What would you have done in my situation?

Jed Petty

New member
Mar 27, 2010
I would have just said no sorry im busy... I mean if you never liked him then dont go. So it is not wrong to not go.. but the way you said no was in bad taste. Now to counteract your tasteless remark you should make an appearance.. Show him that despite how much of an ass he may have been you still cared. That would probably make a difference in him... maybe...


New member
Jan 3, 2011
Let's see. If I was in your position, I probably would do the same thing. If the guy caused you enough grief that he was the bane of your school existence and the simple act of him disappearing has considerably increased the enjoyment that you derive from school, then you are in the right here. You are saying he was a total jerk, and that you hate him. Then yes, you're in the right on this one.


New member
Jun 15, 2010
I would probably act the same way as you did, but I would'nt be laughing at it as you did in this situation

No_Remainders said:
So, there's a charity event on this weekend, and upon being asked if I was going to go, I replied with a very firm no, by which I said "Haha, not a chance."
But except from that, I would react the same way as you did.
Some time ago in my class there where this kid called Nikolaj who was a real bastard towards everyone (this was a long time ago, around 10-11 years ago). He always hit everyone and made others cry (we where 7-8 years old at the time). He dropped out of my class in the 4th grade I think, and 2 years ago I heard that he had died in an accident where he had fallen down a roof or something like that. I was asked if I wanted to go to his funeral, but I didn't go. I mean why should I? I hated him. Yeah he may have changed in the time I didn't know him, but I dont care about that. The way I remember him I am sure no one else other than his parents will miss him


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I would never wish cancer or any other illness or injury on the assholes who bullied and harassed me in school. However, I wouldn't donate to charity or support them if they did fall ill, either.

They made their choices in how they wanted to act, who they wanted to be friends with, all of that- they chose their support network ahead of time. I don't owe them anything just because they're sick now. Hopefully they have family and friends to support them; I am not among them.

However, OP, you could have phrased your decision a little better.


New member
Sep 30, 2008
No_Remainders said:
Right, so, some background information!

Earlier this school year, someone in my year at school was diagnosed with a pretty rare cancer. So he hasn't been in school since the beginning of the year. Now, I'd like to point out that this guy was always a total prick. I mean, I never had a conversation with him that didn't involve him being an utter asshat towards me for no reason. I'd also like to point out that a lot of other people never used to like him either.

So, there's a charity event on this weekend, and upon being asked if I was going to go, I replied with a very firm no, by which I said "Haha, not a chance."

So, why won't I support my year mate, I was asked, as "HE'S SO BRAVE TO FIGHT THROUGH THIS!"... Apparently.

I won't support him because he's the most arrogant tool I've ever talked to in my life, and apparently everyone else in my year totally forgot this when he got diagnosed. Really? I mean, it's like when Michael Jackson died, I seemed to be the only person I know who actually remembered the fact that he was a bad person (y'know, the whole, holding his child over the railings of a balcony quite high up, and the sleeping with children [I never implied he had sex with them, shut up before you flame me]).

So, yeah, question's simple, what would you have done?
Well, I'd have handled that with a little more tact. I'd have just said I couldn't make it without making myself look like a tool.


New member
Aug 29, 2008
I've met people like that in life the kind of person that is just a complete and utter asshat, I think your right not to go. You didnt like him so why should you have to?

I wouldnt have done the laugh no thing, I'd have just said 'no' plain and simple.

I am 2 cool 4 anime

New member
Mar 31, 2011
I dont know him so its hard to say,but if the tings you say are true,well then I would still help him,I just can't be angry at some one,the longest i had been angry at some1 it lasted a day,the other day we where friends!


New member
Aug 16, 2009
So, he's an asshat... does that mean he deserves to die? I mean, c'mon, that's more than a little harsh. It's someone's life, for pete's sake. It's not something to be taken lightly. What did he do to deserve death?

The only people who deserve death are those who are a danger to society, endangering other lives.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
So, arrogant people deserve cancer?
And the charity event would have likely raised money for all cancer sufferers not just him.
Mar 28, 2011
Funerals are for the grieving. Not the dead.

If I was to go to the funeral of someone I didn't like. It would have to be for the friends, family, or relatives. That I do respect.

Given that this example is a non-related.... and most likely someone not amongst your, personal, circle of friends. I doubt that your presence at the funeral would benefit anyone, in terms of support.

You may be ostracizing yourself from your peers. However. I, for one, respect that. If it's for sticking to your principles.


The Morally Bankrupt Weasel
Sep 10, 2008
good on ya i probably would have replied with a more diplomatic answer or an i will consider it and not go
im not going out of my way to help some one who is never been nice to me


New member
Mar 17, 2010
I have to agree with you here. It's terrible that he has cancer, but that doesn't suddenly magically make him a good person.

There was a footballer here in Australia a little while ago, whose fighting with cancer was totally overpublicized. It got to the point where our fucking prime minister came out and said he was a hero, but as far as I know, the guy was a complete dickhead.

Still, to actually laugh in their faces when they asked you to come to the fundraiser...


New member
Sep 28, 2009
My hatred of cancer is > then my hatred for assholes, so I would have gone to donate.


New member
Aug 22, 2009
Reminds me of when jade goody died. I seemed to be the only one who remembered she was just another pathetic big brother contestant. Sure, she wasn't the worst of people, so i wouldnt mock her misfortune, but just because she died doesn't make her a national hero. There are people who have had far worse cancers who have done far more good, and few know those people.