What's YOUR zombie escape plan?


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Well luckily I have a wide assortment of weapons (Father's a collector) ranging from a 9mm pistol, to an M1 Grand, and if I get real desperate and old Mississippi Rifle. So gather weapons get to a car and book it to the nearest military base. As I said on another board my Military Dependant ID comes in handy as I can get into the base just by flashing the thing. Hold up with the Army and Coast Guard stationed there. I'm sure we can evacuate to a safe-zone either by using the planes or coast guard choppers on the base, and hold up with the rest of the U.S Military and civilian survivors and set up a small but thriving community in the middle of nowhere.

So basically follow the survival plan that everyone but the main character followed in I am Legend.


New member
May 28, 2008
See "Shaun of the Dead". No bull.

I'd be straight down to my local where I know the bartender has a shotgun and I'd just hold up in there until the whole thing blows over.

Failing that I'd be down to my old ex's house for a bit of fun before I got munched by the hordes of rambling corpses.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
I would get my dads golf club then drive to big 5 and get 3 shotguns and alot of ammo then i would drive to costco and live in there until the attack was over

dalek sec

Leader of the Cult of Skaro
Jul 20, 2008
Odds are I'd panick and end up as either another member of the living dead or fresh zombie chow for the undead hordes.


New member
Jun 4, 2008
Most people seem to be going for the "get a sword and run outside" route which would only get you killed in one of many nasty ways.

I would collect all the food from my kitchen, along with the gardening tools that are kept close to the computer, then barricade the doors with furniture, run upstairs, barricade the stairs and wait it out.

Though to be honest i wouldnt last that long as food is always limitid and blocking all the entrances means i'll be trapped, so if the zombies get upstairs then i'll have to set fire to my house and hang myself in the attic. I'm sure hanging is less painful than being eaten alive.


New member
Aug 16, 2008
IF they are slow, i can easily destroy all entrances to my house in such a way a human could still get in and out. If it was quarented though i'd get the hell out of here. I'm fully prepared for zombies with arms equipment and supplys. (max brooks fan).


New member
Jul 13, 2008
Since I am presumably one of the last people in the country I'd head over to a military base, after grabbing say a kitchen knife and a chair (or something similar). I'd then tool up with weapons, equip. etc. etc. and blast they zombie asses.
Now obviously I'm never gonna defeat them all, so I'd gather up all the explosives I could find and attach them to dormant missiles or other HUGE explosives, maybe even a missile silo.
Maybe even with a nuclear warhead inside :) I'd also attach them to Nuclear Power Stations, Steelworks, and pretty much anything that would explode easily.
Then Kaboom.

Of course by then I'd have located the last few survivors, a group of about 57, employed a former member of the SAS who I happened to find in the base as my co-commander and director of all things fighty, fought our way to a transport chopper, and flew to the unpopulated island of Calathotec, whereupon we'd live off the land, slowly repopulating the world until we start to spread to pastures new, before the humans, genetically engineered thanks to a top secret scientist that was in the original survivor group, conquered the world , and then the whole universe, under the command of ME.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
Zombie Escape plan!
to tell yuh the truth its rather mundane of me to be thinking this stuff!
seriously! everyday, i always ask my self (outloud of course because im a stupid stupid blonde person!) what would i do if zombies and alien attacks my house?
If im in my house i'd rather get loads of foods and unplug my stupid laptop while it was playing a video (No! its not porn if that's what your thinking..... Perve..)
Anyway, i'd have to ask my sister for her car keys and whistle 'We are the champions of the world' wait for her to fell asleep, sneak into her car and drive off. And when i have found somewhere to sleep (and its probably going to be in a bin full of turd so that if the zombie wants to eat me, they'll have to eat poo before they're completely done with me)
i'd turn my laptop on and watch the latest Yahtzee review and then watch something else (yes! now its porn) to help me fall asleep.


New member
Jun 4, 2008
get to the nearest offshore oil rig if possible, unless there is a ladder that goes into the ocean or if they get a boat they shouldn't be able 2 get you


New member
Feb 3, 2008
let's see... I have the luck of living next to a small mall, so I'd probably arm myself best I could, charge up to that mall and barricade it together with the other folks that had enough brain cells to come up with this plan... Then, armed and ready, we'd best start overhauling a truck or something along those lines and move to a quiet place where we once again fortify and live the rest of our lives...


New member
Aug 31, 2008
currently I'm living with my uncle. So I don't know the city too well...So let's pretend that we're in my old town. well my room has a window straight into the backyard. So I'd probably get out there and run over to the garage's back door and grab whatever is light and useful. and fight my way a way north to the Gunshop. There, I will ditch the powertools and pick up all I can, hunting knives, shotguns, pistols, rifles, rocket launchers, atomic bombs, high powered nuclear weapons, etc. and make my way over to a furniture store which is great for making barricades and I'd take alot of furniture to the roof and take some large furniture and start piling it on the stairs so it's extremely hard for them to get to me and I almost forgot that before I do that I get paint from somewhere and paint signs on the roof saying I'm alive, and SOS, and all that crap. Once I'm done I'll hope someone else is on a roof by me so we can play hollywood squares like in Dawn of the Dead. I almost forgot to get PROVISIONS... Like food, water, cats, squirt guns, propane tanks to throw off the side an make a large explosion hopefully killing quite the load of them. And then we play the waiting game. Also, my weapons can't be mideival since I have no idea if it's 28 weeks later infection or resident evil infection. So slitting the throat of a zombie wouldn't be the best idea for the unknown infection causes. A mall could work but barricading a mall entrances would be a ***** so I would take what I can onto the roof in a few tents for a few different things like food in one tent and sleep and that in another and another one to keep all the weapons I have in except for the ones I would keep in the other tents just in case it happens while I'm in one of the ones other than the weapon one. So yeah a long escape plan but long is good since it's carefully planned. And my Uncle's house isn't the best place to be while in an apocalyptic zombie infestation. Or I'd just climb a tree with food and stuff and a fort so I can sleep since zombies can't climb trees.


