'll be, I don't see myself being in a band, I see myself taking drugs and throwing my life away).
Convincing yourself you still have time and that you have the potential and then never doing anything about it is almost worse than just giving it up entirely. You're basically running away from having to prove yourself and to anyone that matters.

Obviously YOU DON'T WANT IT BAD ENOUGH. Keep running like a coward and keep telling yourself that you could do it but its not worth it, it doesn't matter, or you still have time
that stupid mantra is a fucking security blanket and sucking your damn thumb.

keep it real. have enough self-respect to not lie to yourself.

I know I can change it, but really, why? What's so special about life? It's a meaningless existence where all we do is work and follow the conventions of society until we retire, at which point we live out our last days totally unhappy and left alone by the family we created because they are young and trying to be different to their parents, when they will turn out exactly like us.
Life's about as meaningful as you make it... ...which is probably why you find it so meaningless.

Seriously, even if you're right, at the end of the day it comes down to self-respect: will you have it? will you have lived a worthy life in your own eyes? What's the point of an existential crisis if you can't even please yourself?

Even though I'm being tad judgmental here, your little existential crisis is a fucking security blanket to keep you safe from viewing yourself as a failure because your little procrastination nonsense is less painful for you to deal with than seeing yourself as a loser and working your way out.

Stop being so emo and stop lying to yourself
Well sir, you've summed me up quite well. I am a failure, I accept that, and it is through my own fault that I am this way, I procrastinate, i'm too fucking lazy and I have no belief in myself.

So, happy about being right?

There is no "security blanket" for me, that is my problem, I don't understand why i'm willing to give it all up because it is a dream I have, when I look at what I could be in the future, the one thing that I would love to be is in a band, but I still don't have that drive.

For me, I pick the easy option, I will get out of hard work and am a lazy fuck, so obviously I mustn't want it bad enough.

So thinking on that, that is what ruined my life, I don't have enough balls to achieve a dream i'm not even sure I really want, but it's the only futre I can see where i'd be happy.

Oh, and don't call me an emo, at no point to I ever ask any of you to care, I don't think my problems are the worst thing ever, nor am I affected by something incredibly trivial, all it is, is that I am worried about my future, and that I can't see myself ever achieving what I want because i'm lazy, if you want to care, that's fine, if you want to help me out or jsut give me wise words, great, but do not assume I require attention and am going to go and cry and cut myself if you don't, just don't judge me for being less of a person than you because I don't know if i'll make anything of my life.

(And to cheer up the mood- Why didn't the skeleton go to the party? Because he had NOBODY to go with *kneeslap and mirth*)


New member
Feb 7, 2008
While I can't comment on your decisions necessarily, I will say this: thinking you're a failure does nothing for you. I've messed up my life quite a bit, and for a while I had this mentality that "if I don't publish this book, I'll be a complete failure so it HAS to get out." Well, suffice it to say, I was never hurt more by anything than when my first draft was rejected by all of the people I sent it to. I didn't care about anything in life at that point, and my life and grades suffered immensely.

I know that getting published is an arduous path, and I'm likely to fail several more times before I succeed (but I will succeed, even if I have to publish it myself). I'm not asking you to quit your job to go touring with a band, but I'll say this: you can do it on the side if you really want it bad enough. I'm not talented/stupid enough to live as a writer full-time, but that doesn't mean I don't spend much of my free time writing. It can be the same way with you, if you so choose.


New member
Aug 20, 2008
Ice Storm said:
My ex, you wouldn't believe how bad she hurt me. Been with depression for a while now because of it. Grades and friends have suffered because of it, dang it.
*hugs* I know EXACTLY how you feel i couldn't stand to be in the same class as my ex i think i'm finnaly over it-ish well as over it as i'll ever be.


