What's YOUR zombie escape plan?


New member
May 29, 2008
Im sitting in a hardware store right now, so I would go for the pickaxes and hatchets. Or the co2 powered nailgun on the shelf 25 ft in front of me. I think a 5 inch spike to the head would do it.
If Im at home, my .280 remington, and all the ammo I have, which is about 300 rounds. and my machete.


New member
Jun 15, 2008
I put on my amulet of undead turning, grab my holy symbol (A slightly damp sponge, but not TOO damp) and hope I roll 20s


New member
Sep 11, 2008
Explain how violence isn't the answer and that they can afford fresh meat if they worked a little every day. Then I make a factory with a mindless workforce and produce cars or something.

If my empathetic speech fails and I need to escape, I heard Mars will have nice weather on Sunday 11th March 2000000009

morrie man

New member
Oct 5, 2008
After collecting the needed equipment i would proceed to either:

1. I would gather my freind Nathaniel and then head to micheal's house. Which pritty much is a manshion, so we would travel there which wouldnt take long, we would walk there going through the feilds so we dont come across many zombies. When reaching his house, micheal would have already filed the bath tubs and sinks and bottles with water and gatherd everything up stairs and keeping tabs on the doorway, so when we arrive we would start of by destroying the stair case so zombies cant get up and we would shot them as they came in. Waiting until the zombie apocalipse was over or we ran out of supplies.

2. Go to the co-op down the street baracade the only enterance and get on the roof, get my gun and shot the zombies as they come and try and get in. Its a brilliant plan which has been thaught out and questioned many times.

These plans are pritty much fool prof.


New member
Aug 19, 2008
Cheesus333 post=18.68064.818058 said:
PsykoDragon post=18.68064.818037 said:
bluerahjah post=18.68064.817639 said:
...when the door opens : zombie limbs...
Zombies don't open doors... They eat through them .
I'm sorry, double take there.

Umm, well, seeing as they're desperate to get food, I don't see why they wouldn't crash through or chew through doors... unless they're not wooden of course, then they'll just need a zombie dentist.

morrie man post=18.68064.828163These plans are pritty much fool prof.[/quote said:
Couldn't zombies scale walls? even if it was a flat wall, their desperation should help them dig their fingers into the walls & climb up, no?

As for foolproof... I dunno. Using a gun attracts more zombies. Plus you have limited ammo. It looks to me like eventually, there's gonna be a crowd of zombies (like, the population of wherever you live gathered up in one place) piling up to make a mound. You'll be overwhelmed, unable to kill them all, & they won't need stairs. Hell, they'll be surrounding the mansion/co-op, & you won't even have an escape!

You want fool-proof? set yourself on fire. No wait; that's only against ninjas. Nevermind.


New member
Sep 16, 2008
University halls are pretty shittly equipped for this, my best bet would be to brake the towel rack in my room and use that as some kind of baton, then dash to the kitchen and gather up all the shitty knives there cos it will make me feel better. Luckily thought being in wales its not hard to find a large hill that for regular human beings is tough going so for zeds will eb almost impossible. Keep moving and going up hill as much as possible from settlement to settlement taking what supplies i need until i find somewhere that has a boat that is suitable to sail between wales ireland and southern england stopping in various harbours to get what i need, rinse and repeat until either:
A I link up with survivors who have a better idea/bigger boat
B Die of old age or
C All the zeds decompose and are unable to pose a threat anymore

[HD]Rob Inglis

New member
Jan 8, 2008
oh gosh, this is a great question...I don't think I could answer this effectively and reasonably on this page. But I got about 10 pages of plans drawn up.


New member
Sep 13, 2007
(HD said:
oh gosh, this is a great question...I don't think I could answer this effectively and reasonably on this page. But I got about 10 pages of plans drawn up.
Wow, you're still around? I haven't seen you since the Starcraft RP, if I'm not mistaken.

And all my plans are relatively short term, I keep an axe under my bed, but I don't have a truck full of supplies ready to leave at any time. I'm weird enough as it is.


New member
Oct 10, 2008
morrie man post=18.68064.816712 said:
axia777 post=18.68064.808594 said:
So, it is supposed to be where I am right now? Well, I am at work in a small town of about 6,000 people. I would head to get my wife and daughter in my car, running over any and all zombies with my car. My car can take any collision with zombies. I always hated that crap in movies. Someone is in a car heading down the road and a bunch of zombies are in front of them. W@hat happens ALWAYS!? The crash! Bull crap. Run them suckers down I.

Then, if my daughter and wife were not dead/zombies yet, I would head to the nearest WalMart. Why? Because Walmart has guns, ammo, and supplies. Food tents, flares, car equipment, you fucking name it and Walmart has it! I would load up on shotguns and rifles with plenty of ammo and all the supplies I could get. Then I would get a truck from one of the local hicks who is most likely dead or a zombie. BOOM!! Shot gun to the head!! Trucks are better than cars for running Zombies over. Then I would just head up to Mt. Hood here in Oregon to the ski lodge. Hot tubing, hot chocolate, and shooting Zombies! YAH!!!
I would completely disagree with you here because you have probably done the most siliest thing ever:

1. you wont be able to get around in a car or truck because if there is an apocalypse everyone is going to try and escape in there cars and get bitten which will leave many thousands of cars in the way.

