What Minecraft Is Missing


New member
Nov 20, 2008
SaunaKalja said:
Lapis Lazuli ore already drops 4-8 dye items [http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Lapis_Lazuli_%28Ore%29]. Still it's quite rare.

What I've always wanted is some kind of Redstone beacon. You could use your compass on it to tune it so that it always points towards the beacon instead of your spawn.
powercall said:
I can definatly see use for a radar, but it might lose some of the exitment. As for the applause thing I believe you refer to wanting boomer birthday party...
thethingthatlurks said:
You know what I want? A bloody trap door! My current method of harvesting creeps, which admittedly is rather satisfying in a "It puts the lotion on its skin" sort of way, but it takes up a lot of space on the map. A trapdoor would help me with that problem.

And something else I would love to see, no more bloody mobs atop my mountain fortress! They can't even get up there by jumping, which means they must spawn there. So, how about an algorithm change that prohibits mobs from spawning in fenced areas, cuz those sheep creep me out.

I'd also love to have a world map, even if it is one that can only be crated and will only fill in the areas you've already explored. All it has to show is the spawn point, the player's location and some areas you can enter manually (ie your fortress atop Mt. Doom).
Zan minimap mod- Minimap/ plus you can set markers
Cartograph- Plots the areas in which blocks with selected values are, DIAMOND TREASURE MAP!


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Actually a lot of this stuff will be added to Minecraft eventually

If I remember correctly, Notch said he was currently already working on a sort of tutorial option to help people out the first couple of days, and although there aren't any gates for water to interact with I have to add to everyone here that trapdoors theoretically already exist, however it requires a block of TNT to be placed a block into a hole and a sand block over that, topped with a pressure plate; the plate causes the TNT to drop down into the pit and the gravity effects of sand make the victim fall with it, ending with a delightfully cynical explosion somewhere during the drop which I personally think is much better than a simple trap door (although I still want to banish people to a Creeper Pit, but I must say this proves how many neat unintentional contraptions people can create along with catapults and minecart boosters)

As someone previously said, 4-8 lapis shards now drop from lapis lazuli blocks but not in SMP, but regardless of this it's still too difficult for making simple blue wool blocks. On a related note, Zombies drop feathers because at that point there were no chickens and he couldn't think of anything at the time

I also agree with some sort of metal detector, however it might be added as some sort of spell or something if the rumor Notch plans to use gold to enhance magical abilities is true

Personally, I'm hoping they add fossils and more weaponry, maybe a ball and chain that you swing over your head, hurting anything within a one block radius (even behind you) I've also seen a lot of good mods adding items like winged sandals that get rid of fall damage, elemental arrows and even mob-controlling rods as well as creatures like werewolves, ogres and lions, I really hope Notch makes those official in some way

Formica Archonis

Anonymous Source
Nov 13, 2009
I wonder what shape the tutorial will take. One option some fans suggested on the Get Satisfaction board was a "tutorial world" option where the normal spawn area was altered to include a flat plain containing a series of blocks with messages written on them. #1 says "punch this block until it breaks", #2 has a graphic of how to make something, #x is only breakable with an iron pick or better, etc. so each mechanic or recipe has a block or sign dedicated to it. Maybe a simple cave system directly below that's open to the surface for initial cave exploring. Then, once the player is comfortable with things they can journey into the rest of the map, which is just normal Minecraft.

As to what I want? I don't know. I'd like to see some my favorite mods like controllerblock (or even its older cousin, bridgeblock) and FancyPack folded in. Or at least the ideas therein implemented in Minecraft. But it's still fun in plain vanilla mode.


New member
Aug 18, 2009
The ability to move spawn points is pretty much number one on my list.

It might be that's it is possible to do but the quick search on google gave me no answers.


In it for the Pub Club cookies
Apr 15, 2009
HankMan said:
MineCraftSweeper gave me an awesome idea on how to hold off the zombies. Can you make gunpowder in this game? How bout trip wire?
Yep. Kill as many Creepers as possible and eventually you'll get sulphur.
Then get some sand and make TNT.

Key for the crafting:
S = Sulphur
S = Sand

S . S . S
S . S . S
S . S . S

Then all you need to do is put them near some pressure plates (3 planks smelted cobblestone in a horizontal row) and wire up with redstone.


Fresh Prince of Darkness
Apr 20, 2008
poiumty said:
Jinjiro said:
Or you can just, you know, hit'em with the sword before they start their sizzling. That works.
Awww, but that takes the fun out of it! I need maniacal, devious plans in my Minecraft damnit! Otherwise I feel I'm doing it wrong.

Hungry Donner

Mar 19, 2009
I'd like a material option between iron and diamond. Iron tools wear down very quickly, diamond is very rare, it would be nice to have some middle ground.

And water physics annoys the hell out of me. I'm fine with it being a bit chaotic but sometimes it's just stupid.

Poisoned Al

New member
Feb 16, 2008
It's much easier to put the plate on top of the TNT. Then you don't need any red stone and you can hide it better.


New member
Dec 12, 2008
A good way to farm for certain color blocks: Get some dye. Punch a white sheep in the face with said dye. Punch the sheep with something else. Collect colored wool.