New member
Nov 1, 2008
My shyness, the wierd stammer that sometimes surfaces in uncomfortable situations (especially when meeting new people), my tendancy to bottle things up, being too forgiving, always turning the other cheek, never telling people how I truly feel...
Yeah, I think that the way I am has caused more disruption to my life than anything else. Put all these personality traits into a brand new situation; college, where I either didn't know anyone, or most of my school friends were suddenly 'too good' to talk to me, and you'd end up with a depressed guy... but things picked up in the second year.
Thank God.

"I blame college..."

Rooster Cogburn

New member
May 24, 2008
Illesdan said:
I just wanted to let everyone know I got off work this morning and read all of the posts. Didn't want you guys to think I just started a thread to be some kind of forum attention-getter. Best wishes to everyone out there, you guys are great.
I'm glad you ended on a lighter note, but I'm sorry for your loss. I can't imagine.


New member
Sep 17, 2008
My life hasn't been wrecked and you can always try to improve your life. So I can't see how anyone can say there life has been ruined unless they die from said incident but then again they wouldn't be able to say that.

Blind Punk Riot

New member
Aug 6, 2008
The internet has destroyed my life. I spend far too much time here.

Alost as much time on the internet than I do at work.

Ok no, getting a job has destroyed my life, that certainly took up most of my days, I have to plan everything else around it...
More hassle than its worth.


New member
Jul 2, 2008
I have serious anger issues sometimes. I guess its because I try and stay calm in school whenever I get bullied and all the anger just gets bottled up inside. I'll give you an example. There is this kid at school who follows me and my friends around all the time,has done for years. He follows us no matter what we do. One day I was getting really riled up so I walked home by myself to calm down. Of course the guy shows up and starts following me. He starts trying to talk to me. Then cos I wont talk to him he starts singing some anime theme song and speaking Japanese.(did I mention hes a wapanese freak?) He was obviously trying to annoy me. He was asking for it so I turned around and punched him right on the nose. I beat the crap out of him to put it simply. I'm not proud of what I did but if you knew this guy you would do the same. Anyway, you would think something like that would stop him following me but no! After a couple of days,there he was again stalking us! I just got really angry and he was there to take out that anger on. So yeah Anger problems neraly got me expelled and my anger problems will probably ruin my life one day.


New member
Oct 8, 2008
Atvomat_Nikonov said:
When I think about something too much, I will be very hesitant to do whatever I was thinking of. For example(and I have just used this example in another thread), talking to that hot girl in science class. I will think of all the different things I could start a conversation about, all the ways I could succeed and all the ways I could fail and I end up not doing it. It annoys me to no end, as I've missed out on quite a bit because of it.
I'm the same way
plus the last couple of bad relationships didnt really help much either

Phoenix Arrow

New member
Sep 3, 2008
Dart378 said:
The Election.
You're like 12, you don't know what's best for you when it comes to Politics. That's why you can't vote yet. Just shut up and enjoy your childhood.
I'll take this post back if you tell me how Obama being the next president has ruined your life.


New member
Sep 7, 2008
Phoenix Arrow said:
Dart378 said:
The Election.
You're like 12, you don't know what's best for you when it comes to Politics. That's why you can't vote yet. Just shut up and enjoy your childhood.
I'll take this post back if you tell me how Obama being the next president has ruined your life.
No need to be so condescendingly harsh with him.....He didn't do anything to you.

Now, I'd say that there have been many things in the short course of my life that have made it slightly less enjoyable (and things that have made it infinitely more enjoyable)...But I'd say there's nothing that's even come close to ruining it yet.

Phoenix Arrow

New member
Sep 3, 2008
Jamanticus said:
No need to be so condescendingly harsh with him.....He didn't do anything to you.
I'm sorry, but it's something that really pisses me off. People complain about politics and politicians all the time and they have no idea what they're complaining about. The amount of people who vote for someone because their parents did is proof of the fact people don't really know the first thing about politics.
It wasn't exclusively because he's quite young, it pisses me off more when people who can vote do it. If he does know what he's talking about then I'll take it back and apologize but the manner of his post makes me think he doesn't.

...I'm actually a very pleasant and friendly person by the way. I just can't stand it when people talk about things they don't understand.


