What is your console history?


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
Well, I started with a Sega Genesis and my dad's PC which had... Windows 3.0 or 3.1, I suppose.

- A Gameboy Pocket with Pokemon Blue around when Pokemon launched in the US (1998), which I suppose would've likely been around the time we got a Nintendo 64 as well. I would've had my own PC with Windows 95 at this point, I believe. Though the PC and N64 may have been as far back as 1996. *gaspshockhorror*

- A Gameboy Color a year or two later.

- A Playstation One, though I had played and seen other people play the classic gray Playstation while at my Grandma's
for Christmas or at my best friend's place. Final Fantasy VII was finally mine!

- A PC with Windows 98 SE.

- A Gameboy Advance, which I still own today with a working copy of Pokemon Red in it. I don't know where any of my other games are anymore, though.

- A Gamecube, the first home console I owned for myself which I got as a Christmas present. Sonic Adventure, aw yeah!

- Around the same time, my brother got an OG Xbox, which I played occasionally.

- Then nothing really interesting until probably 2005 or so, when I first got to play a Playstation 2. I got my own a year or so later, after the PS3 had already been launched and I was in my first year of high school. I was also jumping between a bunch of different PCs at this point, none of them particularly good. I managed to miss Metal Gear Solid, but I got to enjoy such great titles as Shadow of the Colossus, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Devil May Cry 3, Okami, Champions: Return to Arms.

- A DS and a PSP in pretty close succession, and a laptop with... Windows XP maybe? Which was the first one I'd owned capable of playing games made after 2004, but I burnt out the graphics card between playing World of Warcraft and Devil May Cry 4. Or something...

- Then I graduated from high school and got a PS3. A year later I got the laptop I've still got today, but I'll likely need to switch up pretty soon with the new console generation looming ever closer. Around the same time I got an Xbox 360.

- And last year I got a PS Vita.

And that brings us to today. :D There've been a few Wiis mixed in here and there as well.

As for the future, I'm looking to get a better PC, a PS4, and a Wii U. Maybe eventually a 3DS, but that's a pretty low priority.


New member
Aug 5, 2010
SNES -> Xbox -> Xbox 360 -> PS4 (pre-ordered)

Until I got my Xbox, the most recent game I was playing was 1995's Donkey Kong Country 2 (the game is as old as I am), but I still play it today via emulators.

Hero of Lime

Staaay Fresh!
Jun 3, 2013
All in order from my memory:

SNES: first console
Sega Genesis: cousins gave us theirs a few years later, got the best of both worlds, but I preferred SNES
Nintendo 64
Gameboy Pocket: Never got the original Gameboy.
Gameboy Color
Gameboy Advanced
Gameboy Advanced SP
Playstation 2
DS Lite: I skipped the first DS, glad I did.
Xbox 360
PSP: only ended up getting 4 games for this, probably could've skipped it.
Wii U: latest console

My brother and I stuck to Nintendo for most of our gaming lives, I'm glad I gave Sony and Microsoft their chances, but Nintendo is still my personal favorite.

As for the future, I'll be getting PS4. Unless more comes out for Vita, I may skip it, as much as I hate to say that. The Xbox One is a very unsure purchase, I can still see myself getting it, but not for a long time and at a lower price.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
chiefohara said:
What console/computer did you start out with?
SG-1000 (1983).

chiefohara said:
What did you choose in successive generations, and why?
SG-1000 > Master System > Megadrive/SNES > Saturn > Dreamcast/N64 > Gamecube > Xbox > Xbox 360/Wii


SG-1000 -> Master System
Sega system loyalty

Megadrive -> Saturn -> Dreamcast
I was working for Sega

N64 -> Gamecube
Super Mario 64 and Rogue Squadron 2/Pikmin

Panzer Dragoon Orta

Xbox 360
Geometry Wars

Wii Sports

chiefohara said:
What do you have now, and what do you intend to purchase next gen?
Right now I have all of the above plus Sega Mark III, NES, SNES, Mega CD, PlayStation, PlayStation 2.

Next generation? I'd consider a PS4 (definitely if Team Ico release anything). Or a Wii U if they release enough good games (or a new version of Wind Waker Link).

