What Movie/Game Secretly Made You Cry ?


New member
May 10, 2009
The end of Terminator 2 always made me cry. The bit where Arnie gives the thumbs up...oh there i go again...*sniff


New member
Aug 16, 2008
Kingdom Hearts made me cry...

Also, it's the best game ever.

Edit: Almost every Disney-movie that I've watched has made me cry... Damn you Walt Disney! You've scarred me for life. Ironically enough, Kingdom Hearts is also a Disney product.

Agent Larkin

New member
Apr 6, 2009
Never cried at a game (was too old by the time I got to that scene in FF7 but I did cry during cast away.
May 7, 2008
wall-E - at the end..when you think he's broken...i had happy tears

portal - .....you know where..=( (i was more annoyed than upset)

green mile - near the end (not giving any spoilers)

mgs 3 - the last fight...(i havent play mgs 4 yet)

freaks - happy tears at the end where they hug each other and she still loves him (if you haven't seen it watch it)

...whoa i gotta stop lol got soooo many


New member
Apr 3, 2009
Moulin Rouge - When Satine died and Christian was left alone
Click - When he's talking to his son with his dying breath
Up - Was just plain sad but when he reopens the book and sees all the things she put in it,
Wall-e - when he loses all his memory
MGS 3 - When he finds out she Bosses true intentions
Kingdom Heart - Some part where just emotional
One Piece - has to be the saddest manga out there everyone in luffy's crew has a very sad story my favorite is Zolo's the story of his best friend dying

Zorg Machine

New member
Jul 28, 2008
the only time I have ever come close to crying is Brooks song where all the silors die one after the other.

Zorg Machine

New member
Jul 28, 2008
slevin8989 said:
Moulin Rouge - When Satine died and Christian was left alone
Click - When he's talking to his son with his dying breath
Up - Was just plain sad but when he reopens the book and sees all the things she put in it,
Wall-e - when he loses all his memory
MGS 3 - When he finds out she Bosses true intentions
Kingdom Heart - Some part where just emotional
One Piece - has to be the saddest manga out there everyone in luffy's crew has a very sad story my favorite is Zolo's the story of his best friend dying
I am so sorry about the double post but I cannot let this stand even if I get banned

His name is Zoro not Zolo they wrote wrong in the beginning of the manga and the show. (otherwise I agree with the lot of it)


New member
Jun 9, 2009
When I was 19 we saw saving private ryan with my granpa, he was navy in ww2 and was 17 when he enlisted.

I never saw him cry up till then.


New member
Jun 29, 2008
The Notebook got me all emotional and there was a tear ready to be shed but I couldn't do it living with 3 other guys in a tiny room.


New member
Nov 13, 2008
ExaltedK9 said:
Should I say this?...Ok, I cried the first time I saw Click.
Uggh! That got me too! "Ooh, an Adam Sandler movie! Purchase!" 1 hour and 30 mins. later... "Family...Family comes first..." "I know dad..." Then there I am weeping! That and pretty much the whole series of Full-Metal Alchemist, and Neon Genesis Evangeleon's last episode, and Cowboy Bebop, and Azu Manga Daioh, and the end of Klonoa, and various parts of the Kingdom Hearts games, reading the last book of Love Hina, Rosanne, Hook, Wall-E, and Sonic and the Black Knight, but that one was out of dissapointment!


New member
Dec 16, 2008
The last fight in MGS4 made me tear up a little.

The edning to Midnight cowboy made me cry...a lot.

I cried a bit when I finnished The catcher in the rye for the first time, but that was more because it felt like such a revelation.

The diving bell and the butterfly, made me misty eyed.

There are more, but I'll leave it at those.


New member
Mar 31, 2009
End of Crisis Core when Zack dies. Also at the end of Forest Gump when Forest is at Jenny's grave.

Baby Tea

Just Ask Frankie
Sep 18, 2008
Secretly? Who cares? I'll tell anyone.

Schindler's List, at the end scene when Oscar is pointing out things he should have sold to save more people. Just this beautiful image of a once-selfish man who wanted nothing but wealth, now just a broken man who can't get rid of his wealth fast enough for the sake of others. Truly moving. I cry every time.

I've also cried in the following: To End All Wars, A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints, Crash, and a bunch more that aren't coming to mind. My DVD shelf is one step away, but I'm eating breakfast and I'm lazy.

As for Games, none have made me actually cry yet, but two came very very close:
Mafia. This has probably the best story I've ever seen in any sandbox game. The characters were memorable, and likable, and detestable. I found myself caring about the protagonist in ways I previously reserved only for movie characters. I was happy when he married the woman he loved, I was worried when he let frank go, despite his orders to kill him, and I was truly sad at the end cut scene where he was gunned down as an old man on his front lawn. Oh yeah, by the way: spoilers. Great story in a good game.

And, finally, Baldur's Gate. Number two, to be specific. At final battle with Jon Irenicus, every character said a quick line or three before the battle, shouting their anger, resentment, and resolve. During that specific play through (My first one, actually), three out of the 5 NPCs in my party I had right from the beginning (Imoen, Jaheria, and Minsc), and the other two I got nearly right away (Natalie or whatever, that human girl rogue, and Anomen). I had spend nearly the entire 50 to 60 hours of the game with these characters. Went through each personal quest, saw every revelation, and had my character fall in love with one of them (Jaheria). We fought bandits, undead, slavers, lizards, dragons, and more. And now here we stood on the threshold of the finale, and they poured their heart into their final words before the battle. I couldn't help but get a little choked up. Fantastic story. Fantastic game.

Dantes Alaska

New member
Jan 31, 2009
The_Valcanon_Effect said:
Most recent movie: Up. The first 15 minutes are enough to make me love a character and feel sorry for him.

Most recent game: When Carmine dies in Gears 2. I know it's kind of sad, but I liked Carmine...
I HOPE IN GeOW3 (if there is one) THERE IS A CARMINE, and he doesnt wear a helmet, thus ensuring his safty


New member
Nov 20, 2008
the closest thing to maovie game that can make me cry is <a href=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Wish_For_Wings_That_Work>A Wish for Wings that Work.