New member
Jul 3, 2008
I can't really name anything that has 'ruined' my life but there have been a few things that came pretty close. I was a hardcore EverQuest player back in my high school days and I am ashamed to say that it absorbed more of my youth than I would like. Retrospect is 20/20.
I got into WoW not too long ago but after playing a game like EverQuest2 that appealed to the aesthetic artist in me more than WoW, it just didn't do it for me.
Honestly, I do believe that it was not gaming that almost ruined me in as much as it was my complacency in allowing it to do so. I would be lying if I said I didn't want to return to EverQuest 2 and begin role-playing as my Iksar ShadowKnight again. But I would definitely learn how to manage it better. No game is worth sacrificing some of the best years of your life when the world is an open, and often highly emotional, book.


New member
Aug 19, 2008
Ahh, the depressing tales of an alternate universe where everything went right...

I'm an Iraqi, but I spent my first 7 years of life in Japan, & I can still remember it so vividly because I hated the way my dad dragged the whole family back to Iraq. But I loved Iraq too. It grew on me eventually, so even though I wonder about what could've been, I still had a good life there.

Then the war was coming. Dad refused to leave the country. The war came. It "ended". The country was a chaotic mess of looters. Feul was so scarce, I'd have to wait in line with our car for at least 3 hours, get only a 20 liter ration, & the prices multiplied drastically. This in a country where we used to fill our 90-liter tank for the equivalent of 40 US cents.

Traffic & roadblocks would keep me from getting home for 6 hours sometimes. The insanely beautiful panorama of acres of date-palms that we could usually see from the highway was razed, along with every tree beside a road, for security reasons. We saw thicker dust-storms more often because of that. The birds that we usually find pecking in our garden never came back. The backyard was littered with small plastic shell-like things that we suspected were part of a cluster-bomb.

I started college. What can I say, life went on. Without electricity, we bought an electric generator that roars like crazy throughout the house all day & night.

Then on the fateful morning of June 1st, 2005, 2 a.m., I heard a scream from my mom's room. Just as I was getting up to see if everything was ok, a guy in a mask pointed an AK-47 at me. "Come!"

Gruesome details at http://unwindlife.blogspot.com

After being moved around the house a bit, the 4 of them asking for our valuables, they took me to a room separately, hooked my toes up to a wire, & plugged me into a wall-socket. They electrocuted me several times, several seconds at a time.

They eventually took me down & blindfolded me lightly. They made me stand near when they tortured my mom in the same way. My dad was spared 'cause he was so old.

After taking everything, & I mean EVERYTHING, they left us tied up.
For the next 2 months, I didn't sleep. I'd keep myself awake with my PC through the night, an AK-47 borrowed from a friend never leaving my side day or night, & only collapsing into snores for a coupla hours a day once I'm sure that someone in the house was awake.

My phone rang once in the morning. I picked it up. It was the mother of our next-door neighbor. Her husband was being held hostage in the garden by possibly the same crooks, & they wanted in. I woke my parents, & AK in hand, ran to my roof hoping to get a good shot at the sick bastards from the dark. I saw someone climbing over our fence. I almost shot him, until I realized he was half-naked. It was the hostage. The bastards noticed the commotion & scattered. They were nowhere to be seen in the dark streets. That was the end of that.

We finally moved out to Jordan, neighboring country, where I'm continuing my major Computer Sciences. My dad has since then suffered a terrible stroke leaving him mostly crippled. My mom is depressed & on the brink of alcoholism. Just looking at them makes me want to end it all for the three of us. We are currently waiting for results on our application for immigration to Australia, where we have some family.

2 of the 4 have apparently been caught. No sign of our valuables. I was tempted to go back to Iraq just to be left alone in a room with them.

I hate the Middle-East. I don't care if it's not their fault that there's so much struggling within it. 15 years here is too much. I just wanna live in a regular country without this insane bullshit. A house robbery where the victims are tied up & tortured? Where in the sane world that we used to live in did that ever happen?!

I hate this thread now.