What's YOUR zombie escape plan?


Make America Great For Who?
Oct 8, 2008
Get semi-auto guns, eastern swords, some Starbucks, ramen, and a car/airplane (which ever one is working or useful at that time). After gathering that crap, I'll head straight towards Alaska because we all know that zombies can't move when they're frozen, right?


New member
Mar 25, 2009
JWAN said:
go over to home depot,
jack their 1, 1/4 ton truck,
load it with 3/4 inch 4*8 sheets of plywood, nails,
4-5 generators,
solar lighting sidewalk kits,
4*4 and 6*6 10 ft poles
30 80lb sacks of concrete
expansion foam
4.5 inch self tapping deck screws
aluminum window screen
2 medium green houses
10 sets of 2, 45 watt solar panels
4-5 of those those yard pinwheels (metal) so you can hook up a small generator and an inverter for extra power. Plan on 2 a person to ensure a decent amount of power, and keep 5 of those in stock in case one gets ruined
hook up 4 bicycle powered generators to help with an exercise regimen
get a bunked and start doing light assisted pull ups, push ups, jumping jacks, sit ups and lunges as well as steam engines any thing to aliveate boredom and get stronger.

get a pellet gun and take 25 practice rounds a day, I have over 5000 pellets so Im not worried about running out

drop all of that off at home and have my friends start nailing stuff together and covering the wooden wall structures with the screen to hold it together
cut open the drywall and fill the walls with foam
get 95% alcohol and fill up beer bottles 1/3 the way and clean the guns

go over to the hardware store and pick up bullets for my 30.06's (M1 Garrands, 7 of them)and fill up 4 55 gallon drums with shotgun shells, 30.06 rounds, 30.30 rounds, .22 rounds and 50 5 pound sacks of gunpowder, several thousand yards of fishing line, hooks, heavy duty rope and motion sensor cameras

also pick up a few .22 handguns and pellet handguns for practice. grab as much ammo as possible of any kind of gun (after you get what you NEED, you never know what you might pick up later you know!)

drop all of that off at home and help re-enforce the windows, pour foam and bring up plywood into roof crawl space and make a platform out of 4 4*8's/seal in the insulation and continue readying the water condensers

get stores of beans and canned corn lined up and start pouring the concrete fence posts outside and putting in the posts that should already have boards nailed between them (they will be reinforced at a later date)

start getting petroleum jelly ready to lob some newspaper fire nades at the the horde and add gunpowder for an snap

I already have collected (gifts every year I get 2 250 rd boxes) several thousand .22 LR rounds and i have enough shotgun rounds I could open an 18 inch gap and force the zombies into a choke zone and blast them one by one (with a shotgun I would wait till they fill the box and use good old buckshot and take out 3-6 )

other than that keep the fire nades ready if we need to scram and start using the .22 to thin the herd, fire 50 rounds a day and make every one a one shot kill.

if you get surrounded by a bunch just keep plinking away at only the targets you are sure to get and one day you will be able to leave for more bullets and reinforcing gear supplies and gradually expand your defenses outward and use everything you can from plastic siding to tarps to help make your wall tougher to break down. you can always grow food and you can always dig a deep trench and when it gets full of zombies (7 ft trench 5 feet wide) throw out some petroleum jelly and burn them off.

oh yea, get health supplies from the Walgreens and get respirators for when you have to burn out the ditch

after you get those solar lights that are built to light for 8 hours hook 3 of those panels to a small transistor radio and you will be able to power it once your batteries die, also lengthen the wire from the panel to the light and use them to light the inside of your home.

make sure you have plenty of books (minimum of 175 a person) so you can read and learn/ keep entertained.

use one of the oil drums as a bathroom (cut it in half) and use the others as large fire bombs that you could set off to make a large hole in the horde (old Vietnam trick they used to fill them with 4 pounds of petroleum jelly, 35 gallons of jet-fuel and set them off with 60 pounds of C4, it would throw Napalm downhill and make a burning crater)

after 100 days of siege if you have been picking off your 50 a day you are probably safe to make another supply run. You should have taken out 5000, a person 5000*5-6 = 25,000-30,000 ZKIA (Zombie Killed In Action) Even in my town of Madison Wisconsin we have 200,000 + people so that puts in a dent. and it makes a good bonfire when you chuck them in the street and light them up

... Holy Shit... you really thought this out...
I'm Impressed, but what would you do about other humans?


