What Movie/Game Secretly Made You Cry ?


New member
Jun 29, 2008
EcoEclipse said:
xxhazyshadowsxx said:
Mother 3
You just have to play it.
I almost cried at the end of Mother 2, but it was ruined as I was watching a Let's Play of it and the guy wouldn't shut up. (I couldn't beat Diamond Dog D: )
I know EXACTLY Who you're talking about..
I went on to see who to invest in, Apple Kid or Orange Kid, and the guy dicked around for like 10 minutes buying supplies.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Movie: War of the Worlds, it was so awful I had to cry.

Game: FF7. I was laughing so hard at the overdone drama with the flower girl died I was in tears.


New member
Feb 27, 2009
My mom always accuses me of being totally heartless, 'cos I never cry, but...

The Phantom Of The Opera always makes me cry, without fail. Always. Just that scene on the rooftop... and the ending... *dies a little*

I blame the music.


Elite Member
Jan 10, 2009
Cliff_m85 said:
Brokeback Mountain
Punch-drunk Love
UP was great and very very sad I agree with you there. Revenge of the Sith and Return of the Jedi...yeah I'm a Star Wars nerd but come on who here can honestly say they weren't even a little sad at "Master Skywalker, there are too many of them. What are we going to do?" /Anakin ignite lightsaber. Or Vader saving Luke.


New member
Mar 12, 2009
The game I remember crying to at the end was Final Fantasy X, the movie I last cried at the end was Marley and Me. And I still hate Owen Wilson for making me do so.


Elite Member
Nov 6, 2008
The_Valcanon_Effect said:
Most recent movie: Up. The first 15 minutes are enough to make me love a character and feel sorry for him.

Most recent game: When Carmine dies in Gears 2. I know it's kind of sad, but I liked Carmine...
Up was probably the saddest children's movie I've ever seen. And Carmine was the only likable character in Gears 2 and I was so sad that they killed him off.

I've never actually seen a movie or played a game that has made me cry, but the closest was on Left 4 Dead. Let me explain, we were trying to do this thing to jump off of a building to get down somewhere but one guy (it was Louis) messed up his jump and was hanging off the side. Three of us were already down and we couldn't go back to get him so the only thing we could do was let him die. He was hanging off the edge and screaming to us "GUYS! Help me!!" and I couldn't stand it so we started shooting him and the more we shot him, the more his grip was letting up and the more his grip let up, the more he would scream to us. It ended up he was screaming "Guys, seriously help me! I'm slipping!!" and I felt so bad having to kill him. Whichever sick developer made him scream like that as he was falling has caused me some serious emotional pain.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
"Happy Feet" came very, very close.

Jade Empire also, to a lesser extent. The bad ending.

But I don't outwardly cry from movie and games. But I'm not afraid to admit Happy Feet, despite it's title, almost made me tear up a little.

savior in death

New member
Apr 17, 2009
hhmmmmmm... i will admit i havent played many games but the only movies i have cried or sniffled in were: old yellow, homeward bound 1, then the most recent would have to be the departed

Baby Tea

Just Ask Frankie
Sep 18, 2008
Shibito091192 said:
I was also trying to express how destructive negative judgement can be, here and in modern-day society. It is because of negative judgement and criticism, that we have so many flaws and problems in the world, today.
Were you trying to express that when you called the people here losers?
Look man: try as you might to turn this around on me, but the fact is you came into the thread and called pretty much everyone who posted thus far 'losers'. And now you're trying to bust out moral superiority and turn this around to focus on my response to your 'negative judgment' comment?

No, I don't think so.


New member
Feb 23, 2009
FFVII - Yeah Aerith dying completely took me by surprise and the way she died mixed with the music.
Shadow Of the Colossus - just such an emotional game.
Valkyria Chronicles -
First when Isara dies and then again when Rosie Sings at her grave man that song still brings tears to my eyes.

I am sure there are some movies but these are the few games I can think of that got me that involved in the story and characters.


New member
Jun 16, 2009
I know you said movie or game, but I gotta say, scrubs every now and then just has these moments where you stop and think. Like when Brendan Frasur's character dies. That's my favorite episode, but it always makes me cry. There are other episodes too.

Baby Tea

Just Ask Frankie
Sep 18, 2008
Shibito091192 said:
I am not, by any means trying to claim 'moral superiority', I?m not sure where you got this 'holier than thou' idea about me from? I'm imperfect, just like everyone else.
I was simply acknowledging the destructive power of negative criticism, that is so prevalent the world today.
I have no need to 'turn this around' on you, in fact it is you who needs to do just that.
You need to re-think your judgemental, dogmatic opinion, comprehend your ignorance of not realising that there usually is a right and wrong side to an argument, and most of all, that you are on the latter.
Bwahaha! Man, you're ridiculous.
This is making my day. You don't claim to be 'holier then thou', yet you're quick to point out that I'm judgmental and dogmatic? Oh man, this argument is so full of holes.

So you'll condemn me for calling you out on you calling people here losers (Which you did, don't forget!), but I'm the judgmental one? And you're preaching to me about the 'destructive power of negative criticism'? Even though you yourself first came here to call people losers? You came to this thread, not to contribute to the topic, but for the sole purpose of belittling others...and I'm the judgmental one?

This is truly hilarious. I don't know how you can type that drivel and keep a straight face. I'd be embarrassed to press the 'post' button! You're a hypocrite, man! And no amount of 'I'm know I'm not perfect' talk makes up for that fact. Put down the thesaurus, and just stop. This is just sad.