What's YOUR zombie escape plan?


New member
Jan 2, 2008
Typecast post=18.68064.684129 said:
If the zombies know where the living are at all times on Earth then you're screwed. It would only, ever, be a matter of time before you ran out of bullets, nukes, molitov cocktails and be overrun.
If you head north, they might freeze to death.



New member
Aug 16, 2008
I forgot to say that if I'd need to stay in shelter for a long time I'd probably bring a console :D

Mr. Squirrel

New member
Aug 28, 2008
If it were at night I would probably wake up too late to notice there's a zombie-outbreak and I will be half-devoured about then =P. If I'd be awake I'd grab the iron pole that for some reason is just outside my bedroom and make it a nice little gory fest of zombie intestines

vamp rocks

New member
Aug 27, 2008
Xvito post=18.68064.683550 said:
Whoa, you sound like you've been through that already.
Freaking expert at escaping zombies.
or an expert at sneaking out of his house.... to meet with friends at school... and i dont know where im going with this... lol XD


New member
Jul 16, 2008
I can't escape, but there is a solid looking chair in the corner...

(Edit) The chair is no longer my weapon. I bar the door with the table and smash the window with the chair. I climb down a nearby drainpipe into the garden when...

(Edit) ... a couple of zombies meander around the corner of the house. They have wandered away from the group. I use a leg from the now broken chair to beat in thier brains. Then, armed with my chair leg I head for the...

(Edit) ... garden shed, where I find a machete and use it to hack my way in through the wave of zombies and to the back door.I grab the car keys from a shelf.

(Edit) I reach the landrover, then head back to the garden shed where I find some sharp rakes that will go nicely tied to the bonnet of my vehicle. Voila. I escape.


New member
Aug 26, 2008
this is me and my friend jack in a zomb apocalypse after all our friends have died


Bob the Average

New member
Sep 2, 2008
well it depends if they're knocking down my door before I know somethings going on i could be in big trouble assuming have about an hour to prepare I have a solid chance of surviving at least a week.

with warning:
(1) load my M1 garand and put as many extra clips in my pockets as i can pack a few changes of clothes, some canned food, compus, cell phone any ammo i couldn't fit in my pockets and my bayonet, into a backpack (one of those big hiking backpacks).

(2) go with family and any friends who end up stranded to grandparents house gather ammo, weapons, and any canned food and head to the nearest military base and formulate an extended plan from there

without warning:
(1) load rifle, attach bayonet, and dispatch the zombies who are an immediate threat
(2) get any family members still in the house (and those close by) together head to either the local wal-mart or a sporting goods store for ammo and other supplies (food, maps ect.) if both are over crowded/ already looted clean go to step three
(3) find a good place to bunker down in for arguments sake let's say the old steel plant that's about ten miles from my house or if the swarm isn't that big go to the old bunkers near the ship channel
(4) call(cell phone) friends and try to group up with them if possible
(5) get to a high place tie a brick to a length of rope and drop it on zombies till the swarm is destroyed


New member
Aug 6, 2008
run up 24 stories try to scale the last one on the side of the building sit up there with some food and something sharp for as long as possible

morrie man

New member
Oct 5, 2008
I am guessing that everyone here has max brookes zombie survival guide, if you havent BUY IT NOW, but i would read that first before thinking of what to do:

1. Never go off on your own (your going to die)
2. Avoide close combat (your going to get bitten and die)
3. Always carry a crowbar (best hand-to-hand weapon)
4. Alawys carry a fire arm preferably a pistol or carbine
5. Dont take advice from a video-game (e.g. dead rising)

If you have read the book then you already know what to do, if you havent ask me anything you wish to know.


New member
Oct 10, 2008
If they poured through my door now, I'd have about 5 meters of their shambling to react. My apartment is very small. So I guess I'd die. Or just flee. I have no real weapons, but there are exits in every room here, so I could just run away, I hope. Living in a country without easy access to weapons is a bummer, though. So most likley I'd die.


New member
Aug 19, 2008
I happen to have an experimental weapon I've been developing. Basically it's a hydraulic piston that can shove a 8cm diameter steel bar a distance of 1.4m, making a delicious *CLANG*, then retract it. Semi-automatic, I made it easy to reload (mean time between successive shots is 1.1s). I'd like to see a zombie get near me.

There's a thin hallway in my aptment so they'd have to get in line, in which case I can take out... 3-4 with each shot. The hallway ends with a window in which I can plant some spare steel bars to make it impenetrable. After clearing up the hallway, I'll seal off all doors. My balclony is pretty impossible to reach even by climbing the walls, so I can use that as a safe entry/exit point, from which I can jump to the road just across it & back using my piston-gun to launch me.