New member
Mar 25, 2009

I live in a one story house. also my family is comprised of a bunch of rednecks. even if they are generally liberal, they are still gun-nuts.

1. grab all four guns (three rifles and a shotgun)that are next to me.
2. grab the other two guns from the rest of the house (a revolver and a automatic pistol).
3. grab all the ammo (this would be done at the same time as 1 and 2).
4. grab duffel bag and fill said duffel bag with food and a second set of clothes (you never know when the cloth will come in handy).
5. grab keys to car (Toyota 4runner. big gas tank, 4 wheel drive, and a cow-bar on the front. good car for running things over).
6. loot/steal; ammo, food, lots of gas, hit up REI for all that camping stuff i might need, guns, more ammo, a hot chick (if convenient), CB radio, aaaaaaaaaand more ammo.
7. head to my uncle's house (on a hill surrounded by vineyards. and has a 10 foot wall around it).
8. hole up till the bastards finish decomposing.

1-5 are the same
6. head to home depot. (its across the street from Safeway and a gunshop.)
7. barricade all side doors. Then use the stuff in home depot to build two walls that stretch from Home depot to the gunshop and Safeway. allowing me to run between unhindered.
8. keep strengthening these walls so there is a "impenetrable" barrier between me and the Zeds.

if any humans come to me, i make them strip down to check for any slow burn bites and then keep them in quarantine for 3 days(the time it takes to turn into a Zed. if I'm wrong please tell me). I would keep them well fed. then once i knew they were clean i would have them help me defend my... wall-thingy.


New member
Dec 27, 2008
Froobyx said:
JWAN said:
go over to home depot,
jack their 1, 1/4 ton truck,
load it with 3/4 inch 4*8 sheets of plywood, nails,
4-5 generators,
solar lighting sidewalk kits,
4*4 and 6*6 10 ft poles
30 80lb sacks of concrete
expansion foam
4.5 inch self tapping deck screws
aluminum window screen
2 medium green houses
10 sets of 2, 45 watt solar panels
4-5 of those those yard pinwheels (metal) so you can hook up a small generator and an inverter for extra power. Plan on 2 a person to ensure a decent amount of power, and keep 5 of those in stock in case one gets ruined
Have you done this before?
This is on every online forum so I just started out with a little bit and applied my knowledge of military defenses and past posts i have made, I just keep a MSW document on it and whenever one of these pops up I use it.


New member
Dec 27, 2008
axtr said:
JWAN said:
go over to home depot,
jack their 1, 1/4 ton truck,
load it with 3/4 inch 4*8 sheets of plywood, nails,
4-5 generators,
solar lighting sidewalk kits,
4*4 and 6*6 10 ft poles
30 80lb sacks of concrete
expansion foam
4.5 inch self tapping deck screws
aluminum window screen
2 medium green houses
10 sets of 2, 45 watt solar panels
4-5 of those those yard pinwheels (metal) so you can hook up a small generator and an inverter for extra power. Plan on 2 a person to ensure a decent amount of power, and keep 5 of those in stock in case one gets ruined
hook up 4 bicycle powered generators to help with an exercise regimen
get a bunked and start doing light assisted pull ups, push ups, jumping jacks, sit ups and lunges as well as steam engines any thing to aliveate boredom and get stronger.

get a pellet gun and take 25 practice rounds a day, I have over 5000 pellets so Im not worried about running out

drop all of that off at home and have my friends start nailing stuff together and covering the wooden wall structures with the screen to hold it together
cut open the drywall and fill the walls with foam
get 95% alcohol and fill up beer bottles 1/3 the way and clean the guns

go over to the hardware store and pick up bullets for my 30.06's (M1 Garrands, 7 of them)and fill up 4 55 gallon drums with shotgun shells, 30.06 rounds, 30.30 rounds, .22 rounds and 50 5 pound sacks of gunpowder, several thousand yards of fishing line, hooks, heavy duty rope and motion sensor cameras

also pick up a few .22 handguns and pellet handguns for practice. grab as much ammo as possible of any kind of gun (after you get what you NEED, you never know what you might pick up later you know!)

