What's YOUR zombie escape plan?


Dyslexics of the world...UNTIE!
Dec 17, 2008
even in england we have guns at most of our police stations (or so i'm told). So... i'dgo to my local police station in my Landrover Defender (see any number of zombies stop that!) get some riot gear, batons, riot sheilds and shotguns/mp5s/whatever + ammo and run somewhere safe...like one of the channle islands (zombies cant swim right?)

Failing that i'm a yellow belt in tae kwon doe...so, well i'd die. but i'd look cool doing it :)


New member
Dec 29, 2008
One bullet out of the 10 mm hidden in my closet.

I'm small, weak and can't run that fast for extended periods. Invariably, the do it yourself method of self imposed death suits me better, over the embarrassment of being a four and a half foot tall zombie, who is always at the back of the lunch queue.


New member
Nov 1, 2008
Souplex said:
Why does everyone on a floor above first think they are screwed, zombies cannot really lift their legs high enough to climb a staircase without bashing their heads open on every step. Second floor is a safe place to be!
untill that so many zombies die the bodies form a ramp up kinda like the scene from starship troopers or maybee it will form a giant wall whick blocks of the staircase lol


New member
Jul 16, 2008
cheesecake123 said:
Souplex said:
Why does everyone on a floor above first think they are screwed, zombies cannot really lift their legs high enough to climb a staircase without bashing their heads open on every step. Second floor is a safe place to be!
untill that so many zombies die the bodies form a ramp up kinda like the scene from starship troopers or maybee it will form a giant wall whick blocks of the staircase lol
Then BURN them. With many flammable things.


New member
Nov 1, 2008
hmm i am not quite sure what mine would be (thinks for 3 hours).... well i live in a tiny village so their wont be that many zombies but their isnt that many shops around so i will eventually run out of food and i live in England so their isnt really anyone with a gun unless if a find an old farm house and then in true movie fashion try to fight of the horde in the delapidated farmhouse untill i get bored and kill myself.


New member
Jul 16, 2008
For my escape plan... barricade the door, grab the shotgun, point it in my mouth and squeeze the tigger. So I escape, to a better place.

October Country

New member
Dec 21, 2008
I'm on the second floor of my house so it would be necessary to fight my way out into the hall outside my room, using scissors, bottles, kicks, whatever. Luckily the staircase is right next to my room, so I could probably just kick them down the stairs one at a time. Then I would go into the bathroom where I could lower myself to the ground and get the garage to get some proper weapons, axes, crowbars, hammers. After that, hmm... Maybe I could make my way to a grocery store nearby and blockade the entrance, but that depends on how many zombies we are talking about.
But I don't know how good the chances are for survival in the long run, sooner or later they are probably going to get all of us.


New member
Nov 11, 2008
SenseOfTumour said:
Well, I'd be screwed, I'm on the third floor with no fire escape,
im in a similer position with you except im on the second
floor so i jump to the ground ,,for weapons i could use my lava
lamp since it's the only thing thats in arms length (can't go downstairs
where all the good weapons are DAM)

but when im out on the street i guess i might be
kinda screwed since it's a narrow and only one road which makes the zombies
even harder to get pass but i could use my parkour skills to run up one the
strangley climbable house and just stay there till help comes.:)


New member
Nov 22, 2008
assuming they are the slow type - i'm completely safe, there is a medium sized wall around my whole house, and i could shut the gate and reinforce it. Although supplies.....

morrie man

New member
Oct 5, 2008
spuddyt said:
assuming they are the slow type - i'm completely safe, there is a medium sized wall around my whole house, and i could shut the gate and reinforce it. Although supplies.....
Not to mention that they would probably destroy it eventually and it would have to be either very thick or far beeneth the ground in concrete or else it wont last more than a day. Then you doomed.


New member
Nov 22, 2008
depends how many zombies, and how hard they push - I know that my wall would withstand no matter how long i pushed


New member
Jun 22, 2008
Cogito said:
even in england we have guns at most of our police stations (or so i'm told). So... i'dgo to my local police station in my Landrover Defender (see any number of zombies stop that!) get some riot gear, batons, riot sheilds and shotguns/mp5s/whatever + ammo and run somewhere safe...like one of the channle islands (zombies cant swim right?)

Failing that i'm a yellow belt in tae kwon doe...so, well i'd die. but i'd look cool doing it :)
You would die so fast in it, you won't be able to make good turns for fear of flipping around helplessly and getting knocked unconscious while zombies tear you limb from limb.


Dyslexics of the world...UNTIE!
Dec 17, 2008
Bulletinmybrain said:
Cogito said:
even in england we have guns at most of our police stations (or so i'm told). So... i'dgo to my local police station in my Landrover Defender (see any number of zombies stop that!) get some riot gear, batons, riot sheilds and shotguns/mp5s/whatever + ammo and run somewhere safe...like one of the channle islands (zombies cant swim right?)

Failing that i'm a yellow belt in tae kwon doe...so, well i'd die. but i'd look cool doing it :)
You would die so fast in it, you won't be able to make good turns for fear of flipping around helplessly and getting knocked unconscious while zombies tear you limb from limb.
Heh, the plan would be more of a drive sedately at 20mph and watch the zombies get helplessly crushed type plan, rather than a lose all control and drive like a 10 year old type plan :)

Bored Tomatoe

New member
Aug 15, 2008
Hmmm...I would just make my house into an impenetrable fortress. For entertainment during the weeks/months I am at home, I will put a ladder up my chimney and shoot the zombies or just throw shit at them.