What the Hell, Gearbox?


New member
Apr 1, 2010

I explained this in another thread but no one noticed.
I basically explained every time Duke's ego goes red, its knocked down a peg when it regenerates. And duke can do certain ego-boosting things to regain the ego that was lost (but this feature isn't really shown in the demo at all, hence all the complaining). Its not just normal COD-like health, it actually is innovative and when we get into the harder levels, we'll actually notice that. (now that I think about it, Ninja Gaiden II did almost the same thing with health)

Morgan Howe

New member
Jun 4, 2011
TheIronRuler said:
They're doing it because these things evolved FPS play, and going back is insane, unless you're Valve.
never heard of them ;)


New member
Aug 4, 2010
Projo said:
Vibhor said:
I don't know under which rock you have been living but Halo is no longer "the FPS" of the time. Its call of duty. That is exactly the problem. DNF is the living example why games like call of duty shouldn't exist.
I don't know what rock you have been living under but the comparisons to Halo are made in the OP, and Halo's mechanics are fairly similar to Call of Duty's, and from what I understand, DNF still leans closer to Halo (pre-Reach, of course).
Have you even played Halo?
Halo didn't had regenerating health. It had rechargeable shields. I don't see no rechargeable shields in Call of duty or Duke nukem.


New member
Mar 20, 2011
You do know that Gearbox only worked on about, 20% of the game right? The fixed up bugs, recorded voice acting, and put the game together. I'm not even sure if it was their decision in the first place.

Grabbin Keelz

New member
Jun 3, 2009
It's not the mechanics themselves that piss me off. It's the part when the trailers were still showing and everyone had the notion that this was gonna 'defy' fps's, but then it uses two of the most generic fps mechanics out there. Not a great first impression for something thats supposed to totally wow the shit out of me.


New member
Aug 4, 2010
ArBeater said:
LOL at the people who are crying over the game not being the 90s FPS (incredibly overrated slice of gaming btw) they dreamed of.

Quick question: What made you think that DNF would be a throwback to 90s FPSs? Who told you? Who promised you this?
The dick jokes, quotes from old movies, out of place characters, duke nukem who would actually would have been cool in the 90s as opposed to now.
I don't know what gave them the idea./sarcasm.

What I find it loads of balls is that 3DRealms decided it would be good idea to evolve the gameplay but not the story. What kind of absurdity is this?


New member
Dec 9, 2009
I'm getting really scared right now about this. I have the Balls of Steel Edition preordered and I want to enjoy the game.

Maybe it's a bad joke that it looks all whatever, and when the game comes out they're be him saying "You didn't think that demo could contain all my badassness, did you" and hill chomp down 3 cigars while firing 4 weapons at the same time or something...

The demo, as Yahtzee puts it, creates expectations, and those expectations can color your view. It's possible that the demo just sucks, I mean the game is out in a week, why put super large amounts into a demo when the game is about to come out? Just please stop scaring me on this...seriously I DON'T want my first Duke Nukem game, and a legendarily known one at that to suck and cost me 100 bucks...at least I'll have a Bust of the Duke ^^


New member
Aug 4, 2010
wootsman said:
Vibhor said:
ArBeater said:
LOL at the people who are crying over the game not being the 90s FPS (incredibly overrated slice of gaming btw) they dreamed of.

Quick question: What made you think that DNF would be a throwback to 90s FPSs? Who told you? Who promised you this?
The dick jokes, quotes from old movies, out of place characters, duke nukem who would actually would have been cool in the 90s as opposed to now.
I don't know what gave them the idea./sarcasm.

What I find it loads of balls is that 3DRealms decided it would be good idea to evolve the gameplay but not the story. What kind of absurdity is this?
yes because duke nukem is totally a sympathetic and melodramatic character
and the two weapon limit and health system?
Yeah because duke nukem is totally a wussy that can carry two weapons and have to run from cover to cover.

Morgan Howe

New member
Jun 4, 2011
Vibhor said:
Have you even played Halo?
Halo didn't had regenerating health. It had rechargeable shields. I don't see no rechargeable shields in Call of duty or Duke nukem.
dear god, are you being serious?
shield, health, ego, WHATEVER
either way every time you stub your toe you hide and heal in seconds.
thats from the "mommy kiss and make it all better" school of pussy, and duke ain't no pussy ;)

heres the thing, some of you don't get duke, and thats why your not outraged, i get it, you never got the original. but duke has a character thats absolutely "loveable" to some of us. from an era when gaming was about fun, not challenge, that is duke.
you also seem to not understand that people waited for this game for 12 years BECAUSE they wanted the old duke.

also is it just me or does it feel like Gearbox is trying to make a crap new series out of this?

Morgan Howe

New member
Jun 4, 2011
itchcrotch said:
from what the demo holds, this will simply be another shooter. not a glorious return to oldschool fps, or oldschool fps finally going out with a bang, or even the final spasms of the dying breed that is fps, it's just another unoffensive but uninspiring modern shooter.
but i guess we still mustn't judge untill it's actaully out.
agreed, and if you been to gearbox forums, its like these treads only 10000000x more
although the persons on gearbox forums are mostly gears of war fans, and by extension, idiots


New member
Jul 29, 2009
To be honest DNF looks about as generic as a shooter can be, I agree with you. If you want a good GearBox FPS I suggest you check out the Brothers in Arms games, especially Hell's Highway (you don't really need to play them in order, and HH has the only real story anyway). Lets you carry two weapons in addition to your side arm, plus command two to three squads at your disposal with varying weapons . The health system is more of a "you get shot you die" deal, so it's more a matter of having to think tactically instead of tanking for a few seconds and then hiding behind a wall.


New member
Oct 11, 2010
Perhaps a decent mechanic would be to incorporate regenerating health up to a certain point, say about 30% of your hits, yet still have secret nooks and crannies with health packs; that way, a developer could easily anticipate how much health a player would have at any given time.

Also they could allow for more challenging rooms the same way Half-Life does: by placing health and power outlets (or just medkits and armor/batteries) before the major encounters. Does NOBODY else remember walking into an antechamber with medkits, armor, and clips for every gun and absolutely bricking yourself because you just KNOW there's a boss coming? Because that used to be a major part of FPSes that everyone else seems to have forgotten :(

But to be fair, the 'developer can know how much health you have' argument for regenerating health is a logical fallacy; surely it can't be that difficult to program a formula into the game build that runs thus: IF player health >50% THEN spawn 2x enemies (or something similar)? Admittedly, this would be difficult IF your mobs were set in their behavior to move 'on rails' as t'were, but as far as I'm concerned... They're not...

I've played plenty of games where the enemies may have 'predictable' patterns (IE, move towards player character whilst shooting, keep cover between player and self whilst shooting) but they don't use 'scripted' actions... Isn't this the basis of 'enemy AI?'

Final thought: I'm kind of rooting for the 'Demo is a lie' theory, because if the demo really is just a humungous joke, and DNF is some kind of epic throwback to the days of OTT R'n'G FPSes of yore, it would have been the single largest and most brilliant trolling in history, ever, no contest. More than anything else, this would make me happy :p