What Movie/Game Secretly Made You Cry ?


New member
Jun 15, 2009
Movie: When I was little "The Fox and The Hound" realy touched me. Recent movies: Advent Children and Marley and me !!!!!!!SPOILER!!!!!!! I was crying when Marley died.
Games: Well there are only few that touched me: COD4 ending, Bioshock - I was crying tears of joy when i completed it, and when i saw the sisters grow up. And FFVII definetly FFVII. I still can` t beleave how much the developer have thought about story. The greatest story (for a game) ever! Oh and Gears of War 2 when me and my cousin completed it on insane in co-op (believe me, i was so happy to finish it, i cried)

Baby Tea

Just Ask Frankie
Sep 18, 2008
Shibito091192 said:
Anyone who cries because of a video game is a loser.
It's bad enough crying because of a film- it's not even real, just acting!
But from a video game?! It's even more not-real! The character's are just pixels on a screen!
Then you obviously have no idea how to appreciate a good story.
You aren't crying because you're thinking: Noo! Harrison Ford can't die (And he can't, he's too badass)!
You're crying because of the story, his character dying. We all know it's acting, but a moving story is a moving story.

As for video games, it's the exact same thing. It doesn't matter that the story is real or not, but that it's moving. In a game with a good story, the kind that'll make you cry, you've spent time with the characters, watched them grow or mature, seen their characterization, and related to them. Finally, to see them fall, or the ones they care about fall...it doesn't matter that they aren't real, because you've related to them.

Look man, there is no need to try to be an internet tough guy. Crying about a good story, be it in book, movie, or game form, certainly doesn't make anyone a 'loser'. I'd say not being able to cry, or not allowing yourself to cry, is a very sad insecurity. Not everyone is so hung up on what others think.


What type of steak are you?
Apr 26, 2009
Honestly none. Me and my buddies watched Saving Private Ryan together. They were all tearing up by the end, and I was just sitting there going "Dude, why the heck are you guys crying?"

And in Bridge to Terabithia, after the girl drowns, I was busy laughing at the scene while my mom and sister were crying. Dad wasn't though, although it may be because he was asleep by then.


New member
Jun 15, 2009
Movie: When I was little "The Fox and The Hound" realy touched me. Recent movies: Advent Children and Marley and me !!!!!!!SPOILER!!!!!!! I was crying when Marley died.
Games: Well there are only few that touched me: COD4 ending, Bioshock - I was crying tears of joy when i completed it, and when i saw the sisters grow up. And FFVII definetly FFVII. I still can` t beleave how much the developer have thought about story. The greatest story (for a game) ever! Oh and Gears of War 2 when me and my cousin completed it on insane in co-op (believe me, i was so happy to finish it, i cried)


New member
Feb 19, 2009
I am legend: After he kills ***** he's in the video store talking to that female mannequin, it was sad but I was desperately holding back the tears because I was with my brother and my dad.

FFX: When Jecht dies, "I hate you dad", made me tear up, still does just thinking about it.


New member
Nov 23, 2008


Tch friggin Crisis Core ending...I swear it was per-happy womens fun-iod day, leave me alone!
Games rarely do it for me, movies and anime though...sometimes.

Full Metal Alchemist made me cry near the end when
Ed wakes up with his body whole, and screaming for Al and he's gone =(
The unedited part of Pokemon the first movie when that little girl /dies/ and mewtwo's all confused and upset was so sad, I'm hardly surprised it was cut for the theatre version.
Yeah so did Click and Titanic... Lots of movies have made me choke up. Too many to list.

The Riff

New member
Aug 23, 2008
The end of Lord of the rings the return of the king and Click at the end, that just made my eyes water a little, but thats all.

Baby Tea

Just Ask Frankie
Sep 18, 2008
Shibito091192 said:
Okay, first of all...How could you possibly grow any kind of intimate attachment to any computer animated game character- most of them are so fake and unrealistic with insincere personal qualities/ personalities, emphasized by you controlling them to kill large amounts of other animated characters throughout the story of the game. If game characters were real life people, 99.5% would have killed an untold amount of people, and would be a cold- hearted killer- you would not cry if they had a ?sad? story to tell. Anyway, most of them are just plain rubbish/annoying/boring ect, ect.
Well then it's a good thing I used the qualifier of a 'good story'. I didn't say crying over Gears of War, or Halo, or Call of Duty, or the like. But not every game is like that. Some games, some developers, pride themselves on the story of the games, with realistic characterizations being depicted. If you can't see that, or don't play them, then it's your loss.

Secondly, how cheesy is that? Crying over video games? I bet you watch chick- flicks and predictable crappy love films with a extra large size Kleenex box handy.
I don't watch chick-flicks, actually, though I see no need to justify myself to someone who can't appreciate a good story. Looking at your profile and seeing that you're 17 (Since I assumed you were 13), I can only hope that your faux-macho attitude will fade with age and understanding. Maybe someday you'll realize good story-telling. But from the sounds of things, even if you did you wouldn't admit it. Too insecure. Need to keep up appearances, right?


New member
Dec 3, 2008
First pokemon film, I was about 8 I think, when Ash get's turned to stone and pikachu starts crying it got me every time i saw it

Strong Intelligent

New member
Feb 25, 2009
Click's ending (Great film, I think) and the Star Wars: A New Hope when Luke's family dies. The music's just...touching.

Also, this on eplay I saw called "SpoonFace Stienburg" about a little autistic girl dying of cancer...that's the only time I've opnely wept in public. (Saw Click and A New Hope at home.)

Golden Gryphon

New member
Jun 10, 2009
Sorry if anyone hasn't read it yet but...

I cried while reading Sandman, not when he actually died, but when I realised that it was inevitable that he would die. I still well up every time I get to that bit in the story.

I get upset about other things but it isn't very often that I actually cry.

Baby Tea

Just Ask Frankie
Sep 18, 2008
Shibito091192 said:
How could you possibly make a judgement on me based on just an internet post?
I could ask you the same question.
Also, how can you judge a group of people based on their reaction to a game or movie?

Don't forget you came in here first with calling people 'losers'.
I assumed then that it was either an lack of appreciation or understanding of a good story, or the same-old 'internet tough guy' routine. What else is there?
Your following posts certainly didn't help your case with your 'chick flicks and a big box of kleenex' comment. So you're quick to judge, yet quick to condemn others for doing the same thing?

I'm not saying you're a bad person, nor did I say that you're entirely a tough-guy wannabe. You just seem to portray that in your posts (At least in this thread, you do), and that's an unfortunate characteristic to have. And I stand by that crying over the story of a movie or game certainly doesn't make one a 'loser'. You might not understand it, but then don't use that ignorance to judge those posting here.


New member
Oct 4, 2008
I cried at the end of Kingdom Hearts. Yes, really. DON'T JUDGE ME, IT WAS SAD.

And in Baten Kaitos:

one of the main characters dies quite tragically near the end, although she does get better.

I also teared up a bit at the Avatar Finale. And that's the last time I ever shed any tears over a children's TV show. :p


New member
Feb 10, 2008
None. The max I get is a lump in my throat (plenty of examples when that happend, Wall-E for example or all the 3D Zelda games except TP), and odd feelings in my belly. But tears never come.