What's YOUR zombie escape plan?


New member
Aug 22, 2007
Grab The Heaviest Item In My Room (Which Happens To be The Big Daddy Figure),

Use My Wheely Desk Chair And Push It Down The Stairs To Buy Time,

Take The Stand Of The Fan In My Bros Room And Use That As A Make Shift Bat,

Smahs And Climb Out Of My Bros Window And Onto The Balcony Thing (Not Really A Balcony But U Can Climb On It),

Make My Across The Neigbours Balcony,
Climb On To The Roof,

Run Across The Rooftops And Make My Way To The Garages,
Get My Car,

Go To The Local School And Setup A Shelter (Schools Have Iron Bars And A Large Supply of Food),

Go To The Sports Block And Get Bats And Any Other Weapons,

Make A Radio Signal On The School Radio,

Wait For Survivors And Rescue


New member
Aug 16, 2008
JBX06 post=18.68064.683523 said:
Grab The Heaviest Item In My Room (Which Happens To be The Big Daddy Figure),

Use My Wheely Desk Chair And Push It Down The Stairs To Buy Time,

Take The Stand Of The Fan In My Bros Room And Use That As A Make Shift Bat,

Smahs And Climb Out Of My Bros Window And Onto The Balcony Thing (Not Really A Balcony But U Can Climb On It),

Make My Across The Neigbours Balcony,
Climb On To The Roof,

Run Across The Rooftops And Make My Way To The Garages,
Get My Car,

Go To The Local School And Setup A Shelter (Schools Have Iron Bars And A Large Supply of Food),

Go To The Sports Block And Get Bats And Any Other Weapons,

Make A Radio Signal On The School Radio,

Wait For Survivors And Rescue
Whoa, you sound like you've been through that already.
Freaking expert at escaping zombies.
Feb 13, 2008
Grab the cat, shoes and coat and open the window.
Run to the stairs and pull bookcase 6 onto the stairs, pushing it down.
Back to the window and across the roof, leaping into the alley.
Up to the school, break in, grab provisions and weapons.
Out through the flat roof, head towards the National Park (Deer provide good warning sensors)
Get to the Ranger's Hut and call for help.


New member
Aug 31, 2008
I live in something of a small town, even if it does think of itself as "up and coming", i wouldn't want to stay here long since the closest police station to me is a small hallway that's part of a F$%cking Walmart, with needless to say, no weapons except the ones Walmart SELLS.
That having been said, i would probably flee my house and spend much of the day with a full tank of gas running over zombies with an unusual amount of satisfaction, at least untill i found someplace to hole up with other survivers.
Getting out of the house is by no means tricky for most of us. The average citizen doesn't have to be Brainiac to find a quick escape from someplace that he has explored and lived for YEARS in. Like most of us, i too can think of about five ways out of my house within a few seconds without having to blow a hole in it.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
It's Northern Ireland, so for me I'd run down to the loacl police station with my mates. ( Which here are full on militaristic bases, with huge walls, standard military base stuff ).

Also theres at least 10 different kinds of paramilitaries, so getting a gun should also be easy, and their would probably be above average amount of survivors, because everyone here can make at least a molotov ;)

Alternative: Shoot myself in the face to avoid months/years of fruitless attempts of survival.


New member
Jul 16, 2008
Souplex post=18.68064.618461 said:
Its killbot uprisings we should worry bout.
Metal. Logical. Upgradable. Manufacturable. Repairable. Organized. Pretty much deadlier than zombies in every way. Technology is improving faster than corpses are.
Thats what the Robot uprising survival guide is for. Don't you have a copy?

As for a plan, well at this point I don't have one. In the future however, I plan to reside in a secret volcano base, where I will have no need to worry about zombies.


New member
Aug 17, 2008
I would stand stil and try to make head shots so I could kick the wounded zombie in it's face.
One cone the ground I slash their bodies with my knife to ensure they stay down.
Or I would just wake up
Ofcourse I could go and get some power tools like a chainsaw but then again that's so...obvious
but the shooting in the face idea is also quite effective.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
nick_knack post=18.68064.683681 said:
I plan to reside in a secret volcano base, where I will have no need to worry about zombies.
That's the best answer so far.


New member
Jan 2, 2008
If the Game 'Zombie Master' has taught me anything, its this:
1. If it looks like a Trap don't go near it.
2. If it looks like a Trap DON'T GO NEAR IT!
3. Say away from retards. They have an uncanny habit of getting more people than just themselves killed.
4. If travelling in a group, never take point.
5. Stay the FUCK away from retards.
6. Don't waste too much ammo on shamblers.
7. Fire fixes most problems.
8. If somebody damages the barricade, even accidentally, shoot them. Then take their weapons and make them part of said barricade.
9. The Winchester is mine.
10. If all elese fails, grab a barrel, stand in a corner, and pray their hidious pathfinding prevents them for getting to you.