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
My game system history:
unknown PC possibly 286 or 386
NEC Pentium PC
Nintendo 64
Compaq Pentium II grade PC
Gameboy Colour
Playstation 2
Gameboy Advance
Gameboy Advance SP
Nintendo DS
Xbox 360
Quad Core Gaming PC
Nintendo DS lite
Nintendo 3DS


New member
Sep 18, 2012
I started playing the SNES at the houses of friends but the first gaming platform I owned was the Game boy, I got it when I was about five or six it. Other systems I own in order of when I got them are as fallows:
Game boy Color
Game boy Advance
Everything listed except for the original Game boy and NES were Christmas presents. As for the next generation I plan on getting a PS4 and a Gaming PC.


New member
Jun 19, 2010
Pretty short list for me:

Apple Mackintosh Performa (it had such gaming giants as Spin Doctor and Super Maze Wars, what more do you want?)
N-64 (got it for Ocarina Of Time primarily)
Gameboy Colour
PS1 (the mini one)
Gamecube (got this at launch because of Rogue Leader)
Gameboy Advance
iMac G3 - family computer, but used to play Tomb Raiders 1-4 on it. Tessellating hair and all. Honest.
Evesham PC (single core I think but was amazing for the time - could run Rome Total War, Morrowind, on high specs)
Wii (because Zelda)
Apple Macbook (got it cheap because of student grant, used throughout uni with Windows installed in secondary partition for games)
Ati based gaming PC (got for cheap off of friend, tided me through until I could build a proper rig)
Intel based gaming PC - current rig, good for all the games I could wish for!

Not really planning on buying consoles next gen, will probably stick to PC for the foreseeable future - no RTS on console, and cheaper to get most games on PC anyway if you don't mind waiting for a few months. Plus no XBL for multiplayer.


New member
Jul 11, 2010

Atari 2600
PC Jr.
Sega Master System
New PC (Win 3.1)
Sega Genesis / Sega CD / Sega Nomad
New PC (Win 95)
New PC (Win XP)
New PC (Win Vista)
Ipad (Does that count?)
New PC (Win 7)

The Future:
A new PC eventually. Nothing is really grabbing me in the console market. Though given how I've been replaying old stuff I'll probably hook up my old consoles again when I finish my man cave.


New member
Nov 24, 2010
Got a GameBoy Pocket when i was a wee lad. Followed up with a Colour and finally Advance SP. All of these were used to play various Pokémon games. As for PC, I never used a particular brand, but rather saved up and bought a new one every five years with the specs I want.


New member
Dec 10, 2009
Way too many to list. Let's put it this way, my consoles began with the Atari 2600 and the PC began with a TI-99 4A. Once again this forum has managed to make me feel old. Though I guess it could be the gray hair and achy joints.


Vae Victis!
May 24, 2010
Started out with an Atari as a young child, not even sure when and how we got it, but I had fun with it. When that broke we got a Coleco-vision system with the Atari attachment, since it made more sense to get a "better" system and use the attachment to play all the games we already owned. I won a Nintendo Entertainment System in a raffle in 4th grade, the one that game with R.O.B. and a Zapper with Gyromite and Duck Hunt (never actually owned or finished the original SMB). Got one of the original Game Boy bricks sometime after that because a friend had one and it was fun.

Years later, at a friend's birthday party, I played Final Fantasy 2(4) and knew I had to have that. So I upgraded to a SNES on Christmas the year it came out.

In high school I got my first computer, a 386, and then a 486 we picked up from one of my dad's co-workers a year or so later.

Things stayed like this until going away to college, where I got a newer computer, though I don't remember the specs at all anymore. Picked up a PS1 after my second year, having played games on one (mostly Tenchu and FF7) and on an N64 (mostly Goldeneye) and deciding I liked the lineup for the PS1 more.

Upgraded my computer yet again my third year, I believe to a Pentium 4. Purchased a PS2 as a graduation present to myself when I finished college, as I knew the series that I enjoyed on PS1 would eventually make their way to the newer system.

Upgraded my computer yet again a year or so later once I had a job. Bought a Game Boy Advanced used from an acquaintance. Purchased a PS3 when I managed to get a 20% off discount at the store I was currently working for, again sticking with the system that I believed would support the games I wanted. Picked up a PSP at some point in here as well.

My girlfriend (now wife) had gotten a DS and got me one for my birthday so we could play games together. We also picked up a Wii when an order came into the store I was working at, getting me 10% off the price. When leaving my job in 2009, I built yet another computer using my cashed out vacation pay, which is the one I am still using.

