What has the last game you played taught you?

Bad Marmoset

New member
Jan 7, 2011
It is surprisingly easy to have a good time in a dying, necromorph-infested space colony where everyone and everything is out to cut you into small bloody pieces.

Even if you are standing in the corner of a room facing towards the centre of a necromorph-infested room there is most likely one of the buggers just behind or above you. Standing in the middle of a room is not a good option either.

Running away sometimes is the most sensible option.

Shooting babies and children on sight is a necessary action that prolongs your life. I think we all knew that one anyway. Am I right?

The blow of a player-death can be softened when it is done with massive amounts of gore and sickening sound effects.

Also on a slightly more serious note, I have learned that it is entirely possible for a developer to design a HUD that clearly shows the relevant data and actually adds to immersion.

And even more impressive, these days, I learned that it is possible to build a quality game with excellent graphics, fun gameplay etc where everything works correctly in the first version of it, no obvious bugs, no crashes, no performance issues. Wow. You just don't see that often enough.


New member
Jan 30, 2011
Black Ops: Strangers on Xbox Live are incapable of cooperating whatsoever...

Just Cause 2: Stealing this one from yahtzee, but a viable way of surviving a fall at terminal velocity, is to smack into the ground slightly faster..

Knight Edrik

New member
Dec 30, 2010
JamesCG said:
Mass Effect 2 has taught me, it doesn't matter if I've been thoroughly dead for two years, with my body exposed to the wonders of vacuum, not to mention plummeting to a planet's surface, my girlfriend will go to great lengths to get my body back, my tags back, and a part of my destroyed armor back, along with still wanting to continue our relationship.

The best aid for realtionship building is a collector attack.

Fuckin classic! ^^

Der Kojote

New member
Apr 22, 2010
Area 51 apparently it's easy to hide a multi-story underground complex, with the power supply needs of northern Virginia and Maryland


New member
Dec 22, 2010
Der Kojote said:
Area 51 apparently it's easy to hide a multi-story underground complex, with the power supply needs of northern Virginia and Maryland
Haha, I loved that game!

Rome: Total War:

Chariots can be easily dispatched by ordering all your men to charge at them, and force their corpses to clog the wheels.

20 people on 10 Elephants can take on an entire city full of roughly 400 troops while suffering minimal losses (I only lost 1 Elephant =P).

Your allies are far worse than your enemies, they will never help you and will most likely attack you from the inside.

Despite taking every region but one, they will still fight tooth and nail as if they had a chance.


New member
Sep 18, 2010
Gran Turismo 5- the best way to get ahead in a race is to crash into the guy in front of you until he loses control.

Dawn of War: Soulstorm- None can stand before the Greater Good... but 500 trillion screaming fanatics will certainly try.


New member
Dec 24, 2010
Necromorphs aren't scary when they lumber along at you from across a well-lit room. And yes, I know I'm paraphrasing Yahtzee. The point is still valid, though. :p

Mr Companion

New member
Jul 27, 2009
Cakes are the most powerful weapon an infantryman can hope to find.
If you dont know what to do, literally throw your ally at the problem.
Stimulating giant water phalluses is a good way to make your way around mental asylums situated in the middle of tropical forests.
Mental illness is caused my evil bacteria
Electricity is better at destroying wool than fire
Punching friends in the face is harmless fun.


New member
Dec 7, 2010
well fallout new vegas has taught me soooo much:
1. hybrid coyote/rattlesnake is so cute
2. lesbians generally are always complaining about how hard it is being lesbian (i swear if veronica opens her goddamn mouth one more time... bang zoom straight to the third moon of omnicron persi eight!)
3. gays are always the first to give you something useful (thank-you for everything major knight i love you!)
4. supermutants just wanna live quiet lives
5. cazadors are mean mothers!
6. deathclaws are suprisingly maturnal especially when im impaling her kids on my thermic lance
7. california should never be allowed to form a nation as they cant even fend off a bunch of anthropologists with sharp sticks
8. the BOS is better in the east coast then the mojave
9. the mongolian culture is awesome
and finally
10. drugs make me a superhero but only if i take several different kinds at once.


GfWL hater
Apr 7, 2010
Kris015 said:
SlyderEST said:
Kris015 said:

Shooting a guy in the balls, then kicking his head off is insanely satisfying (and funny).
Is Bulletstorm even released?
Nay, twas the demo.
Is the Bulletstorm demo only for the XBox? Becouse a quick Google search came up with that (and some "100% free Bulletstorm download" ones). And if so, I'm dissappointed. If not, link please?


New member
Jul 21, 2010
Dead Space 2 has taught me to get the coolest looking armor possible in some apocalypse. Style over Subtance.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
Mass Effect 2: never sacrifice the soul of one's species to save it.

Also, bigger guns are required to deal with robotic space bugs.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
That all evil crime organizations can be solve by 10 year old children and their pets.
Oh and that your enemies will always try to take over the biggest building they can find as a last stand.