ToastiestZombie said:
First, the kinect, and the move. The next consoles will have a much bigger focus on those, basically riding of Nintendo's success.
Never said I bought a Kinect or Move, and never said I was buying the other Next-Gen consoles, either. The title of this thread is specifically about the Wii U.
Second, it has been said by pretty much every site that the controller is really comfortable, light and ergonomic. It's not the unwieldy piece of shit you are saying it to be, at least use the bloody thing before complaining about it.
I did use it. Except, back then, it was called a Game Gear and it was uncomfortable even then,
before my old-man hands had been stricken with RSI.
Edit: Okay, that's not entirely fair. The Game Gear wasn't larger than a standard CD Rom drive.
Innovation in the gaming industry does not equal gimmicks,
No, "innovation" does not equal gimmicks. Shoehorning "innovations" in where they don't need to be or serve any purpose (Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow), poorly implementing innovations (Metroid Prime: Hunters, Zelda: Phantom Hourglass), and forcing them onto the player with no alternative support for standard controls (Both Wii Zelda games) is what makes it a gimmick.
if Nintendo just sat on their arses and made a DRM infested console with the exact same controller as the other consoles then where would we be now?
Also, do you have to be online to play on the Wii? NO! Can you buy used games for the wii?
Umm... so what? Do you have to be online to play on the Xbox360 or the PS3? No. Can you buy used games for both of them. Yes. What's your point here?
Do you honestly think that if the stupid rumors about blocking used games are true for MS and Sony, that Nintendo, who have been crazy hardcore about access control since they were the only game in town (no pun intended), would be far behind? They have ALWAYS made DRM-infested consoles. You must be too young to remember when they tried to sue Galoob for reverse-engineering their DRM to make the Game Genie.
YES! Is the Wii the most easily modded console available? YES!
Until they pull a Sony and force an update on a legitimately purchased game to break your mod and/or brick your console. I don't think swiss-cheese software is a selling point here. It's not like Android where the OS is set up to encourage modification.
Nintendo just needs to improve it's online and it'll be fine.
I'm glad you're happy with them. I don't care at all about online support, so improving its online is a non-starter for me. They have far greater design and philosophy issues to address if they want any more of my money.