New member
Aug 31, 2008
bassie302 post=18.68064.682240 said:
let's see... I have the luck of living next to a small mall, so I'd probably arm myself best I could, charge up to that mall and barricade it together with the other folks that had enough brain cells to come up with this plan... Then, armed and ready, we'd best start overhauling a truck or something along those lines and move to a quiet place where we once again fortify and live the rest of our lives...
I gotta say that's a plan with a very small chance of actually working.

1) It's a mall that means: Mall + Lots of people = Lots of zombies.

2) When have you ever seen a store that sells that stuff in a mall?

3) you just straight up can't make a barricade in a mall. Watch Dawn of the Dead, and fyi they got lucky on an empty mall...

4) Like I said in my post, put furniture on the stairwell leading to the roof, it makes it almost impossible for the zombies to get up but make sure you have alot of food, water, ammunition, etc. all of there with you before you put that all up. And also reinforce the doors by welding the doors, locking it, barricading it good on the inside and out, and put glass by the barricade so if anything falls if they get in it will wake you up quick, and keep a rifle or shotgun by you whenever you can and don't waste ammo if they're down below. I have a good feeling they have outlets up there for cleaning and stuff you can use for games or something to help pass the apocalypse by faster. Oh and you might wanna get a tent, a heavy duty one not a cheap one that says waterproof but really isn't.

Good luck.


New member
Aug 21, 2008
I'm on the ground level floor of my house. My window is basically a big glass sliding door and the main entrance is blocking my from getting anywhere useful like the kitchen so my only means of escape is through there.

I'm Australian so I dont own any weapons. The only things in my bedroom that I could weild that could any damage would be my saxaphone, I wouldn't have time to assemble it so I would grab the sax case and my handbag and go out onto the verandah and to the pool where I would yell to my parents (who are on the top floor to jump into the pool). They wouldnt take me seriously until they say them but hopefully if they had enough time after that, they would.

Our house is on the Lake so we would swim to the middle of the lake to a less populated area where we could dry off and search for supplies. I would obviously have chucked my sax by now. It would just weigh me down. I know the swimming theory isnt without it's flaws but as far as I can figure, considering my area is pretty populated they wouldnt much bother with 3 people ina large body of water when there's people closer by and easier to gnaw on, plus the chance of a gas filled zombie bobbing up directly underneathe you is fairly slim.

When we find supplies, we steal a car, my dads a mechanic so he shouldnt have too much trouble, and try to find some place fortified enough to wait it out.


New member
Jun 22, 2008
Turn undead as a 20th lvl cleric. And immediately search out the medieval weapons shop in every mall you enter. Train extensively with hatchet in the garage and keep bicycle in good condition to make an escape if need be to friends house, who conveniently has functional knives/swords and is close to a food store, where I will make a stand and formulate a new plan. His house is much more defencdable than mine, it only has one entrance on the first floor, overlooked by a window that can easily be fortified. At that time, go and recruit a party from the survivors and take out as many zombies as you can. If they're are true necromantic/voodoo zombies, turning undead would solve the problem, but if they're viral, it will make for a much more drawn out fight.


New member
Aug 4, 2008
My room is on the second floor, and I have a very sharp knife probably capable of entering the brain through an eye(the knife is about 3"). The entrance to my attic is just down the hall so when I hear the zombies moaning and tripping on my somewhat steep stairs I just grab my knife and go into my attic and get out through the window. Then I jump down and go through my back door and stab my way to the gun cabinet in my basement and grab a shotgun, I think you can tell where I'm going with this.


New member
Aug 29, 2008
1.Run like hell
2. Hide somewhere that has plenty of supplies
3. Slowly lose my mind
4. Do anything to survive including killing people just to distract the ever growing horde of undead
5. Succumb to my dark side and lose all ties with reality and human morals
6. Karmic death

vamp rocks

New member
Aug 27, 2008
find as many people as i can and go out on the water... with plenty tanks of fuel and a raio... also i always have knives and scissers scattered around my desk so maby use those then get to the kitched to get a massive ass butchers knife for the initial escape... if the water plan fails try to find a group of organised chavs who have guns and stick with them.... or eventually betray them... fuckin chavs... sorry im off on a tangent arent i?


New member
Aug 31, 2008
I dunno, seems going to the hardware store and stocking up on chainsaws and sledgehammers works best.

Oh, crap. Real life plans.

I think I'd go for the "keep moving" approach. I'd be pretty happy if I managed to escape the initial wave by way of classic bludgeoning with a makeshift bat derived from the many Pringles pots around the house, then grab a car or motorbike and keep shifting whenever I can.


New member
Jun 11, 2008
crimson5pheonix post=18.68064.633084 said:
To people defending melee as quiet, you've obviously never beat somebody's head in with a shovel. First there's the pang of the object (blunt or otherwise) and then there is the groaning. You can stealth a zombie but it will still put out an audible groan that's as good a lure as any.
why would you use the comical sound of a shovel as your example? There are tons of other things that are far quieter than a gunshot... that's the idea.


New member
Aug 16, 2008
If Zombies started to come in through the front door I'd probably go out the back door and grab a sledgehammer from the garage.
Then I would commence the zombie smashing :D