What's YOUR zombie escape plan?


New member
Aug 12, 2008
Topic Explorer Diary Entry #1

Continent: Magazinia
Country: The Escapist Empire
State: Zero Puncuationia
County: Yahtzeeland
Region: Dead Rising Downs
City: Willamette
District: Survival Guide District
Street: WWZ Ave.
Building: Zed Escape Plan Casino

November 18, 2008
"I have just started my new job as a topic explorer and, frankly, I'm scared out of my shorts. I've already found a a topic to explore, though. I used to be a regular that frequented this topic when it was active so long ago. Back then, it was a bustling metropolis contained within three stories. Unfortunately, the district this place was located in was made up entirely of other survival guide casinos and a Starbucks. Now that other games have come out, this city has fallen into disrepair. Now, Willamette remains abandoned. The last human to walk these streets left on Oct. 20, 2008, and others who have tried to reclaim this place have been turned into the very creatures this city had been founded to prepare for: zombies. Most of the casinoes on this avenue have collapsed due to lack of maintenance. The rest are either too heavily barricaded to gain access to or are populated by hideous monsters that I couldn't possibly bypass. This topic, however, looks like it had been barricaded, but something, after enough gnawing, has managed to break through. The hole it made was just large enough for me to get through. I recognize many of the zombies here. Among them is Shivari and the Monopoly Guy. I have just blundered across the casino and found a back room with a doorplate that reads -Archives-. Now I'm hiding in that very room. I'm surrounded by a wealth of information. There's at least 11 pages worth of zombie survival plans here. It will take me ages to read all of them, so I've bundled them together. Now, I need to get out of here. I'm a little apprehensive because there's an ominous scratching noise on the other side of the Archive Room door."
Edit: "It turns out that the scratching was from people who had followed me to the casino in the hope of taking some money for themselves. They had been trying to get me out of the Archive Room since the door auto-locks behind you when it closes and I didn't have a key. It seems these people may just repopulate the city.

Ubiquitous au Deux

New member
Nov 7, 2008
Me and my buddies came together with a great plan involving us taking so-and-so's car, looting a hopefully-at-this-point-unlooted gun store, and busting ass to a theme-park lodge with a big food-locker a la The Shining. This plan disallows for saving our parents though, so chances are I'll pussy out and do something like save my birth-givers. I'm kinda gay like that.

But now it's looking like four of us, hopefully one of us a girl and another loaded with tattoos stand in the middle of a street with shotguns yelling 'thug life!' at the zombie hordes that mass around us.

You can probably guess what I've spent my time playing.


New member
Feb 28, 2008
Am I the only one who would just take a bullet to the brain? I would never be able to bear the torture of being devoured by zombies.

Of course, I would try and make a nice safehouse for whomever may come wandering by, if I felt I needed some sort of final contribution.

Ursus Astrorum

New member
Mar 20, 2008
Step one, Supplies: Successfully acquire:

~An RV, Bus, or (if particularly lucky) armored car.
~Enough gas and non-perishable food to last three months/one-thousand miles.
~A Gasoline-powered generator.
~Four Beretta Model 92 Pistols, with twelve-hundred rounds of ammunition.
~Four Franchi SPAS 12 Shotguns, with eight-hundred rounds of ammunition.
~Four Derringers, in case of infection.
~A large stock of Molotov cocktails, as well as commercial and improvised explosives.
~Large amounts of durable steel.
~Any other general survival equipment.

Step two, Preparation: Weld steel plates to vehicle to reinforce it. Use remaining steel to block/replace any unnecessary windows.

Assuming that the infection started slowly, keep a vigil. At the first sign of a zombie attack, gather the following of my friends: Rick, a gamer that knows his way about zombies and happens to be a great shot (Anyone know agoat from youtube? This is him). Renee, a highly capable and intelligent girl, and Amanda, see Renee.

Step three, Escape: Given that we have already begun to stick together in a set house, we will wait for a small amount of time for any announcement of rescue. Given none, and a major influx of zombies, we will enter the vehicle, which has all of our equipment inside of it, and which would be just outside the building. Provided that we make it, we drive. Avoiding any abandoned cars along the way and running down any and all (un)living beings in our path, we leave the town and set a course for the nearest large city. There, if it is not infected, we replenish supplies (If needed, nearest city is only an hour from here) and keep moving.

Step four, Post-Escape: Assuming that the infection will spread from scavenger birds and/or traditional zombie influx, we leave this major city as soon as possible, setting course for the next major city. We continue, perhaps resorting to infected cities for supplies when money runs below a certain level, to travel across the country. Once we reach a major pier, we will steal (Erm... Commandeer) a large boat, transfer our supplies to it, and set sail across the pond. Hopefully, this should have us out of harm's way for quite a while.

