What would you have done in my situation?


New member
Nov 28, 2010
C.S.Strowbridge said:
I guy I know uses the saying, "Dying doesn't make you a nice person." If it applies here, use it.

I personally use, "I have a limited amount of give-a-shit, and I'm not going to waste it on this."

Bat Vader

New member
Mar 11, 2009
I think laughing and saying not a chance was a bit over excessive. If I was in that situation I would have politely refused and continued on my way.


New member
Apr 9, 2010
No_Remainders said:
Right, so, some background information!

Earlier this school year, someone in my year at school was diagnosed with a pretty rare cancer. So he hasn't been in school since the beginning of the year. Now, I'd like to point out that this guy was always a total prick. I mean, I never had a conversation with him that didn't involve him being an utter asshat towards me for no reason. I'd also like to point out that a lot of other people never used to like him either.

So, there's a charity event on this weekend, and upon being asked if I was going to go, I replied with a very firm no, by which I said "Haha, not a chance."

So, why won't I support my year mate, I was asked, as "HE'S SO BRAVE TO FIGHT THROUGH THIS!"... Apparently.

I won't support him because he's the most arrogant tool I've ever talked to in my life, and apparently everyone else in my year totally forgot this when he got diagnosed. Really? I mean, it's like when Michael Jackson died, I seemed to be the only person I know who actually remembered the fact that he was a bad person (y'know, the whole, holding his child over the railings of a balcony quite high up, and the sleeping with children [I never implied he had sex with them, shut up before you flame me]).

So, yeah, question's simple, what would you have done?
That all you can think of? Doesn't sound like a good reason to not go. And on the topic of Michael Jackson - he was not a bad person at all, if you understand the depth of his life, actions, and ideals outside of mainstream media, you could see that. (and the pedo claims are false - i firmly believe that)

But anyway, aside from all that: I've know a lot of pricks in my life - they're everywhere in school, and the thing is it's all part of being in school. When pricks in school grow up and get a job, raise a family etc. they're likely to actually grow up, be more mature and better people. People are pricks in high school, but later in life they'll grow out of it. Give them a chance.

I think you're a bit harsh on him, personally - prick or not, he's still got cancer. Cancer kills. If he dies he won't get the chance to mature, grow up, be a better person and live a good life. Give everyone a chance.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I would have come, just to show that I am the better person.

Let's say he was invited, I'm betting he would have passed it by unless it helped his social reputation.


New member
Dec 16, 2008
You're a kid no offence but the scope of measurement you use to judge character is as narrow and single minded as it gets no matter how much you try to fool yourself. Being a man is about going 1 step above and doing thing's you don't like with or for people you dont know/care about on ocassion in short: grow a pair.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
I also wouldn't have gone, Great that he fight,s cancer but that doesn't excuse him from being a douchebag


New member
Apr 8, 2010
Count Igor said:
Same as you, except use my silver tongue to persuade them round to my point of view.
I hate social etiquette like this.
lol pretty much this.

Still, my human morality simulator chip forces me to be sympathetic towards him. Even if he is a doucebag, he's still a human being. Hell he's not even out of school yet, he's never been given a chance to live his life properly.


Elite Member
May 19, 2008
No_Remainders said:
This is more of a question of did they really deserve it. I mean hey he might have been a total ass clown. What does that deserve? A leg break? A fall down some stairs? That at the most, then you can not give a shit. However this guy might die... did he REALLY deserve that?

I know you didnt WISH death on this person but your reply and your post kinda imply "he got what he deserved" and thats sick man. Thats fucking sick. I dont care if he insulted you a lot and was rude, he didnt deserve CANCER. No one does, i mean hey you might not feel that way... but both your reaction and your post kinda point to it... and thats wrong. What were you trying to prove by not going, "I dont like X person, they dont deserve my money to do..." Actually what is the money for? If its for treatment then i dont really have a lot to say to you... if its for some holiday i understand a lot more.

No_Remainders said:
Because I genuinely feel that my school life would've been better without him.

Fuck, in the... What? 7 months he's gone, it's already more fun.

Oh, and yeah, pretty much.
Well thats just terrible... I mean if he transfered schools thats fine, but hes not there because he MIGHT DIE. Just because you dont like him he DOESNT DESERVE CANCER. Im getting more offended by this because my dad recently recovered from a long fight with cancer that needed several operations. If anyone had said this to me i would have punched them in the face.