drop all of that off at home and help re-enforce the windows, pour foam and bring up plywood into roof crawl space and make a platform out of 4 4*8's/seal in the insulation and continue readying the water condensers

get stores of beans and canned corn lined up and start pouring the concrete fence posts outside and putting in the posts that should already have boards nailed between them (they will be reinforced at a later date)

start getting petroleum jelly ready to lob some newspaper fire nades at the the horde and add gunpowder for an snap

I already have collected (gifts every year I get 2 250 rd boxes) several thousand .22 LR rounds and i have enough shotgun rounds I could open an 18 inch gap and force the zombies into a choke zone and blast them one by one (with a shotgun I would wait till they fill the box and use good old buckshot and take out 3-6 )

other than that keep the fire nades ready if we need to scram and start using the .22 to thin the herd, fire 50 rounds a day and make every one a one shot kill.

if you get surrounded by a bunch just keep plinking away at only the targets you are sure to get and one day you will be able to leave for more bullets and reinforcing gear supplies and gradually expand your defenses outward and use everything you can from plastic siding to tarps to help make your wall tougher to break down. you can always grow food and you can always dig a deep trench and when it gets full of zombies (7 ft trench 5 feet wide) throw out some petroleum jelly and burn them off.

oh yea, get health supplies from the Walgreens and get respirators for when you have to burn out the ditch

after you get those solar lights that are built to light for 8 hours hook 3 of those panels to a small transistor radio and you will be able to power it once your batteries die, also lengthen the wire from the panel to the light and use them to light the inside of your home.

make sure you have plenty of books (minimum of 175 a person) so you can read and learn/ keep entertained.

use one of the oil drums as a bathroom (cut it in half) and use the others as large fire bombs that you could set off to make a large hole in the horde (old Vietnam trick they used to fill them with 4 pounds of petroleum jelly, 35 gallons of jet-fuel and set them off with 60 pounds of C4, it would throw Napalm downhill and make a burning crater)

after 100 days of siege if you have been picking off your 50 a day you are probably safe to make another supply run. You should have taken out 5000, a person 5000*5-6 = 25,000-30,000 ZKIA (Zombie Killed In Action) Even in my town of Madison Wisconsin we have 200,000 + people so that puts in a dent. and it makes a good bonfire when you chuck them in the street and light them up

... Holy Shit... you really thought this out...
I'm Impressed, but what would you do about other humans?
that's why you gotta make that 18 inch slot in the wall and it depends on who it is, if they decide to pull shit I guess I just have to blast them, if not I can always ration

also i am in the process of making an MMORPG style game that involves humans and zombies and Im trying to apply as many elements as I can and I have military manuals so I am going to apply the ideas i get out of that and apply those to the game


New member
Nov 4, 2008
well seeing as this is gonna get buried in the umpteenth page and noone is going to read it i dont really see the point in typing a responce but sence im playing pretend with the zombies and all id have to go with one or both of my guitars as blunt weapons (very dead rising esk)drumsticks that would make a better weapon aganst a vampire. got a thick hotel california tequilla bottle a few knives as far as escape plan i think its pointless to run anywhere as the movies prove reguardless of where you run theirs always gonna be more of them bastards around the corner or down the street or on the deserted island ohh ohh and if i could mke it downstairs to my drum kit i think id play a blastbeat canibal corpse dirge to fall to and then rise up as the undead and bite my annoying fackin neighbors