2. the wall mart?... a good idea if you wont to be eaten, there will be hundreds of people in that building who will have probably been turned, so you will be basically going in and being asked to be eaten.
1) Dead Zombies do not drive. As I stated I would get a truck. Trucks out here are the 4x4 variety. As in the LARGE ones. Off road is the way to go. Fuck the roads.

2) I live in a far smaller town than you think. There are never hundreds of people people in out WalMart.


New member
Sep 24, 2008
my answer a pistol with one bullet in it,

so i could shoot the gas tank that i placed by million others insde of my city, succsesfully turning my city into a no zombie zome. whil ethe fire rages i run to my basement and retreive my shotty and other varius weapons. i eat the other survivors and make a giant cement wall. when shits gone south i recon i wold activate the nuke i had in the center f my city. go out with a bang. :)


New member
Jun 22, 2008
I would get my dads weed killer bottle thingy, Attach one of my brothers millions of lighters to the end.(One of those one where you just open up the head and it starts up.) Saw up some barricades/supports from my dads wood trailer/pile. Load up generator+fuel+water+batterys in a big fracking truck after throwing a bunch of shit out. As for weapons I am sure I could make up a sturdy sharp object with my dad. Welding equipment would be brought with me in said big fracking truck. Other things USB mic, Keyboard and mouse(USB.)calendar, Aerosol cans for explosions. Make a run to the nearest wholesale store.(BJ's and such.) Grab mass amounts of water/fuel/food after making a sweep through the store. Or I might go and pick up a freind first that I know would die for me.(Very useful. ^.^) I would make a run to the library and pick up some chemisty books/electronics/enginering. Then I could start making my own explosives/Know what to loot. Or I dunno, Might build up a barricaded home as for a fall back point.(And then put a women or two there that we find to keep it kinda protected and for well you know.)


New member
Sep 24, 2008
also my automobile of choice would be a hummer, th eoriginal not the crap new ones, which i conveintly placed cheese grates on the front and the sides. plus just for kicks i have a high pressure fire hose on the top.

man that would f-a awsome!


New member
Jun 27, 2008
I grab my semi-auto shotgun (barrel will probably have to be sawed off), .9mm pistol, machete, and as much ammo as I can fit in a bag and onto the few bandoleers I own.

Then I'll probably head out to my friends grandfathers old bomb shelter. It has enough food and other supplies to last several years. We'd just have to hope that the board games and other entertainment items down there don't get too boring too quickly.


New member
Sep 28, 2008
I would hop on the nearest boat and sail to an island. If the zomibies can swim, at least I will die in paridise.

morrie man

New member
Oct 5, 2008
Zombie rules:

1. Zommbies cannot swim, but they sink to the bottom and let the current take them all over the world until they decay and die but they can end up on shore and still walk around killing people.

2. Zombies can only be killed by a head shot, the attack needs to remove the haed or destroy the brain. Injuring them like trying to run over them wont absaloutly kill them, just like shooting it with a shotgun might not kill it unless most of the bullet hits the head even then not likley to kill the brain, so shotgun bad idea.

3. Zombies never get tired and will constantly hunt until they decompose or lose there head. they are never needing a rest so eventually even if you manage to build some sort of baracade (note: this is not a good idea) it or they will eventually get in if you dont kill it or them.

4. Zombies cannot climb, they may try to and sometimes succed if they try to get over a box but anything bigger than a box and your fine, unless the bodies start to pile up and a zombie might just walk over the dead ones to get to you. (note:so when you shot many zombies at a stair case or somthing dont forget to move the bodies out the way so other zombies cant walk over there dead freinds to get to you)

5. Zombies cannot run, they walk at a pase of one step per 1 and a half seconds. So you will be able to out jog them but in vast numbers zombies can surround you if you are not out of the way quikly. So if you do see a zombie any were near you run, even if its one there could be more behind him or infront of him or anywere so you always have to be alert.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Dude, I think that I would just like to get bit and turn and have that be the end of it! My current residence is very accesible and provides little safety, so I would get eaten if I stayed.
But, nothing beats a good bat with screws and nails in it for all of you survivors.


New member
Apr 4, 2008
Fangface74 post=18.68064.623406 said:
Just to clarify for people's responses:

Angelina Jolie will not accept the current predicament as an excuse to repopulate the earth.
(She'd probably just adopt all the zombies anyway)
you sir win an internet


New member
Apr 2, 2008
The problem I face is how do I tell the difference between the Zombies and the local Druggies?

Oh, right - Zombies are the smarter of the two.

Anyway, my plan would be to grab some tools out the back, and fashion some ad-hoc armaments. Then, loot the 4x4 (and this is a REAL 4x4, not the type that Soccer Moms buy that break down when you drive through a muddy puddle) and plough through everything in my path.

Find somewhere that can be secured, and secure it. Probably loot the local supermarket on the way.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
First off I'd get pick up my Mp3 player on the way out. I'm not going down without a bitchin' awsome tune. (Note: Machinae Supremacy - Overworld)

I'd probably head to the top of my nearby hill-mountain, looting the Gun shop on the way. Probably get me a few pistols and a shotgun. Try to co-ordinate with pockets of resistance and hook up with them, saftey in numbers.

Make my final stand at a totally awsome place.