Step five, Last Resort: If the entire world becomes undead, then we will resort to one of three plans:

~Use our commandeered ship (or commandeer a new one) to set sail for an uninhabited island. Start life and civilization anew. Avoid getting too close to the water for fear of zombie fish.

~Realizing that we are well and truly hosed, set up a heroic last stand. Climb atop the vehicle with all our weapons and ammunition, and take as many as we can. If all ammo is exhausted, use the now explosive-rigged vehicle. Boom.

~Use the derringers.

I personally would prefer the first option.

So there you have it. My zombie escape plan.


New member
Oct 27, 2008
I would go raid the nearest
Erana said:
Am I the only one who would just take a bullet to the brain? I would never be able to bear the torture of being devoured by zombies.

Of course, I would try and make a nice safehouse for whomever may come wandering by, if I felt I needed some sort of final contribution.
I would take out my bong , lock my Doors, get high, wait for the attack, turn on the gas, wait till they come in then BOOOM!

Why? Cause i'm a f@#king kamakazi cripple!!


New member
Dec 4, 2007
people forget that zombies are DEAD, thus chopping them wont produce blood sprays because the heart is not beating and blood is not moving through the body, the blood would most likely slowly seep out due to the lack of pressure.


Id prob. look for others and then make a slow haul over to the walmart to grab materials, then we would hop in our cars and haul over to camp peddleton to look for marines and to grab ammo and weapons and prob. hold out there. a military base can be very secure. we could make up a group of 4 rotating people to go out and slowly exterminate the zombie pressence from our location. 28 weeks later style

Zorg Machine

New member
Jul 28, 2008
There is a prison close to my house so i would go there (after they have been evacuated or run of after zombie attacks) and load up with various weapons and barricade it into multiple fall back sections.
I would then start fortifying a prison vehicle and drive into town to get food and seeds so i can grow crops
Also I would not let every person I see into my fortifications only those that I can provide for (no hero bullshit for me thank you very much).
Lastly I know a guy in my town who collects old war stuff and since the zombie survival guide states that 2WW (or is it 1WW?) trench pikes work best against zombies i would pay him a visit and nick all his stuff (plus he has a nice suit of armor that might work well against bites).

btw I say this in all of these threads in case you get déjà vu


New member
Oct 16, 2008
Put string really tight by all the doors, so i can laugh whenever a zombie just springs back, then put it on youtube for the present day zombies to enjoy.


New member
Aug 18, 2008
well my escape plan is creating a self revolving fan type thing, with many large clubs that revole at a never endnig and very fast speed and conducts its own power when it gets going. Then i just live it out while the fan thing bashes all the zombies out while i take out to one who are to big or to small, and using the eventual car to get to a grecery store for food and such


New member
Feb 5, 2008
In a boat to middle of Platt fields park, live of the park swans untill its all over whilst drinking the boating water. Zombies can't can get into lake but won't be able to climb up the other side as there is no embankment et voila Mr Goat full of alive and swan for the win!!!!

The Eaten Cake

New member
Nov 26, 2008
If we're talking actual dead zombies, that would be "grab the biggest thing I can find, then run like fuck, whacking as many zombies who approach me as possible". This would work because their muscles will probably atrophy before mine do.

The Eaten Cake

New member
Nov 26, 2008
C Lion said:
The Eaten Cake said:
If we're talking actual dead zombies, that would be "grab the biggest thing I can find, then run like fuck, whacking as many zombies who approach me as possible". This would work because their muscles will probably atrophy before mine do.
Well of course yours won't atrophy, they'll just tire out, weaken, give out on you and then you'll be eaten alive.
Well, you prodded a hole right through my plan. Maybe I should go and start undergoing testosterone training or something so that I can take this seriously.


New member
May 25, 2008
First of all I'd grab my short staff (an actual weapon) and baseball bat from the shed. Plus any other garden appliances with any sharp edge I could carry. Also my siku-siku (sai in Japanese) would help a bit with the stabbing.
Then I'd rush back to the front door and try to hold them off/drive them back so I can get up the stairs to my room. Barricade my room door, dress in the most stealthy clothing I have (partially cause it seems cool, partially cause I'm assuming I'm not already the last person on earth so sneaking is to an extent an option). I would then - again, if this works with the whole smell of human thing - cut my arm a bit and drop some blood in my room thus leaving a bait trail in my room for the zombies (patch up the cut afterwards of course).
Then I would proceed by climbing out the window into my back yard (it's possible, I'd climb down a sloping roof and then there's a little jump down onto the roof of the patio or something). Then I'd run through my neighbour's garden, taking all the back alleys to my friend's house, should be easy since we live in the suburbs and no one ever uses those little winding walking paths, not even zombies. If they would I'd still have my makeshift weapons.
When I get to my friend's house we'll team up to another one of my buddy's house. Together we'd probably go to the nearest gas station for supplies and we'd duke it out in shifts with any other survivor who has enough will to not be turned into zombie meat.

Impossible? I don't think so.