New member
Mar 25, 2009
JWAN said:
axtr said:
JWAN said:
go over to home depot,
jack their 1, 1/4 ton truck,
load it with 3/4 inch 4*8 sheets of plywood, nails,
4-5 generators,
solar lighting sidewalk kits,
4*4 and 6*6 10 ft poles
30 80lb sacks of concrete
expansion foam
4.5 inch self tapping deck screws
aluminum window screen
2 medium green houses
10 sets of 2, 45 watt solar panels
4-5 of those those yard pinwheels (metal) so you can hook up a small generator and an inverter for extra power. Plan on 2 a person to ensure a decent amount of power, and keep 5 of those in stock in case one gets ruined
hook up 4 bicycle powered generators to help with an exercise regimen
get a bunked and start doing light assisted pull ups, push ups, jumping jacks, sit ups and lunges as well as steam engines any thing to aliveate boredom and get stronger.

get a pellet gun and take 25 practice rounds a day, I have over 5000 pellets so Im not worried about running out

drop all of that off at home and have my friends start nailing stuff together and covering the wooden wall structures with the screen to hold it together
cut open the drywall and fill the walls with foam
get 95% alcohol and fill up beer bottles 1/3 the way and clean the guns

go over to the hardware store and pick up bullets for my 30.06's (M1 Garrands, 7 of them)and fill up 4 55 gallon drums with shotgun shells, 30.06 rounds, 30.30 rounds, .22 rounds and 50 5 pound sacks of gunpowder, several thousand yards of fishing line, hooks, heavy duty rope and motion sensor cameras

also pick up a few .22 handguns and pellet handguns for practice. grab as much ammo as possible of any kind of gun (after you get what you NEED, you never know what you might pick up later you know!)

drop all of that off at home and help re-enforce the windows, pour foam and bring up plywood into roof crawl space and make a platform out of 4 4*8's/seal in the insulation and continue readying the water condensers

get stores of beans and canned corn lined up and start pouring the concrete fence posts outside and putting in the posts that should already have boards nailed between them (they will be reinforced at a later date)

start getting petroleum jelly ready to lob some newspaper fire nades at the the horde and add gunpowder for an snap

I already have collected (gifts every year I get 2 250 rd boxes) several thousand .22 LR rounds and i have enough shotgun rounds I could open an 18 inch gap and force the zombies into a choke zone and blast them one by one (with a shotgun I would wait till they fill the box and use good old buckshot and take out 3-6 )

other than that keep the fire nades ready if we need to scram and start using the .22 to thin the herd, fire 50 rounds a day and make every one a one shot kill.

if you get surrounded by a bunch just keep plinking away at only the targets you are sure to get and one day you will be able to leave for more bullets and reinforcing gear supplies and gradually expand your defenses outward and use everything you can from plastic siding to tarps to help make your wall tougher to break down. you can always grow food and you can always dig a deep trench and when it gets full of zombies (7 ft trench 5 feet wide) throw out some petroleum jelly and burn them off.

oh yea, get health supplies from the Walgreens and get respirators for when you have to burn out the ditch

after you get those solar lights that are built to light for 8 hours hook 3 of those panels to a small transistor radio and you will be able to power it once your batteries die, also lengthen the wire from the panel to the light and use them to light the inside of your home.

make sure you have plenty of books (minimum of 175 a person) so you can read and learn/ keep entertained.

use one of the oil drums as a bathroom (cut it in half) and use the others as large fire bombs that you could set off to make a large hole in the horde (old Vietnam trick they used to fill them with 4 pounds of petroleum jelly, 35 gallons of jet-fuel and set them off with 60 pounds of C4, it would throw Napalm downhill and make a burning crater)

after 100 days of siege if you have been picking off your 50 a day you are probably safe to make another supply run. You should have taken out 5000, a person 5000*5-6 = 25,000-30,000 ZKIA (Zombie Killed In Action) Even in my town of Madison Wisconsin we have 200,000 + people so that puts in a dent. and it makes a good bonfire when you chuck them in the street and light them up

... Holy Shit... you really thought this out...
I'm Impressed, but what would you do about other humans?
that's why you gotta make that 18 inch slot in the wall and it depends on who it is, if they decide to pull shit I guess I just have to blast them, if not I can always ration

also i am in the process of making an MMORPG style game that involves humans and zombies and Im trying to apply as many elements as I can and I have military manuals so I am going to apply the ideas i get out of that and apply those to the game
sounds good. whats the game gonna be called?