New member
May 18, 2008
Step the 1st: Get a weapon. I have a basement full of potential zombie killers, though if I could get a sword, that would be useful. (Guns need constant reloading, so therefore are infective.)

Step the 2nd: Get a car. Use to fill with supplies and treasured belongings, and make for a higher and less populated area. Can also be used to run over zombies.

Step the 3rd: Get a shelter. Preferably something in an urban landscape, with easy access to food, and high above the ground. Plan on staying there for a large amount of time.

Step the 4th: Radio Transmitter. Make sure people know you are there, so they know not to schedule the city for demolition, and also be able to keep in contact with what else is going on in the world.

Step the Final: Get a keg and waaaaaaait it out.


New member
Jul 22, 2008
1. Grab my father's power tools and the most dangerous weapons we have in the house.
2. Find out who is living.
3. RUN to the van and pick them up - but first get some kind of tough looking vehicle.
4. Go to my local castle, complete with moat and drawbridge and incredibly thick stone walls.

martin's a madman

New member
Aug 20, 2008
my plan would be....i have two machetes that are authentic, an old indian sword quite usefull, hammers and hatchets, i also have various bodysprays and colognes in my room my parents are smokers with many lighters, i have alcohol in my house so theres instant grenades(well molotov cocktails really), and flamethrowers (the body sprays and colognes) i have sliding doors in the back of my house that are quite thick and 3 layers i have a thick wooden door in the front (albeit a quite flimsy window next to that) i would just wait for the zombies to come in the comfort of my own home kill them, push them out and burn the corpses (for fear of reanimation) my only fear of entry is the aforementioned flimsy ass window so that will be the bottle neck the porch is only one stairs so the zombies will fall over each other letting me kill them all. I would then make my way to the nearby plaza where there is food and other weapons with various people untill all zombies are dead or the military gets organised and can help. good luck with your zombies


New member
Aug 30, 2008
I'd get my good ol' mate Chuck Norris round. Everyone knows zombies are scared of Chuck.
Aug 3, 2008
Souplex post=18.68064.618339 said:
Zombies are basically capable of little more movement than shuffling about and are not the most coordinated of the undead. This means that they can't go up staircases without bashing their brains out with every step. I live in an urban area where everything is multiple floors and all the buildings are connected. there is a deli every two blocks if I need food. and it starts to become a little bit less like night of the living dead and more like dead rising.
Yeah, but meat goes bad fast.
Aug 3, 2008
zirnitra post=18.68064.618368 said:
well, luckily the cabinet my dad keeps the shotguns in is in my room. I'd have to pop out quickly to get the key but it's not too far away. so yeah. I'm fine rest of my family's fucked though.
How amny rounds?

Seriously though, you all seem to think that a zombie apocalypse will be like Dead Rising. How fun it will be and how difficult would all depend on certain variables. To list a few...

1) How did the Zombies start of? Serioulsy, if it started by a mosquito, the most of the worlds fucked. However, if it started by bees, then only part of the world is fucked.

2) Food. Alot of todays food is parishable. Meat, Milk products, Bread more meat are all things that society has grown used to, but also go bad really fast, so, if your trapped in your house, it may be best to have some spam or things with alot of preservatives on it.

3) Defense. If a zombie like say thtat from 28 days later came out a attacked you, and all you have is some stupid ax, your likey dead. I live in the Soutern part of America, so Firearms shops are all over the damn place that sell everything from 9mm's to .50 calibur machine guns.

4) What kinds of zombies are you fighting. If 12 classic zombies came at you, and all you can do is try and set them on fire with a match/ liter and a can of hairspary, chacnes are you caould take 'em out easily. But if their the more modern zombie, then unless your a skiled martial arts men, or have a gun, your probabley desert.

As for surviving, all I have to do is gather enough people from the local Naval base to take over every gun store in the city, and make people join me in order for them to use the massive arsenal I have, eventually casunig me to be the Emperor of Kacksonville!!!


New member
Sep 1, 2008
Fill room to the brim with non-perishable food and drink.
Chuck tennis balls and footballs all over the stairs, no problem!

Maybe get one of those oscillating fans and attach a bunch of knives to the fanblades, turn it sideways, put it at the top of the stairs.


New member
Jul 27, 2008
If the zombies know where the living are at all times on Earth then you're screwed. It would only, ever, be a matter of time before you ran out of bullets, nukes, molitov cocktails and be overrun.


The Psychotic Psyker
Mar 18, 2008
Grab my katana, airsoft camo, and as many supplies as I can grab, get to the local docks and steal one of the really big yachts parked there (its nice living near the rich people in town) and make for open water. Depending on who I can get in contact with will determine whether or not I make detours to get friends and family.

If that is out of the question instead of heading for the docks I'll head for my high school, its built like a fortress, has minimal windows, 4 stories tall, its right down the street from a supermarket and the shore, and is about 30 min walking distance from the mall and a building supply store. The other survivors and myself could get the building locked up tight.