What Race Do You Use In Skyrim? [And Why]

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
Altmer, because I always wanted to before but kept ragequitting after getting one-shotted by those damn overpowered Bretons.

Now I laugh at those foolish Bretons and their puny magicka pools! Mwahaha!

I also have a hankering to play an orc and to specialize entirely in crafting (Lydia can handle the fighting, I'll just outfit her in awesome gear!)


New member
Sep 1, 2008
Ima Khajiit cause i'm always going to loot the place. Everything that's not nailed down and worth something=mine. Sides night vision with a good bow and high lvl archery, with a sneak attack I can atm kill almost anything, from a fair range too. Sides Bethesda is horrible at making hair. Don't know why they have hair i've seen it, but being a Khajiit and being already furry, I dont feel the need for hair. Just too bad everyone in Skyrim treats Khajiit like Southerners treat Mexicans.


New member
Aug 2, 2010
FalloutAl said:
Zulor said:
I choose Wood Elf originally thinking I would love to be an archer. Now I'm running around with a 1h/shield and Heavy Dragonscale Armor.
Thats the good thing about skyrim it lets you be more free with your specilisation, doesn't back you into a corner shouting "Pick a playstyle! I dare you!"
I find that the only problem with this is it lets you do too much. With one character, I've completed all the Mage College, Thieves guild and Companion quests. At least when you were pigeon holed, you had to work HARD at lock picking as a warrior, or destruction magic as a thief; in Skyrim, I've idly picked at some locks and I'm at 60-65 proficiency. Just a minor gripe I have.

OT: Nord because NORD.
Also: Who wouldn't want 50% frost resist? Cold dragons? HA! Yeah okay buddy, you keep shouting at chilly wind of yours, when you done and want to fight for real, I'll be bathing in the FROZEN SEA.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
I'm playing high elf because before I had 3 sets of armor that I could swap to cast any spell for free, the increased mana regenration combined with my mana regeneration-focused gear meant that I could spam the most powerful spells I had for a minute.


New member
Aug 22, 2009
I don't "use" a race in Skyrim, I AM a race in Skyrim (or I would be if I had the game).

OT: Probably some sort of elf.


New member
Mar 6, 2011

Orcs don't seem heroic, due to Lord of the Rings.

Khajit are cats, I hate cats.

I was a Dark Elf in Oblivion, think of how much more bigoted some Dark Elves would be if two heroes from the most recent eras were of their blood.

The Nords are also becoming more racist, a Nord hero would make them worse.

Imperial is too plain.

Breton's seem too much like Nords.

High Elves are bastards, but I will be one next anyway.

Wood Elves I struggle to take seriously.

Redguard just seemed cool at the time.


New member
Jan 14, 2011
I've been an imperial ever since Morrowind when I've been given the odd eye by NPCs which makes me feel out of place when I played as a different race other than an Imperial...oh and the trait of finding more money in Skyrim.


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Apr 2, 2008
Danyal said:
Wood Elf. Because I practice archery in real life and wanted to sneak through the forest using my bow.

I turned into an epic mage that conjures an epic Daedra Bow with 100 arrows every 2 minutes to shoot down my enemies.
Yeah, I like picking my enemies off from a distance as well. That's why I play a wood elf in-game. (Although not, I must stress, in real life. I find some narrow-minded people can't deal with ears.)

Although when I beat Oblivion, it was as a Breton with every spellcasting ability you could imagine, especially Conjuration... I didn't kill my enemies, I summoned beats of Hell to do it for me.


New member
Nov 20, 2011
Retardinator said:
Nordic sneaky marksman...
...What the hell?

Same thing I played in Morrowind and Oblivion. Except for the marksman part, because it used to be shit. Still didn't stop me from putting points and a lot of hope into bows at the start of the game. -.-
How is this working out for you so far?
I feel like once you get the 3x sneak bow damage and the 50% time slow it becomes real fun.

Derick Wallis

New member
Nov 23, 2011
HeOfMalice said:
FalloutAl said:
Zulor said:
I choose Wood Elf originally thinking I would love to be an archer. Now I'm running around with a 1h/shield and Heavy Dragonscale Armor.
Thats the good thing about skyrim it lets you be more free with your specilisation, doesn't back you into a corner shouting "Pick a playstyle! I dare you!"
I find that the only problem with this is it lets you do too much. With one character, I've completed all the Mage College, Thieves guild and Companion quests. At least when you were pigeon holed, you had to work HARD at lock picking as a warrior, or destruction magic as a thief; in Skyrim, I've idly picked at some locks and I'm at 60-65 proficiency. Just a minor gripe I have.

OT: Nord because NORD.
Also: Who wouldn't want 50% frost resist? Cold dragons? HA! Yeah okay buddy, you keep shouting at chilly wind of yours, when you done and want to fight for real, I'll be bathing in the FROZEN SEA.
I know what you mean about lockpicking (though i dont have a problem with that since i'm a dirty thief LOL) its the same with smithing. all you have to do is go to whiterun's weapons shop and buy all the iron igots and leather straps then go out and make iron daggers. wait two days (game time) and the store will re-stock iron and leather, go out and make more iron daggers. it took me fifteen minutes to go from 17 smithing to 65. at that point i quit because it was taking me out of the Role Playing experience. i mean come on! a wood elf blacksmith or a thief willing to work THAT hard. i've since adopted the rather OCD habbit of only smithing jewlery out of stolen goods. (good way to save inventory space and increase value)

Derick Wallis

New member
Nov 23, 2011
Krm3lg4r73n said:
Retardinator said:
Nordic sneaky marksman...
...What the hell?

Same thing I played in Morrowind and Oblivion. Except for the marksman part, because it used to be shit. Still didn't stop me from putting points and a lot of hope into bows at the start of the game. -.-
How is this working out for you so far?
I feel like once you get the 3x sneak bow damage and the 50% time slow it becomes real fun.
HA HA a sneaky nord... thats like a brutal wood elf warrior/tank. definatly not stero-typical ill give you that.

Eclectic Dreck

New member
Sep 3, 2008
I went with Nord due to the setting and started with 2 handed weapons and heavy armor. If course, now I'm proficient with all weapons and I tend to favor light armor, one handed and various magic. This is a less than optimal choice of course considering I can deliver 900 points of damage with an arrow, well over 1k with a dagger and some absurd number with a sword but it keeps it interesting.

Still have not picked a side in the war or done the bards college quests. I look forward to both.

And I actually want to play again when I'm done. Even though Incan do most everything now, I'd like to play when destruction magic is more universally useful. Given than I regularly run into things that survive several 1k damage hits, I've found my journeyman destruction spells falling short far too often.


New member
Mar 4, 2010
I've got a wood elf archer that doesn't rely on stealth for kills, and uses enchanted daggers to fall back on in melee. A khajiit battle mage that constantly switches between bound swords and spells to fight, and constantly summons atronachs to help. Then a Breton Warrior with nothing special, save how impossible he is to kill.

Derick Wallis

New member
Nov 23, 2011
Witty Name Here said:
I play as a Nord warrior, however I want to make a wood elf thief also... Unfortunately most of the elves look incredibly, incredibly ugly, so it'll take a LOT of customization, and I still will have to deal with him having those lines across his forehead like he's some middle aged man.
i like the way elves look in skyrim. more natural, rather than the uber-beautiful elves of LOTR or D&D.