tacomonkey 360

New member
Mar 27, 2009
1.fist i gather junk around my PC which is most likely a can of hairspray,a lighter, and ducttape
you can see were I'm going with that
2.toast any zombies get in my way grab my moms car keys and cellphone some knives and axe in my garage the car there to
3.then after running over some zombie horde call up buds see if their still alive save there asses the drive off raid my the gun shop.
3. head to the hospital fight through undead sickies and steal helicopter on top roof
4. probably crash kill all us all


New member
Dec 27, 2008
axtr said:
JWAN said:
axtr said:
JWAN said:
go over to home depot,
jack their 1, 1/4 ton truck,
load it with 3/4 inch 4*8 sheets of plywood, nails,
4-5 generators,
solar lighting sidewalk kits,
4*4 and 6*6 10 ft poles
30 80lb sacks of concrete
expansion foam
4.5 inch self tapping deck screws
aluminum window screen
2 medium green houses
10 sets of 2, 45 watt solar panels
4-5 of those those yard pinwheels (metal) so you can hook up a small generator and an inverter for extra power. Plan on 2 a person to ensure a decent amount of power, and keep 5 of those in stock in case one gets ruined
hook up 4 bicycle powered generators to help with an exercise regimen
get a bunked and start doing light assisted pull ups, push ups, jumping jacks, sit ups and lunges as well as steam engines any thing to aliveate boredom and get stronger.

get a pellet gun and take 25 practice rounds a day, I have over 5000 pellets so Im not worried about running out

drop all of that off at home and have my friends start nailing stuff together and covering the wooden wall structures with the screen to hold it together
cut open the drywall and fill the walls with foam
get 95% alcohol and fill up beer bottles 1/3 the way and clean the guns

go over to the hardware store and pick up bullets for my 30.06's (M1 Garrands, 7 of them)and fill up 4 55 gallon drums with shotgun shells, 30.06 rounds, 30.30 rounds, .22 rounds and 50 5 pound sacks of gunpowder, several thousand yards of fishing line, hooks, heavy duty rope and motion sensor cameras

also pick up a few .22 handguns and pellet handguns for practice. grab as much ammo as possible of any kind of gun (after you get what you NEED, you never know what you might pick up later you know!)

drop all of that off at home and help re-enforce the windows, pour foam and bring up plywood into roof crawl space and make a platform out of 4 4*8's/seal in the insulation and continue readying the water condensers

get stores of beans and canned corn lined up and start pouring the concrete fence posts outside and putting in the posts that should already have boards nailed between them (they will be reinforced at a later date)

start getting petroleum jelly ready to lob some newspaper fire nades at the the horde and add gunpowder for an snap

I already have collected (gifts every year I get 2 250 rd boxes) several thousand .22 LR rounds and i have enough shotgun rounds I could open an 18 inch gap and force the zombies into a choke zone and blast them one by one (with a shotgun I would wait till they fill the box and use good old buckshot and take out 3-6 )

other than that keep the fire nades ready if we need to scram and start using the .22 to thin the herd, fire 50 rounds a day and make every one a one shot kill.

if you get surrounded by a bunch just keep plinking away at only the targets you are sure to get and one day you will be able to leave for more bullets and reinforcing gear supplies and gradually expand your defenses outward and use everything you can from plastic siding to tarps to help make your wall tougher to break down. you can always grow food and you can always dig a deep trench and when it gets full of zombies (7 ft trench 5 feet wide) throw out some petroleum jelly and burn them off.

oh yea, get health supplies from the Walgreens and get respirators for when you have to burn out the ditch

after you get those solar lights that are built to light for 8 hours hook 3 of those panels to a small transistor radio and you will be able to power it once your batteries die, also lengthen the wire from the panel to the light and use them to light the inside of your home.

make sure you have plenty of books (minimum of 175 a person) so you can read and learn/ keep entertained.

