What's YOUR zombie escape plan?


New member
Oct 10, 2008
So, it is supposed to be where I am right now? Well, I am at work in a small town of about 6,000 people. I would head to get my wife and daughter in my car, running over any and all zombies with my car. My car can take any collision with zombies. I always hated that crap in movies. Someone is in a car heading down the road and a bunch of zombies are in front of them. W@hat happens ALWAYS!? The crash! Bull crap. Run them suckers down I.

Then, if my daughter and wife were not dead/zombies yet, I would head to the nearest WalMart. Why? Because Walmart has guns, ammo, and supplies. Food tents, flares, car equipment, you fucking name it and Walmart has it! I would load up on shotguns and rifles with plenty of ammo and all the supplies I could get. Then I would get a truck from one of the local hicks who is most likely dead or a zombie. BOOM!! Shot gun to the head!! Trucks are better than cars for running Zombies over. Then I would just head up to Mt. Hood here in Oregon to the ski lodge. Hot tubing, hot chocolate, and shooting Zombies! YAH!!!


New member
Aug 19, 2008
tiredinnuendo post=18.68064.807099 said:
...House rules state that the entire world's population of zobies would be on your doorstep after a few days...
Hmmm... Then you might want to get a mobile home or something, better yet, live in a yacht that's always moving: wind-powered, capable of docking in small ports for short bike rides to resupply...

morrie man

New member
Oct 5, 2008
axia777 post=18.68064.808594 said:
So, it is supposed to be where I am right now? Well, I am at work in a small town of about 6,000 people. I would head to get my wife and daughter in my car, running over any and all zombies with my car. My car can take any collision with zombies. I always hated that crap in movies. Someone is in a car heading down the road and a bunch of zombies are in front of them. W@hat happens ALWAYS!? The crash! Bull crap. Run them suckers down I.

Then, if my daughter and wife were not dead/zombies yet, I would head to the nearest WalMart. Why? Because Walmart has guns, ammo, and supplies. Food tents, flares, car equipment, you fucking name it and Walmart has it! I would load up on shotguns and rifles with plenty of ammo and all the supplies I could get. Then I would get a truck from one of the local hicks who is most likely dead or a zombie. BOOM!! Shot gun to the head!! Trucks are better than cars for running Zombies over. Then I would just head up to Mt. Hood here in Oregon to the ski lodge. Hot tubing, hot chocolate, and shooting Zombies! YAH!!!
I would completely disagree with you here because you have probably done the most siliest thing ever:

1. you wont be able to get around in a car or truck because if there is an apocalypse everyone is going to try and escape in there cars and get bitten which will leave many thousands of cars in the way.

2. the wall mart?... a good idea if you wont to be eaten, there will be hundreds of people in that building who will have probably been turned, so you will be bascally going in and being asked to be eaten.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
well i would grab the guns the claymore and possible a good club and a foil, the zombie survival guide and DEFINITELY the machette, either wait for "special" rescue (in weird) or hop the fence to the gated community and wall self inside one of the more fortresslike homes. oh also a generic survival kit. and seeds. lots of seeds.

and wait, so blood sprays wont turn me, but eating one will? makes no sense. and it hops between species'? were pretty fucked then arent we? zombie mouse. zombie bird. zombie cricket. zombie roach. water with dead zombie in it, does that kill?


New member
Aug 28, 2008
I remember posting in this thread, but i just thought of a new way to survive or how to escape.
I'm guessing all of you have seen Shaun of the dead a ridiculous zombie film that can make you wet your pants. well my plan is to follow the footstep of Simon Pegg and survive by going to a very isolated pub and stay there until the Z word are gone!
...Of course without morons who can bloody piss me off easily.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
He he, been planning this for years.

Basic assumptions: my Dad will take of my Mum, brother too incompetent to live/too far away to save. Best bet of survival my friends flat about 10km from me. My flat is insecure and poorly resourced, there's is great (secluded entrance after heavy gate and heavy door, elevated view over walled back garden with heavy back door).

Initial response to news: Before civilisation collapses make three quick phone calls - 1) Dad look after Mum. 2) Brother; best of luck. 3) Friends in flat - I'm coming over, keep your eyes on the back door and to fill all containers in the house with water.

Equipment for trip: 8 inch camping knife with a grip that stops your hand from slipping, flatmate's baseball bat, boots, hoody, back pack (w/t water bottles, couple of days of tinned food, torch, all spare batteries in house, hand cranked battery charger, local map, 5 pairs of underwear, one spare pair of jeans, 2 spare shirts, mp3 player), jacket, keys, Optimus Prime action figure for good luck.

All packed and ready to go within 15 minutes. Jog to friends flat, all downhill only 10km.

Out of the door


New member
Aug 20, 2008
I would grab my wallet and phone, take a moment to recall all the Super Awesome karate I learnt in 5 years, arm myself (firearms are illegal in the UK but a kitchen knife to the face should impede their ability to move)and then leap forth eleganty through my window, into the back garden and scale the fance up to the garage roof.
From here I'd camp until all the other players got sick and left the server.