Not to mention guess what? He was a douche to you but i can almost 100% promise you if YOU got cancer he wouldnt have acted in this way, im fairly sure that, no matter how much of a douche he was, he wouldnt wish death on you, or go "lol hes got cancer and i dont care". Way to be a worse person than him.

Reading reactions... a lot of people agree with you or want to be meaner to the person in question... Ive never been more shocked with this site. Im not sure if everyones trying to look cool by being the "emotionless internet tough guy" or is just genuinely the biggest waste of humanity ive ever seen but its actually physically sickening. I demand that if you dont care about him dying you go up to this BOYS FACE. LOOK HIM IN HIS DYING EYES AND TELL HIM! BE A MAN. All this cloak and dagger makes it EASY for you to go "lol i dont care". I challenge you to actually ya know, man up and tell him, and gis grieving parents exactly what you think.

Chairman Miaow

CBA to change avatar
Nov 18, 2009
It's slightly off topic but here we go. My best friend has cystic fibrosis. He has lived past his doctor given life expectancy. I love the guy, and the thought of him dying terrifies me. Now what I hate, is the way people act around him. They act as though he can't put a foot wrong, they treat him as though he is perfect, and if he coughs they always treat him like a child and start going "ooh, are you ok?" and pat him on the back as light as feather as though for fear they will break him. What he really wants is for people to treat him like a person, not like his illness. He has his illness constantly over his shoulder in everything he does, the medicine he has to take, the drip he has to have attached to him, the last thing he wants is the one time he can forget about it with his friends to be overshadowed by this.

About the only way this relates to the thread is that people shouldn't be treated differently because of an illness. If he was dick, he was a dick. He might decide to turn his life around because of it, or he might just keep being a dick. Would you help an arsehole who didn't have cancer? then why would you help one who did?


New member
Jul 12, 2010
I probably would have said something like "hmmmm.... I would but I don't have any money to give" in the most polite voice I could so I would come across as caring but not able to contribute.


Don't Bend! Ascend!
May 15, 2008
I've been in a similar situation... my general response was, "So what? He was an asshole and he stole my guitar..."

I never got it back either... it was a nice double cutaway black Ibanez my best guitar until I bought my Flying V... I still wanna get another one... I miss it...<.<


New member
Jan 3, 2010
I would give money because it is deep but then I would say no to actually coming there is a difference between being an asshole and saying "He deserves it" and just doing nothing/not caring, its sad that he is going to die but better people have died and I never shed a tear over them


New member
Feb 22, 2009
NickCooley said:
Dying doesn't make you a nice person, Cancer doesn't make you a Saint. It's Jade Goody syndrome I tells ya.
Pretty much. If someone's that much of a ****, I wouldn't want them to get better.
If you'd been bullied by this guy for years, admit, you find out he's dying, you laugh.

All the moralcocks on here can suck my balls.

Then I'd donate to charity after he's popped his clogs.


New member
Feb 28, 2009
Wasn't petty.

You've no reason to support this guy more than any other charity. You don't owe him anything now that he's developed cancer.

Giving him/his charity money to make yourself look like a good guy to other people or to appease your own guilt, so you can pat yourself on the back and go "yeah, I helped" regardless of how much you actually did help is fine if you want to live by those kinds of lies. I respect your sanity for not though.

I'd do the same thing, but I probably wouldn't laugh, I don't hate anyone enough to laugh at the idea of them getting cancer. Now I think of it you're laughing at the idea of going to go aid his cause, which actually I might.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
Same. I mean yeah it sucks for him that he got cancer but if he was a prick and you didn't like him at all, i see no reason to go. it also seems like he didn't like you very much and wouldn't have cared if you'd gone or not


New member
May 5, 2010
If the guy would have been an asshole to me, I would not forgive him just for getting cancer. I am totally on OP's side on this.

Ps. Never liked Jackson, but he made some great pieces of music. And that did not change upon his death.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Tit-for-tat never achieves anything; honestly, I find that showing people respect who don't show it to you makes them feel and look bad.

Edit: I agree though that seeing him as suddenly being this heroic person seems a little weird coming from people he's made enemies of in the past.