What would the plotline of your very own FPS be?


New member
Jun 16, 2010
I would make mine about a guitarist who has fallen on hard times. Suddenly monster from the netherworlds attack the u.s.a. and , because he accidently touched one of the portals the monsters came out of, he gains the power to use guitars as weapons. For example, a telecaster would be your basic weapon, a stratocaster would be more like an assault rifle, a les paul is slow firing power weapon, and an ibanez superstrat would be a like machine gun. And you could use FX pedals as attachments. A distortion unit would give you extra power, a phaser would allow you to fire through enemies, delay would make your weapons fire faster, chorus would split your projectiles into more, and reverb would let your projectiles ounce of walls etc.

Awesome, amirite?

EDIT: Oh, it would be very stylized and very campy, but also totally epic. And it have all those really great early hard rock and metal songs you know and love, Blue oyster cult, Deep Purple, Led zeppelin, Black sabbath, Judas priest, Megadeth, Metallica, along withg some newer stuff, mainly a bunch of grunge, with some wolfmother and some of The swordd. w00t!


New member
Feb 14, 2010
it would be an rpg fps based in a holiday island that has been invaded by zombies... there would be 4 factions, the zombies, the military, the civilians and the resistance (civilians that have taken up weapons and are against the military. it would have the same engine as fallout, only improved!


New member
Jul 21, 2010
I'd have a cyborg/alien race who has to attack Earth, and destroy those darned space marines that seem to always win all the time. And do the odd merciless things to civilians.
Feel free to throw in some romantically notioned human, who thinks showing you that humans aren't so bad, and getting your player to fall in love with them, before you brutally say "no" would also be good by me. Heck, throw in a happy ending if you like. Just as long as there's a bad one too.

I wanna play a bad guy (or gal) and feel truly like a bad guy darnit!


New member
Aug 18, 2010
Ireland Gets Invaded By The English In Modern Times. My Hometown Becomes The Base For The Resistance. Our Ultimate Goal Is To Kill The Bigwig General, Leitan.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
FargoDog said:
I would say 'Activision, please go away. I'd rather be independent than have you behind me.'

In all seriousness, it would be about a tactical recon team who has to murder Bobby Kotick. I'd like to see how they take it.
lol this deserves an internet highfive

OT: I'd go with this guy in saying I'd rather make the entire game myslef than have Activision behind me, they're a bunch of knobs.
Lets say it's EA or Ubisoft or something.

My game would be open world and would focus on a decrepit, overgrown version of modern day earth overrun with dinosaurs. Your character's mission is to find out what happened and *SOME TEXT MISSING* save the world.

1. Make Dino game.
2. Figure out an awesome story.
3. ????
4. Profit!!

Mr. Gency

New member
Jan 26, 2010
I won't say what my idea is, but I can tell you right now that I will make it sequel-proof.
dlawnro said:
Also, it would feature my take on QTE's, which I think would make them more interesting and less annoying.
Every now and again you would end up in a staged fight with an enemy, which would pull in to a kind of 2D fighter game sort of thing. Basically, the game would tell you all the buttons in the beginning to use in a fight (i.e. x=punch, b=kick, whatever). What would happen is when an enemy goes to hit you, it goes all slo-mo like in a normal QTE, but doesn't tell you a button to press. Instead, you could choose which button you want to hit, and whichever attack/block/counter/dodge/whatever you wanted to use would either work or not work, depending upon the attack the enemy did. Also, a successful hit or evasion would open the enemy's defenses, allowing you to strike back or combo hits. If you're still reading this, my middle name is Andrew. The more you know! It would allow for some really cool looking combat without it being entirely scripted or entirely unscripted. All in all, it would kinda work like Alpha Protocol's dialogue system, giving you ample time to make a decision so you don't have to worry about dying 700 times in a cutscene.
Jesus Christ that was a lot of writing that nobody's going to read.
Great minds think alike, though, I want to train player so they will be capable of doing it in real time (it would be optional, of course)


New member
Apr 23, 2010
you are the last lazer breathing dinosaur with a jet pack, your mission kill everyone.
that sounds like a good plot does it not.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
I'd pitch in a game idea only after the guy on the left leaves.
I'd like a steampunk FPS for a change without any horror elements.


New member
Jun 3, 2010
Ive always wanted an WW2 fps played on the soviet side with real battles like Stalingrad or Kaukassus.
Or maybe even one played on the german side. That would def get some attention.
Other than that ive always dreamed of an fps where you play a danish freedomfighter during the german occupation. Theres plenty of story there...

i know theres plenty of WW2 shooters out there, but they are all played on the (boring) american side that we all know too well...