John the Gamer

New member
May 2, 2010
Creepers(said green cocks) are pretty easy to kill of as long as they're in front of you; hit'm with a sword, they hop back, you walk back and they come closer again. 3-4 hits and they drop dead.

I want the ability to combine ink(seamonster-thingies) and paper to draw maps to my hideouts. (permanently stored in special inventory slot(even if you die), requires new resources if map(paper) gets filled up or ink runs out.) That would help me find out what I've explored and what not.


New member
Oct 1, 2010
yahtzee, you forgot to say:

!!! It needs a furniture patch to decorate properly all those huge empty rooms that you build !!!


New member
Feb 1, 2011
My Walkthrough for fighting creepers:
You will Need:

A sword, preferably Iron or Diamond
A large open area.

The trick to killing creepers is timing. Since they can 'see' you through obstacles, stuff like getting them caught on a corner and wailing away, like with Skeletons or Zombies, doesn't work.

First, get acquainted with the 'range' of the sword on animals. Since Minecraft handles blocks and animals with a different range of effectiveness, you have to find out where your comfort zone is. To test this, find your average unsuspecting pig, and slowly move towards him, finding out just how far your sword can go. I find that the max range for me is a block and a half away, though I haven't conclusively tested this.

Now that you have range, you need a place where you can not only circle-strafe, but back away beforehand without running into obstacles. Beaches work well, since Sand is easy to clear and a duel on the beach is always awesome. If you can't find that place, then make sure you get some idea for the terrain so you don't back yourself into a wall you can't jump.

After that, it's simple. Hit the creeper at max range, then back away from him. A second or two seconds after he STOPS HISSING [very important], repeat the process.

This is good for until you get the bow, or get some pressure plates, red ore and TNT. Then again, there's pit traps, burning traps, water holes, hitting him when he's on a ledge below you...

Final note: Though they can 'see' past corners, making a corner trap impossible, they can't see diagonally or vertically. So if you're above one, look down and hack away.


Elite Member
Aug 19, 2009
jeremypeel said:
I actually don't share your thoughts on the tedium of digging at all. I mean, I'd agree on paper - it sounds altogether like too much digging forwards then down the forwards then down for any sane person - but in practice the pixelated design, the cleanness of the block-collecting and placing system and the repeated 'scratchscratchscratchpop!' of mining is endlessly satisfying.
I don't know. I kind of agree with you, but when you start exploring a big cave system and you start getting lost when Creepers are chasing you from all directions, I think having an ore detector and the Redstone Beacon thing mentioned above would be really nice to have.


New member
Mar 31, 2010
On the subject of dye blocks, I hear you can dye sheep and use that as a source of coloured wool (see http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Sheep). If that works it might be a better way of farming blue wool.

Also historically I think that the materials for blue paints/pigments were always very rare and expensive (hence why renaissance and other portrayals have the Virgin Mary wear blue, it was a symbol of the client's wealth) which may be why blue is so much harder to get here than other dyes.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Yahtzee Croshaw said:
Extra Punctuation: What Minecraft Is Missing

Yahtzee offers a few suggestions to improve the Minecraft experience.

Read Full Article
You are so on the ball with what would be awesome I want to have sex with your mind.

I like all these ideas. Modding Minecraft has become something of an obsession of mine, it's amazing to see what this game can become and STILL be solid as a rock stability wise.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
They're good suggestions but they might be a bit redundant. Remember the game is still in rapid development, and Notch has had a huge community throwing the same suggestions at him for ages.


New member
Aug 29, 2010
Your all a bunch of easily lead sheep here on this forum.

"O NO! don't disagree with the great Yathzee! His opinions are teh perfection!"

I don't think Mr.Croshaw gets much helpful feedback if you don't give him some constructive critasism. SO here is mine. I find it a bit odd that his same reasons for liking Minecraft are the same reasons he hates WOW. Lots of grind that you lets you show off your big golden cock/Epic gear drops.

Grind is boring to me. I might like this game if it were sand box in a pure form. As I recall you don't need to go digging in a sand box to find the sand.


[Speech: 100]
Nov 5, 2009
thethingthatlurks said:
I'd also love to have a world map, even if it is one that can only be crated and will only fill in the areas you've already explored. All it has to show is the spawn point, the player's location and some areas you can enter manually (ie your fortress atop Mt. Doom).
there's a program called cartograph, google it and find the post on minecraft forums. basicly you select a level and it creates a map of it. you can also make it at an angle. you can also make it do the normal map, then a map with only diamond and use gimp or paint.net and layer them. bit of a cheat but still feels like you're working for it and mapping it out rather than mine editing it.


Doctorate in Danger
May 29, 2010
People really hate creepers, don't they? Even when they explode, it's entertaining (if not deadly) to see a big hole when it stood. Their sulfur drop rate (or that of the firespitting ghasts) should be higher, though. I don't want to spend nine hours killing those things just to blow up a pile of dirt.


[Speech: 100]
Nov 5, 2009
shimyia said:
yahtzee, you forgot to say:

!!! It needs a furniture patch to decorate properly all those huge empty rooms that you build !!!
here's a tip, wooden stairs with two blank signs, one eitehr side, it looks like a cair.