What's your Alignment (oh boy a quiz thread)


New member
Mar 11, 2009
61.1% Good
30.8% Lawful
I dunno... I respect the law, but only if it is reasonable and fair....
Someone once said, "When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty", which basically sums up my opinion of the law.
IE: If Congress tries to infringe on my 2nd Amendment Rights, I am going to load up as much as I can before the legislation goes into effect. And then I will ***** to Congress.
And if am in a fight, it is for a good reason, and I WILL win - through any means necessary (excepting of course for sports like boxing).


New member
Feb 5, 2009
You are 36.1% Good.
You are 23.1% Lawful.
Alignment: Neutral Good

Well at least I was closer to neutral than other people...

The reason people are unsatisfied with this quiz is that nobody is seriously going to choose the evil choices. At least, not enough of them to actually get an evil classification.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
BGH122 said:
I dislike this test, it's questions are very poorly constructed. There's far to many questions behind the questions. For instance:

"Your country has come under attack by a foreign power. Unfortunately, the fight does not go well, and defeat seems likely."

Fine, what was my country's involvement in the initial conflict? Did my government provoke the attack? Was my government generally good and beneficial for the people, based upon sound motives and always acting with the interests of the many at heart? Is the aggressor, now the ruler of my country, considered just? Is their cause one that will benefit my people and so on.

Take the two following scenarios, both fitting the description in the question:

1) My country is Germany Circa 1945. The Russian forces have just swamped Berlin and the Allies are on their way. The Nazi party's leader is dead and crushing defeats are reported across the warzones. Should I lay down my life for the Nazi party, knowing full well that their beliefs made no-sense, were often self-refuting and were wholly unjust?

2) My country is the United Kingdom Circa 2012. Hypothetical Nation P has attacked my country. P is a dictatorially led nation with a strong history of war-crimes and barbaric, sectionally-serving leadership. Whilst not perfect, the United Kingdom has, in recent years, operated as a constitutional monarchy-come-representative democracy. When the government have made bad decisions they've done so because the public have given them leave to. My United Kingdom has always operated on standards of fairness and decency.

See the massive disparity between the two circumstances? In one scenario I'd consider myself foolish to fight the aggressor and in the other I'd be foolish not to.
Thats definately true, but you are missing the point of the question. This is not a logic quiz, it is a quiz of morals. Your examples are both extremes in which there is only one good answer, regardless of the person asked the question. When you read the question you are supposed to imagine a situation in the middleground, where you have to make a decision even though there is no circumstantial reason that one choice is correct over the others. Basically, the quiz cannot provide such details to you, as they would turn the balance unfairly, and create innaccurate results.


New member
Jan 12, 2009
You are 30.6% Good.
You are 10.3% Lawful.
Alignment: Neutral Good

I thought that I would be more evil than that.
May 28, 2009
True Neutral. Reminds me of the excellent picture of House, as in the character from the TV show of the same name.

EDIT - Sorry if it's a bit large.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
You are 61.1% Good.
You are 46.2% Lawful.
Alignment: Lawful Good

As a lawful good person, you tend to act as you are expected to. You tell the truth, keep your word, help those in need, and speak out against injustice. You believe that the guilty deserve to be punished. You believe in bringing good to the most people possible while doing a minimum amount of harm. You are stern but fair.
You are the stereotypical “Crusader.” You combine honor and compassion.
Examples of characters and people who fit into the same alignment as you include Superman, Abraham Lincoln, Phileas Fogg, Captain Picard, Sherlock Holmes, and The Tick (who is also sometimes revered to be “Lawful Stupid.”


The Invisible One
May 3, 2009
C0nn0r666 said:
true neutral i do whatever is a good idea at the time
This, and I thought it would be too.
I wonder why they chose to have 38 questions - very long quiz.

Horned Rat

New member
Feb 4, 2009
I'm 30.6% Good and 0% Lawful.
Apparently that is Neutral Good. I dunno though, those percentages seem really small, maybe I'm a bad person... oh well.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
You are 61.1% Good.
You are 0% Lawful.

Alignment: Neutral Good

Not too surprising. I tend to help people if its not a large contribution from me or there is clearly some bigger problem at hand nad I might be able to help. I tend to follow the law if its not too inconvenient or theres no specific need/reason to disregard said law.

I and my friends/family come first, but if I/we are okay then I'll gladly help others.


New member
Oct 19, 2008
I turned out to be neutral good. I kinda always thought of myself as chaotic good though. Ah well.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2009
True Neutral.

You are 16.7% Good.
You are 28.2% Lawful.

And it's true!


New member
Sep 14, 2008
KillerMidget said:
True Neutral. Reminds me of the excellent picture of House, as in the character from the TV show of the same name.
EDIT - Sorry if it's a bit large.
I loled, seriously.

You are 36.1% Good.
You are 17.9% Lawful.

Neutral Good. Strange, because the last time I checked I was Chaotic Neutral. Oh well, at least I'm as cool as Ghandi or Obi-Wan Kenobi.