What's YOUR zombie escape plan?


New member
Nov 21, 2008
Skalman said:
Fangface74 said:
M0rp43vs said:
my room is covered top to bottom with hidden weapons
There are weapons from floor to ceiling but you can't see any of them?
My room's pretty much the same, i have knives lying everywhere for some reason, the only weapons that are visible as soon as you enter my room is the two katana hanging on the wall.

Yeah... I'm weird I know! xD
thats not weird. i do the same thing, but with 17 katanas and 12 knives

The Eaten Cake

New member
Nov 26, 2008
C Lion said:
Lol yeah. Sorry, that post came off as dickish, I was just being sarcastic. To be honest, that's really the interim in my plan.
Of course, I don't intend to run like fuck forever. That would be cowardly. I'll probably eventually be backed into a corner and forced to fight my way out, Leon S Kennedy style. In which case, I am headed for my school, five minutes' walk down the road. A science lab stocked up with many malicious substances and a tech block with sharp objects aplenty- everything I need.


Mar 26, 2008
1. Call all my mates with zombie plans and tell them to get going, also phone a certain girl and tell her that im coming to get her (hey you need a hot girl in all of this)
2. Grab my baseball bat and torch and make way to car.
3. Drive car and pick up girl on way to local supermarket, mowing down zombies as i go.
4. If not invested search supermarket for supplies and survivors
5. Make way to industrial park which has a B&Q, Halfords, Bed Store and Leisure Center
6. Grab supplies from the stores and garrison the Leisure Center with friends who have reached the park
7. Make weapons from salvaged equipment and make contact with army.


New member
Nov 29, 2008
Take the weights off of one end of my barbell and use that as an epic hammer. Once I bust through to my front yard, I'd run across to my neighbors house. These people are rich and own a helicopter. Obviously in a situation with zombies I would know how to fly it so I fly to the near by hospital and found a survivors colony.


New member
Nov 21, 2008
go to grocery store with katanas and knives. barricade all doors and live there for awhile. but i would bring some blankets and my xbox and all my games. possibly my pc and stuff. if the internet still works.

John Tacos

New member
Nov 25, 2008
arcstone said:
Before I answer this, I'm going to have to know weather were talking about traditional slow-moving zombies, or 28 days later/left 4 dead snarling marathon runners.
If it's the fast zombies I'm boned. I only have a few zombie plans for them, and somehow they always seem to involve me being cornered. By the way, Left 4 Dead is a good way to prepare, it's like a simulator for when valve releases the real zombies.


New member
Jul 28, 2008
I'd get the big kitchen knife downstairs, plus a crutch from when I was injured, then I'd tape another big serrated knife on the crutch. After that, I'd dash out to the car with my home-made spear swinging. I'd drive to my friends house and help him barricade the second-story windows and doors in his house. Then we'd use his rifle and pellet gun to cap some zombies while having a guard by the only entrance. If he was dead, I'd take his rifle and go find the police station to get some more fire-power and defense.


New member
Jul 30, 2008
I collect knives and swords, so fighting my way out wouldn't be to bad. get a group of people to follow me to the local city building then slaughter them one-by-one for zombie food. (you gotta get distance somehow) once inside the building begin giving orders about how to fortify the building. if anyone gives me any resistance...zombie food.

morrie man

New member
Oct 5, 2008
Eat them first!
They'll never see me coming.
If you eat infected flesh you too will turn into a zombie after 24 hours....funlly enough not the best plan ever, i think.


New member
Dec 12, 2008
I'd hijack a NASA spaceship and fly to Mars... Unless that's where the zombies came from!?!!?

morrie man

New member
Oct 5, 2008
John Tacos said:
arcstone said:
Before I answer this, I'm going to have to know weather were talking about traditional slow-moving zombies, or 28 days later/left 4 dead snarling marathon runners.
If it's the fast zombies I'm boned. I only have a few zombie plans for them, and somehow they always seem to involve me being cornered. By the way, Left 4 Dead is a good way to prepare, it's like a simulator for when valve releases the real zombies.
no offence intended here but the game "left 4 dead" even though is a brilliant game is not a simulator in any way, because of the way the whole thing is layed out. Though some of the game is truthful and correct such as the amount of zombies, the car sirens attracting zombies. though everything else is really not quite accurate, like for instance the fast zombies cant happen, and the mutated ones wouldnt happen, zombies cannot die by being shot in the chest allot only a head shot will kill, there are not grenades that will atract zombies to it and then it explodes. these and more reasons is why the game is not a great simulator for the real thing and it is unlickly that there ever will be, because of the logic to it all. I hate to sound like a buzz kill but thats the truth and like it or not if thats how you are going to be prepared then i certainlly dont want to be with you when the zombie apocolypse happens.