New member
Apr 3, 2010
Mordwyl said:
This? This is an excellent idea. I would so buy that.

Oh, my idea? Right. First, back off, Activision. Second, find someone capable of coming up with GOOD ideas, not some idiot hack like yours truly. Failing that, I guess I'll use this idea I came up with just now. Pardon my typing if I mess up, I'm rather tired.

The setting is probably going to be steampunk, for no other reason than it being awesome. Also, I want something in between modern day and generic fantasy without being "50's sci-fi ripoff yay" like so many other games. Other games that I tend to like, but I don't want to be a copycat, or at least not too much of one. The race that replaces humans will be... I don't know. It's somewhat irrelevant, really. I'm thinking of a race choice thing, only it affects the entire setting rather than just the protagonist. Maybe that'd be a bad idea, I don't know. Not a big deal as long as they're non-human, in any case.

So, about a month back? Archaeologists find some tablets and cubes. Indecipherable, about 100k years old. Everyone's working on it, but they can't make one bit of sense out of it.

About a week ago, enormous monoliths/towers popped out of the ground all over the world until they were pretty much everywhere, causing a good deal of earthquakes. And then they're inert. People all around go to inspect them, draw conclusions, speculate and so on. A good deal of them take it as a sign of something or the other. In the end? They do nothing. For a while, that is. At the same time, a moon appears in the sky.

Six days later, part of the obelisks open. Doors. What follows is a massive tide of bizarre monsters, clearly fused together from a bunch of things, though many of the source creatures aren't anything people recognize. They roll into every city (some tiny out-of-the-way places are spared), prove to be practically unstoppable and kill almost everyone. Almost. They actually seem pretty keen on leaving some survivors in every place. They never say anything, make any demands, or anything like that. Just infest most of the world and leave it at that. The game begins the next day.

The cubes and tablets are deciphered soon after. Rather, the tablets are. They just also happen to contain a manual for the cubes on one tablet. The other has a brief explanation. Basically? Every 100,000 years, an apocalypse kicks in, wipes out the dominant species. A little while later, something has mysteriously replaced them. Wait 100,000 years, repeat. This was written by the previous species as a warning for the next one. Clearly, they did not make it, though they were rather more advanced (if physically less capable) and at least got as far as pattern recognition.

The cubes are a major gameplay mechanic. You have two uses for them. Storing stuff to summon, or absorption. To explain in a bit more detail, when something dies, you can finish it off with the cube, a rather weak weapon. Since you can see their health, this isn't too hard to time. To the layman (read: PC and NPCs), it would look like draining their souls. Sufficiently advanced technology and so on. In practice, it amounts to taking something similar to a DNA sample and passing it through a replicator once you get enough from the same creature. This is in turn used to gain aspects of that creature. Say you drain... well, a manticore? You could get the sting, the wings or the spine-firing (if you want the D&D version), or maybe special vision or something.

I figure it can be anything from upgrades to weapons to passive abilities. You wouldn't have guns (many, anyway), but you would eventually have ridiculously high jumps, extra arms, fire breath and whatever. I fully intend to explore the "by the way, you're not exactly human/whatever any more" side of this. Sure, it's necessary. At the same time... well, more and less than you used to be. The list of weapons will surely be stupidly large, so I guess the ability to switch out your list at certain locations would be good. Think Bioshock gene bank, sort of. Just so you don't need 50 keys for weapons or whatever. The other function? Rapidly reconstruct the creature you stored in there, with a cooldown. Basically, summon it to briefly fight for you, after which it falls apart. I know, moral implications, since it's fully sentient. Incidentally, this would probably be just another weapon.

Prior to the cubes, you're nothing special. Regular person, armoured, knows how to use a gun and maybe the odd melee weapon. It's only later that you go all mutant-y. The progression from interchangeable panicking gunslinger to a rather powerful but decidedly inhuman (or in-whatever your species is) mutant-thing is slow. You'll probably end up looking like the enemies, eventually. Called demons, by the way. Is it accurate? Not one bit. It is, however, an easy name that people quickly coin and latch on to.

Now that I've bored you, back to plot! Which is also boring. Only longer. I'll keep the rest to cliff notes, since I'm sure people here have a limit to their patience. Basically, in the place the directions point to, you find a member of the previous civilization. Alive, in the cryogenic sleep sense, and hidden away. Basically exists to be a guide. Bad news? He's not so sane any more. Helpful, but cryptic and doesn't remember much in any case. He realizes this, and sends you to other places for a bit of guidance.

