What's the most you've ever been dissapointed by a game?

Evil Alpaca

New member
May 22, 2010
2 games for me

Spore - All the hype surrounding the game said that it would be a sprawling game where you evolve a creature to survive the challenges of a harsh world through a variety of game play styles... and we get a knock-off creature creator whose quality plummets once you get past the individual creature phase. The tribal and civilization stages were jokes. I would have expected game play like that from a flash game online, not a $60 title.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - Silly me for believing that any modern Star Wars game would be anything other than a waste of time. A terrible story with clunky controls and loads of quick time events. Its game where you play as an out of control jedi, how could they mess this up so badly?

Cursed Frogurt

New member
Aug 17, 2010
Can't choose between-

Resident Evil 5



Both games I was anticipating with insane levels of hype (well, not so much with RE5 after more was revealed but those early gameplay trailers made it look like RE4 x 10) and then the results were mediocre at best in the gameplay department.


New member
Mar 7, 2011
Naeras said:
Phantasy Star Universe.

The gameplay felt more outdated than the predecessor I loved. How the hell did they manage that? -.-
Thank you! I am not the only one!

I still play PSO and if PSO2 turns out to be just another PSU I will have to go over there and kill all the developers...

The Hero Killer

New member
Aug 9, 2010
Final Fantasy XIII, I still like it enough to keep it and I would even play it again, but it was not what I expected from the series nor was it worth the long wait.

The Breadcrab

New member
Mar 20, 2011
Dark Void. That's the game that always comes to mind when I think of disappointment.

They promised innovative and polished gameplay with a good story. And the ability to seamlessly switch between air and ground combat. LIES.

The structure more closely resembled an incredibly generic shooter with a few flying levels thrown in. There was literally next to no freedom, instead making you switch at specific points in the campaign. Add to that the boring as hell objectives, bland art style, cilia-hair-thin story, unimaginitave levels, broken flying mechanics, and imprecise controls and you have a steaming mess on your hands.

I waited for a price drop and was still disappointed.

Oh, and glad to see that I share Yahtzee's pick in "most disappointing game ever."


New member
Sep 6, 2010
Shogun 2: Total war. Was hoping for an eastern Rome: Total war. Got micromanagement. Micromanagement, and MORE micromanagement. Oh. And "Stylized" army-portraits, making it nigh impossible for me to see what unit I was selecting, without actually zooming in on that unit on the map. Yeah...


Desdinova's Successor
Feb 3, 2009
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Loved Morrowind, clocked about four hundred hours on the vanilla game alone, and about a thousand more with only a tiny fraction of the mods for that wonderful, wonderful game.
Oblivion, while a really, really good game (I stuck through to the end of the story at least), was not nearly as deep, and was rather disappointing. I haven't touched Oblivion in years, but I still play Morrowind on occasion.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
Halo 3

Halo 2 is in my top 3 games of all-time. Halo 3... while it was great fun at times, the things they changed seem nonsensical (compare Halo 2 BR to Halo 3 BR... why was this changed?).


New member
May 27, 2011
retyopy said:
Title, as always, says it all.
Homefront. As soon as I heard that the guy that wrote Red Dawn and Apocalypse Now was helping doing a game with similar themes to the former I placed my pre-order. The game came out, I dropped my $60 on it, and took that shit home to play the tits out of it. The following is a rough recount of the events that followed:

-Okay, Imma kill me some Asians. Wolverines baby!
-Well that opening was pretty beast
-Oh snap! Resistance everywhere!
-Man these graphics are kinda iffy, oh well there's Asian's to kill!
-Wait.... they're Koreans? How in the hell?
-So the main group is the stealthy brown women with an attitude, the Korean tech expert, and the white war vet? Stereotypes?
-Why do all the Koreans have American guns?
-Where did the resistance get an immortal robot tank?
-Hold up.... so I break out of the city and I'm fighting other Americans who are just sort of Rogue and yet have a Helicopter?
-So the whole point of my character's existence was to fly a helicopter and run overwatch on some tanker trucks? That's it?
-Tanker trucks for some US soldiers by the Golden Gate bridge? Is there no fuel in San Francisco or Oakland?
-Alright, lets take back the Golden Gate bridge... not really clear on the strategic value of something that you could just drive, fly, or boat around though.
-How the hell is the bridge supporting a fortress? Physics fail much?
-Alright, here we go and.... it's an NPC who performs the last ditch heroic sacrifice and I just sort of watch?
-Well that's over with, man that took.... three hours and forty five minutes... are you kidding me?
-Back to the store, getting my money back

Bad Graphics
Terrible Premise
Terrible ending
Shorter than some movies and three times as expensive as a new blu-ray.

Didn't even bother with the multiplayer and why would I? So the graphics could be downgraded and I could choose which of the handful of weapons I schlepped around? Why would I bother?

Atrocious game. I bought the game after lunch and completed it and returned it BEFORE DINNER.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
while by no means as bad as a lot of people make it out to be, Dragon Age 2 was the most I've been disappointed by a game.

Fable might be a close second.

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
Minecraft: after a few hours of play, I got bored and felt that all the hype is just that. I can see the attraction, but its nowhere near the best game in the world title people like to attribute to it. I hardly seem to find it a game, rather a building tool with game-ish elements.


New member
Sep 16, 2009
Another vote here for C&C4. Only game in the series i havent finised. Thinking about it makes me want to cry.

Also, mention for pretty much every D&D style game after baldur's gate 2. NWN, TOEE, even DA:O was only passable.... will there ever be a BG3? If there is, i'm sure it'll end up being awful anyway :(


New member
Feb 16, 2011
Simple Bluff said:
KH:358/2 Days on the DS. I'm not quite sure, but I think I hated everything about it.
I didn't really 'hate' it, I actually liked the Panel system, but it was a pretty mediocre game.

My personal disappointment? FFXII. I expected it to be great because, hey, it's Final Fantasy! But, well...it was FFXII.