Happy Toki Toki

New member
Oct 3, 2008
funnily enough me and a group of friends already discussed this at length...

my plan is simply to use the swords i have in my room to hack my way outside and to my car, grab the sledge hammer and block splitter near the shed and grab my gun case (if its covered in undead - and its only a ranger 1911 so its not like im going to be able to kill more than 10 or so of them anyway)

get my ass over to my friends place, put all the window shutters down, baracade the hallway and close of all the other doors, and every month or so go out for a raid and get supplys...

(skipping alot of detail as not to bore you all)

and thats my plan in basics

morrie man

New member
Oct 5, 2008
Anonymouse said:
morrie man said:
Eat them first!
They'll never see me coming.
If you eat infected flesh you too will turn into a zombie after 24 hours....funlly enough not the best plan ever, i think.
Does nawt. Ingestion of Solanum [http://zombie.wikia.com/wiki/Solanum] infected flesh just kills you. You dont turn.
Well Well Well, at last someone else who noes what there talking about and you are correct in your notification, you desirve a cookie.

morrie man

New member
Oct 5, 2008
Happy Toki Toki said:
funnily enough me and a group of friends already discussed this at length...

my plan is simply to use the swords i have in my room to hack my way outside and to my car, grab the sledge hammer and block splitter near the shed and grab my gun case (if its covered in undead - and its only a ranger 1911 so its not like im going to be able to kill more than 10 or so of them anyway)

get my ass over to my friends place, put all the window shutters down, baracade the hallway and close of all the other doors, and every month or so go out for a raid and get supplys...

(skipping alot of detail as not to bore you all)

and thats my plan in basics
Well i wish you the best in your plan, it sounds pritty good.

Happy Toki Toki

New member
Oct 3, 2008
The_Oracle said:
This is a good topic. In 2012, it's rumored that life as we know it is going to end, and the Mayans predicted Cortez's arrival (well, sort of). What if a zombie apocalypse will occur in 2012? (Dec. 12, I believe)

That means we have four years to prepare for the inevitable. If your zombie plan isn't ready by then, it's GAME OVER, man, game over.

That said, here's my zombie plan:

Assuming I will hear about the zombocalypse on the news or on the Internet, I will assume that the country I live in (America, land of the Big Mac) has been overtaken by anarchy, and thus schools and the like will be closed. First I'll start by barricading my house, giving me a chance to gather up the essentials, such as food, water, and supplies.

My father has an old machete he keeps in his drawers as a sort of souvenir, so we'll grab that and make our way to our local grocery store first. We then set up walls, barricades, and the like to make sure the zombies don't get in. We could survive for a while in the store, and when the food and other supplies run low, we could make expeditions looking for guns, weapons, survivors, and anything else we need.

Once we've gotten everything we need, we abandon the store and hijack a car with plenty of gas in it. We then make our way all the way up to New York (not the city, the country part of NY) where my 'hippie' aunt and uncle live. They are excellent farmers, the place they live in is fairly isolated but not too far away from civilization, they built their own house, and they are almost completely self-sufficient. Me, my father, my aunt and my uncle make a life for ourselves there, venturing out only to check on the current situation of the world and to get guns and supplies from town.

There you have it. It may need some adjusting, but like I said, I have four years.

um the myan calander ending is just a cycle... when their callender ends we are ment to begin the 350 day year thats all.... wtf is with all you dooms day profits, in a hurry to die or something?


New member
Dec 22, 2008
I'd probably just kill myself quick and painlessly rather than being eaten alive by a horde of zombies, not to mention that they always know where you are.

Endangered Puma

New member
Dec 22, 2008
One word: Antarctica!

Register today to join my elaberate network of snow caves! You could join me today in Cave 102! I'd like to be called the overseer though. But the best part, floating robot butlers! (Those were actually my favorite things in Fallout 3 "Photons have mass? I wasn't aware they were Catholic.")