Put the pieces of the puzzle together, and you'll find proof that the moon has popped up before when the apocalypse came about. Also? You have a couple months until what appears to be orbital bombardment wipes out the last survivors (of the dominant race, as far as you can tell. The bombardment is mostly on the cities, the rest is a tailored virus by the sound of it). Assuming all this stays on-schedule, of course.

So your guide gives a suggestion. Use some stuff he scrounged up, bring more parts to him, let him build something that allows you to reach the "moon". Not a ship as much as a teleporter of sorts. One-way, so he asks you to explore some of the obelisks first in case that's a better guess.

The obelisks turn out to be larger on the inside, partly since what you see is only the tip. It works rather like an iceberg. It's part lab (automated, run by machines), part factory for creating more of the demons. Part cryogenic warehouse, storing them in between apocalypse runs. You can decide to steal tech, blow them up, just leave, whatever.

In any case, obelisks are a red herring. Here's hoping the moon is not.

The protagonist is NOT disappointed. That's no moon, as they say. Rather, it is, albeit encrusted with piles of weapons, and equipped with means to send a virus or new lifeforms down to the planet. Whichever. You could probably use the latter to get back at this point... if you knew how to pilot it. You very definitely do not. Might as well show a TV remote to an amoeba.

There's also a portal. Takes you to a base, somewhere veeeeeeery far away. After a series of demon zergrushes and mandatory VERY tough boss fights. This includes the machine that appears to be in charge of making each new species AND the weapons system. Yes, you essentially kill both (on a localized scale) a ragnarok generator and the creator. Or spare them. After all, anyone's going to be a bit touchy about killing the thing that created their entire species.

After the teleporter? You end up in a control room with one person hooked up to any amount of life-support machines and so on. Sitting in a chair, basically defenseless. You can kill them, of course, but who else is going to give you answers?

The explanation, basically, is this. Your planet is wrapped up in a time field of sorts made by these people. Time passes far faster on the planet than in the rest of the world, meaning 100k years there are, in the rest of the world, a FAR more sensible timeframe. The goal is to make powerful biological weapons, more or less, on a planet these "engineers" found. By the way, these people? Humanity. They're responsible for it all, albeit in the far sci-fi future.

The process works like this. Make a species, drop it on the planet, possibly with tech. Wait. After 100k years on-planet, begin the apocalypse. Once the dust settles, take the few survivors, find what made them good DNA-wise and so forth, add this to the next species you make. Repeat the process. The process is complete when they become good enough to stop all this, as you just did. The problem, of course, is that you could only do so because of the cubes. The race at large is worthless, as they still got annihilated. The demons, by the way, are similar - pretty much just a chimeric mix of lots of previous experiments, weaponized.

The reason for all this stuff is a single creature. Something trapped in yet another planet, which has a reverse of the time field on your planet placed around it as a temporary containment measure. Yes, it slows the world inside down. Yes, the creature inside - basically your generic Lovecraftian eldritch horror - is eating away at it. You are the solution, something stronger than humanity (en masse, anyway, not alone) that can stop it. Hopefully.

Of course, there's only one person good enough for this. The person in the chair, who calls themselves the Architect, offers you a choice. One, submit. Get put in a containment cell, outfitted with a chip that makes potential rebellion impossible, get cloned a whole bunch of times (maybe with slight variations considering all the potential mutations you racked up by then) and used as an utterly loyal force to eradicate this threat. Hopefully.

Two, kill what amounts to the god of the entire world below. This will shut off the teleporter immediately and security will rush in, but hey, defiance. Three, leave. Leave and most likely die eventually to make way for the next species which, thanks to you, will be far improved. The choice is yours.

Basically, defy and kill your creator for what they did? Save the world from one of Cthulhu's relatives? Both? Walk away? You decide. Either way, sequel hook. Fairly sure publishers like those.

If you actually READ all that? I'm impressed. Very impressed. I kinda hope someone did since it took me all of an hour and a bit to type up, but I won't get my hopes up too much. If someone did actually have the patience for all that, though, some input would be nice. I mean, an FPS is impossible, but for a tabletop game or something, it could work. Thoughts, Escapists?

Yes, I know it's probably terrible, but still.