Apr 24, 2008

Tight clothing.

That is all. Move faster than they can, move relatively silent, fit through gaps or race, agile, around zombie hordes. Take 5 bottles of water, and some canned food and get the fuck away from population centers. A bike pump and repair kit is essential. Any fool can use gears to cycle for hours at a time, and you can whiz past zombies.

Dont look for survivors, they have a million inherent risks.

Dont fight zombies, there is no situation where this is a good idea. Ever.

Dont even go near a gun, they attract more zombies and are a stupid man's weapon.

Dont ever try to fortify or hide in a building, flee to unpopulated farms or wilderness and wait for the inevitable triumph of military powers.

If you can, get your hands on honey, it never goes bad and it has massive energy/weight ratio.

Conqueror Kenny

New member
Jan 14, 2008
Find your local oil rig. Get there. Zombies cant swim, nor can they get up onto the oil rig. From there all you will need to do is camp out, have a nice cup of tea from your readily prepared flask and wait it out. Simple really.


New member
Oct 4, 2008
This is a good topic. In 2012, it's rumored that life as we know it is going to end, and the Mayans predicted Cortez's arrival (well, sort of). What if a zombie apocalypse will occur in 2012? (Dec. 12, I believe)

That means we have four years to prepare for the inevitable. If your zombie plan isn't ready by then, it's GAME OVER, man, game over.

That said, here's my zombie plan:

Assuming I will hear about the zombocalypse on the news or on the Internet, I will assume that the country I live in (America, land of the Big Mac) has been overtaken by anarchy, and thus schools and the like will be closed. First I'll start by barricading my house, giving me a chance to gather up the essentials, such as food, water, and supplies.

My father has an old machete he keeps in his drawers as a sort of souvenir, so we'll grab that and make our way to our local grocery store first. We then set up walls, barricades, and the like to make sure the zombies don't get in. We could survive for a while in the store, and when the food and other supplies run low, we could make expeditions looking for guns, weapons, survivors, and anything else we need.

Once we've gotten everything we need, we abandon the store and hijack a car with plenty of gas in it. We then make our way all the way up to New York (not the city, the country part of NY) where my 'hippie' aunt and uncle live. They are excellent farmers, the place they live in is fairly isolated but not too far away from civilization, they built their own house, and they are almost completely self-sufficient. Me, my father, my aunt and my uncle make a life for ourselves there, venturing out only to check on the current situation of the world and to get guns and supplies from town.

There you have it. It may need some adjusting, but like I said, I have four years.


New member
Jan 2, 2008
Ah... this thread again.

I have to say, I didn't like the house rules here. It made it really hard to make any form of functional plan when you have the rule that every zombie in the world will instincively flock to your location. I think I ended up taking to sea.

Sorry Oracle. House rules state that the entire world's population of zobies would be on your doorstep after a few days. Might want to revise your plan.

- J


New member
Oct 4, 2008
tiredinnuendo post=18.68064.807099 said:
Ah... this thread again.

I have to say, I didn't like the house rules here. It made it really hard to make any form of functional plan when you have the rule that every zombie in the world will instincively flock to your location. I think I ended up taking to sea.

Sorry Oracle. House rules state that the entire world's population of zobies would be on your doorstep after a few days. Might want to revise your plan.

- J
House rules? I'm sorry, but the zombies shouldn't have the magical ability to sense where people are. That's just ridiculous, and makes this game damn near unwinnable. I'm choosing to ignore that particular house rule.

(And the fact this was obv. a badge whoring thread)

The Sorrow

New member
Jan 27, 2008
10 story concrete house, surrounded by a spike-filled moat.
Enough food and water to last a year of siege.
Barrett M82 .50 Sniper Rifle
10,000 rounds of ammunition.


New member
Sep 20, 2008
Our house recentlly go an all wood burning stove in and 2 years worth of wood so im sweet on the heat front.

Just the obvious problems of fresh water and bandits running about.

Our house is pretty big and can easily be reinforced in a matter of hours and the front of the street is pretty tight so a few cars parked horizontaly across it will keep amajrority of them out and we are deep enough in the stree for them not to hear us.

All boundaries of the street are pretty much impassible with thick undergrowth on one side and a forest and school perimeters' fence so all good that far.
and with petrol station a few hundred meters away fuel such a sgas and petrol will be easy enough.