use one of the oil drums as a bathroom (cut it in half) and use the others as large fire bombs that you could set off to make a large hole in the horde (old Vietnam trick they used to fill them with 4 pounds of petroleum jelly, 35 gallons of jet-fuel and set them off with 60 pounds of C4, it would throw Napalm downhill and make a burning crater)

after 100 days of siege if you have been picking off your 50 a day you are probably safe to make another supply run. You should have taken out 5000, a person 5000*5-6 = 25,000-30,000 ZKIA (Zombie Killed In Action) Even in my town of Madison Wisconsin we have 200,000 + people so that puts in a dent. and it makes a good bonfire when you chuck them in the street and light them up

... Holy Shit... you really thought this out...
I'm Impressed, but what would you do about other humans?
that's why you gotta make that 18 inch slot in the wall and it depends on who it is, if they decide to pull shit I guess I just have to blast them, if not I can always ration

also i am in the process of making an MMORPG style game that involves humans and zombies and Im trying to apply as many elements as I can and I have military manuals so I am going to apply the ideas i get out of that and apply those to the game
sounds good. whats the game gonna be called?
I dont know yet all I know is that you can find various sized engines and stuff, add to them and create little go carts and shit
or specialty weapons and skills based on your class

its all in the planning stage and I wont be able to get the code working for awhile

morrie man

New member
Oct 5, 2008
I know this is possibly the worst zombie survival guide to ever be found but i just found it so funny i think you should all see this. Follow the link to watch: What to do in a zombie attack.



New member
Nov 21, 2007
Well there isn't really any escaping these zombies now is there.

If they can unnaturally sense where you are at all times. There would just be constant running or Hiding out.

From those choices, Id stay in my dorm room. The doors are pretty thick and made of steel. Shit load of canned foods and loads of water. Then maybe I'd get so bored that I would actually read my text books OMG.


New member
Nov 26, 2008
iJosh said:
From those choices, Id stay in my dorm room. The doors are pretty thick and made of steel. Shit load of canned foods and loads of water. Then maybe I'd get so bored that I would actually read my text books OMG.
Wow! My thoughts exactly, dorm rooms here are pretty thick and durable.

Well, another plan is stay in a dorm, and always have at least one fat kid or a cripple, cause then you have someone to stall the zombies with. Wow, that just sounds... smart yet cruel! heh


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Darkmark44 said:
iJosh said:
From those choices, Id stay in my dorm room. The doors are pretty thick and made of steel. Shit load of canned foods and loads of water. Then maybe I'd get so bored that I would actually read my text books OMG.
Wow! My thoughts exactly, dorm rooms here are pretty thick and durable.

Well, another plan is stay in a dorm, and always have at least one fat kid or a cripple, cause then you have someone to stall the zombies with. Wow, that just sounds... smart yet cruel! heh
That is true, There is always the one of them. I just realized it now. Plus my dorm room is like 3 floors up and is next to a fire exit.


New member
Feb 2, 2009
I dont like the "Zombies can sense where you are, no matter how well hidden", because it destroys my whole plan.

Me and my friend have spent many drunken nights planning our survival plan, I wont type it all cause its very detailed.

Basically, tall building, kill stairs, grow food, play PS3 with solar panel power.
Easy, fun, safe :)


New member
Mar 6, 2009
Weapons: 6 inch combat knife in my drawer.

Armour: Motorbike leathers, helmet gloves, boots. It can't be easy to bite through that...

I would get some extra weapons from the garage: Chainsaw, machete, Bow and arrows (yep I do have them). As a bonus my house is already well protected, having tall and sturdy fencing surrounding it. Id still get the hell out of the city though.

A string of zombies shuffling into the Australian outback doesn't sound overly scary lol.


New member
Oct 11, 2008
My friends and I are making a zomedy (zombie comedy) movie series... when we film one of our escape plans, I'll post it here :p


New member
Feb 11, 2009
I'll be holing myself up in a Walmart if zombies ever attack. Everything you need plus it's doors dont open for people without souls.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Ushario said:

A string of zombies shuffling into the Australian outback doesn't sound overly scary lol.
But I'm sure the Lions of the Australian out back would have eaten some zombies therefore making them infected as well. There isn't anything scary about a lion though, right?