Edit: Just read it as an actual post. Dear god that's a lot of text. Uh... sorry? Really sorry? All the same, anyone giving suggestions will be paid in imaginary cookies, cake and chocolate. But not ice cream. Let's not go crazy here.

Skullman 125

New member
Jan 25, 2010
The plot line for my FPS would be: Once upon a time there was this guy called Victor Von Meanie. Because everyone kept making fun of his name, he vowed to unleash flying-tigers that shoot peanuts out of their mouths on everybody. So then Von Meanie kills this guys (lets call him Steve Guttenberg) family. So Guttenberg sets out on a quest to find Von Meanie's secert evil lair in S. Carolina. He has to get through zombie warewolf pirates, mutated flamingos dresses up as Batman, Nickleback, an army of Micheal Ceras, and finally Rob Zombie.
He finally makes it to Von Meanies Caslte and it turns out that Von Meanie is actually Johnny Five from Short Circuit. So then they fight for a bit & "The Gutt" finally blows off Johnny's head with a shotgun.So thats the end!
May 23, 2010
Judas Iscariot said:
The Amazing Tea Alligator said:
I would cut to the chase, admit that the plot would be shit anyway, and focus on the gameplay.
AKA the Borderlands approach.
Fukkit, dont knock it if it works. Borderlands is one of the very few games I can replay over and over.

On Topic: I am a huge WH40K fanatic so would probably go with that. Except the gameplay would be more like Dynasty Warriors. Not the battle but the feel, the huge map and you have to run to various points quickly to take out commander X or reactivate a set of auto turrents or run these parts to the tech priests so they can get the Baneblade operational, shit like that. And all while the real battle rages on around you so if you take too long then the enemy could indeed break through on the other side of the map and fuck up your HQ. Just like Dynasty.
However since you are IG I would not let you get too attached to your character. It would be following the division, not the individual soldier. So quite a fair number of missions would end with you getting killing, perhaps I would go with the old Rainbow Six method and give you a team that you can swap through during the mission at will and when one dies well, you just have to swap to another team mate and carry on before you run out of men.
Just the thought of a Dynasty Warriors playing WH40K game is enough to give me joygasms. And playing as IG against all the biggest, baddest nasties would be so fun.
If you ask me Borderlands didn't go for gameplay either. It took the MMO approach and made a poor story, unlikable characters, childish humour, and bad gunplay. The only redeeming feature in it was the constant need to get "That next item or level". I find it quite repulsive, especially how you can't
actually go into the bloody vault.

A game that ignores story and focuses on gameplay is Threadspace: Hyperbol. There are three factions, all fighting for some reason that if explained, would probably be pretty boring. There's no single player campaign to trouble you with. (a fact gamespot took issue with, the hypocritic bastards. Did tf2 have singleplayer no? Oh, well they did bribe you I guess. Ugh.) All there is, is great multiplayer, and it's a ton of fun.

Anyhow, my two cents.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
The Amazing Tea Alligator said:
actually go into the bloody vault.
Get the general knoxx expansion. Should fix the above issue, kinda :p
May 23, 2010
tharglet said:
The Amazing Tea Alligator said:
actually go into the bloody vault.
Get the general knoxx expansion. Should fix the above issue, kinda :p
My policy is that if I don't like the game, I'm not buying any more of it :p


New member
Jul 21, 2010
The Amazing Tea Alligator said:
My policy is that if I don't like the game, I'm not buying any more of it :p
Good policy there. I enjoyed Borderlands when I played it, but I was after more mindless fun at the time. Doubt the expansions are going to make you love the game though, as they didn't feel overly long.
In General Knoxx you get to go in a "loot pinata" room 3 times, where you have LOADS of chests to loot from but a limited time period. Sort of like what it sounds like the Vault should be at the start of the game


New member
Nov 22, 2009
The Backyard Shooter.

Basically, it'd be a standard shooter, but you're playing as an avatar of yourself, and your friends can join. The trick is that you'd be in control of gun effects, enemies' health and actions and whatnot, what the theme of the round is, whether the game is third person, first person, or on-rails, etc.

It would also have a very powerful machinima making tool. Besides being able to go into theater mode and make movies halo-style, you could also open a "sync tool" where you could give characters voices and, if you have it, use Kinect to do motion capture.
If possible, you could import models and maps from other games for a fee off Xbox live (like Halo, Gears or Call of Duty).

The idea for this came from watching the wonderful works of the wry freddie wong: http://www.youtube.com/user/freddiew?blend=1&ob=4