And I bought a PS Vita this past holiday season.

Planning to buy a PS4 at some point, once I can afford it. I still have all my systems (not counting PCs) except for the Coleco-vision/Atari. However the original Game Boy does not work as the screen just shows all black. My SNES works but usually displays such distorted graphics that only a few games are even playable. Everything else still works fine.


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
In this order: Atari, Pong (the one that just plugged directly into the tv), Nintendo, Gameboy, Gamegear, PC, SNES, PS1, PS2, Xbox, PS3, PSP, DS, Wii, 360, PSVita, N64 (I know, a bit late, but I'm quite enjoying the games).

PC being the upgraded along the way. I'm not counting crap like virtual boy

I'll be starting this gen with a ps4 it looks like. I likely won'te get the WiiU but I may get the Xbone around the end of the console generation if it holds up to time.

The ps2 was stolen from my brother's house but otherwise I still have all of them lying around.


New member
Aug 17, 2009
Friend's 386 PC - It run some kind of DOS commander, this was my first introduction to gaming.

NES - Or Famicon? I don't know. I wanted something that can play games like my friend had but I was too young for PC so I got my first and only console.

My 386 - Eventually the already mentioned friend got new PC and I got his 386 where I learned to work with bit more and eventually got some new games on it. Good times.

My first very own PC (year 2004 I think) - My first proper windows PC. Starting with 98 and eventually turning into XP. This poor piece of machinery had to endure my unguided technological training which composed of trying everything until I get things done or something broke, surprisingly enough it still works. It was reinstalled countless times but upgraded only twice, first was some extra RAM for WoW and second was graphic card so I could get Oblivion running.

My current PC (2010) - I ashamed to admit it but it was prebuilt. By this time I probably could have built my own. Still it works great and runs most of the new games on higher graphical settings but I haven't used it for about half a year since my HDD died and I didn't really need it since I don't play any newer games and I can just plug my keyboard, mouse and monitor into the notebook and it works just as well.

Notebook (2012) - Not much story story behind this one yet except that it's my first well kept PC and mayor workstation. I probably could have kept the desktop PC in order as well but when I got it I moved from 36 GB to 1TB and I really wanted to see how long will take to fill up. Since it died it probably wasn't such a great idea.

Android Smartphone (2013) - This represents my portable gaming however it's terribly slow and can't really run any fancy 3D games. Also while I always wanted portable console, by the time I got one all the want seems to have vanish so now I only use it as internet browser.

Exius Xavarus

Casually hardcore. :}
May 19, 2010
Nintendo Gameboy
Nintendo Gameboy Color
Nintendo Gameboy Advance
Nitnendo Gameboy Advance SP
Nintendo DS
Nintendo DS Lite
Nintendo 3DS
Sony PlayStation Portable
Sony PlayStation Vita
Sega Genesis
Sega CD
Sega Game Gear
Nintendo 64
Nintendo Gamecube
Nintendo Wii
Nintendo Wii U
Sony PlayStation 2
Sony PlayStation 3
Microsoft Xbox 360

Bolded consoles are consoles I still own. I do not remember when I got them, so they're in no specific order.

I don't intend to get any consoles next. If I get one, it'll be a PS4 and if I get a PS4, it'll be much later down the line, where I can see the kind of games coming out for it and see if it'll be worth buying.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
These belong to my bro-



These were own by me-

Gameboy Colour (I beg my parent to let me buy one because I wanted to played Pokemon which I was a huge fan of).

Gameboy Advance

Gamecube (while me and my bro owned it but I got to keep it in the end.

Xbox (my bro game me his when he got his Xbow 360)

PC (the pc I bought for Uni was decent enough to played games like Fable and the C&C Collection at first)

Nintendo Wii

Nintendo DS Lite

Nintendo 3DS XL (Coming soon)

I didn't own any of the playstation since I was a Nintendo fanboy back then althought in saying so I didn't owned a N64 because I didn't had much of a pocket money back then and I was somewhat content with the SNES and Gameboy.


New member
Aug 7, 2012
Playstation 1
Playstation 2
Playstation 3
Xbox 360
Going to get a PS4 next gen, I think.

In terms of handhelds, Ive owned a Gameboy colour, advance, SP, DS and will get a 3DS for the new pokemon. I love pokemon.