This is exactly how it works.

...Having closed Counter Strike Source, I'd grab the knife and kill myself because I couldn't stand the pressure, responsibility and inevitable trauma from such an ocurrence. Call me weak, but at least I won't rock back and forth in the foetal position when humanity is rebuilt - if indeed it is.


New member
Mar 5, 2008
The_Oracle post=18.68064.807089 said:
This is a good topic. In 2012, it's rumored that life as we know it is going to end, and the Mayans predicted Cortez's arrival (well, sort of). What if a zombie apocalypse will occur in 2012? (Dec. 12, I believe)
You are correct, and at the same time, not. It is Dec. 12, 2012 by their standards. However, if you figure in daylight savings, you end up with Dec. 21, 2012.

I'd stay in my apartment for as long as physically possible, after having booby trapped every possible entrance,
i.e. duct tape a shotgun shell with the button side facing the wall, next tape a thumb tack to the wall where the button from the shell would meet, when the door opens : zombie limbs.
Once having run out of food, drink, and just flat out getting annoyed of being bored, I'd have to rummage through what remains in my apartment for anything that would help me make with the killing, although with sheer numbers, I'd say I wouldn't last very long.


New member
Aug 20, 2008
bluerahjah post=18.68064.817639 said:
The_Oracle post=18.68064.807089 said:
This is a good topic. In 2012, it's rumored that life as we know it is going to end, and the Mayans predicted Cortez's arrival (well, sort of). What if a zombie apocalypse will occur in 2012? (Dec. 12, I believe)
You are correct, and at the same time, not. It is Dec. 12, 2012 by their standards. However, if you figure in daylight savings, you end up with Dec. 21, 2012.
Oh well. At least I get 11 days with all my 18th birthday presents ^.^


New member
May 1, 2008
Man we're not very well prepared...
i have some wooden staffs, a good knife....i could probably assemble a quick bladed staff...
probably up stairs, block the hallway with furniture, out the window and into a car or down into the creek where zombies should have a hard time traversing, then to the mountains, away from the primary source of zombie nourishment...


New member
Sep 13, 2008
Assuming there are survivors...

1.) Save Ex. What? I like her. And she has purpose later on.
2.) Quickly gather food, clothes, heavy duty boots, sword, rifle, bow and SMG and head to the arsenal, gathering survivors along the way.
3.) Take weapons, mortars and everything else from Arsenal.
4.) Camp on top of a hill with fertile soil and a castle on top. Barricade hill top, grow food on hill.
5.) Use superior technology, location and understanding of tactics to counter the large numbers of the enemy. Use artillery.
6.) After Apocalypse, start repopulating earth. (I told you she'd have a purpose.)

And everyone's happy. Everyone that's not dead, of course.


New member
Aug 19, 2008
bluerahjah post=18.68064.817639 said:
...when the door opens : zombie limbs...
Zombies don't open doors... They either eat through them or smash through them.

In which case, design booby traps that go off when the door no longer exists.


New member
Oct 1, 2008
Me and my brother actually had this conversation before.

We block the whole downstairs of my house and wait for chances to get supplies while we wait upstairs, lame I know but it'll keep us alive.


New member
May 24, 2008
I have a sword, a 30.06 hunting rifle, and a roommate that knows how to make napalm and dynamite (he's a chemist, we actually made these things, and live near good stocks of supplies for it...). That pretty much sums up my plan...


New member
May 7, 2008
hold on boss fight!

by the time they figure that out i'l be long and gone i'l use it everytime i'l meet one

Ghost Wolf

New member
Sep 3, 2008
No actual firearms to hand except for a couple of air pistols which won't do much except mildly irritate our marauding nemeses.

What I DO have right here though, is a 36lb Hoyt Nexus Recurve bow. Will launch a steel-tipped Easton Redline arrow at about 140 feet per second. Would go through a Zombie skull like a skewer through a cabbage.

Unfortunately, I only have ten of said arrows in my quiver. I do have another eight Easton Jazz aluminium practice arrows, which would also inflict some awesome damage, but I'd have to try and retrieve the arrows after each shot in order to reuse them.

Regarding a melee weapon. It'd have to be a good old fashioned iron bar. A Katana would be fun, but would eventually break. Same with a baseball bat or pool cue.

The "Zombies will automatically find you wherever you go" rule is bunk, since you'd never be able to escape the situation. Since it's widely accepted as gospel that Zombies don't attack or eat each other, the best way to survive, ala 28 Weeks Later is to hide somewhere out of the way until they exhaust their food source and starve to death.

Where I'd go, about 15 miles from here is an old military base. It was once used for munitions storage during WW2 but now it's a training ground. There are some fortified buildings on the site that used to be used for missile dismantling etc, with heavy reinforced steel blast doors. I'd steal the Jeep Cherokee of the idiot who lives a few doors down, load it up with as much tinned food and bottled water as possible, and make for the base, and ride out the storm.