What's YOUR zombie escape plan?


New member
Feb 25, 2009
I can imagine just turning up to the pub armed to the teeth with frozen curry meals and a pair of bloodied gardening sheers and saying something like "get me a pint and microwave, I'm not letting these undead bastards take my curry!"


New member
Mar 20, 2009
Lukeymundo said:
I can imagine just turning up to the pub armed to the teeth with frozen curry meals and a pair of bloodied gardening sheers and saying something like "get me a pint and microwave, I'm not letting these undead bastards take my curry!"
I'd probably say "sorry mate heaters off, so it's a bit warm" lol and if anything bad happens we always got a rifle with us, Kieren has glases and shoots like a reatarded chav and I have my marksman from Air Cadets lol I got better chances of shooting a head than him, and we can always jump into the serving area of the pub and drink ourselves to death.


Badass Alien
Mar 2, 2009
Depends what type of zombies, if they were the slow stupid zombies I would probably just bring the cat in, invite my friends around, board up a couple of walls then SHUT THE GATE. Yeah let's see them figure THAT out.

If they were the fast moving infected from 28 days later I would get all the people I can and pile up into several cars and just keep driving away from civilisation stopping only for fresh food, fuel and ammo.

If they were the Flood or any other alien lifeform I would lock myself and my friends, family and beloved up somewhere and wait for Masterchief and the Arbiter to come kill them all (the Flood that is).


New member
Mar 20, 2009
Well im lucky.. if i was at work (im a bank teller) i have a secure room to wait in for rescue...

my friends and i have devised a plan basically involving getting supplies which wont be hard because they work in different area's that have what we want and then getting ourselves to our local college campus which is at the top of a mountain and barricading the metal work building which only has three doors into it on the ground floor... one big roller door and two smaller ordinary doors so... break out the welding equipment and stick steel plates on the doors and we have a metal work lab with various weapon making machines.

the building also contains the Catering department's commercial kitchen with huge walk in fridges and freezers and a walk way on the third floor to the Admin block which we would also fortify and use as the main entrance and exit


New member
Feb 25, 2009
Well I suppose if it actually happened and I was just in my room and BOOM zombie apocalypse tadahh! then I'd lock & barricade any doors and windows, raid the fridge for food and grab any containers for water, I haven't got a gun so I'd probably try and grab an axe from the garage then something to sharpen it if it got blunt from zombie skull. I'd wear something that could possibly stop bites to the upper body like a leather jacket with a make shift armor plating. After that I'd contact my friend andrew who lives close so would be reachable, take a mobile phone as a means of contact as long as the masts stay intact. No dought Andrew would be prepared and since there's safety in numbers we'd probably organise for people to meet at the castle in the city. if were going to be safe, we'd be safe in a castle, head for the roof and hold out for a rescue helicopter. either that or go to the pub and enjoy my last few hours before the inevitable end of the world.


New member
Mar 9, 2009
Well first of all,
I'll get this list of stuff; cadet I.D. , radio, car (Car keys are optional), a sharpen object (Saw, garden hoe, katakana etc...)
After that; I'd would get in the car and drive to the nearest Army,RAFF or Navy base
(If I didn't have a car then I would go into the bush and run with my mates to the nearest military force controlled area [I would know due to my radio]). Using my cadet pass to get in I would then take up arms to fight.



New member
Feb 25, 2009
Minigun and peanut butter! I'll hit the zombies with the peanut butter and eat the minigun! Wait, hang on a second


New member
Feb 5, 2009
Simple, pop out the Zeplin and start flying over the city laughing maniacally as the people below you scream for help.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
I told my mate Kieren about my posts and this is our convo over texts:
H: I posted our zombie plan on escapists.
K: Nice any comments?
H: Yeah we got a survivor and an ex army cadet.
K: Yay tourists but ask them can they handle a shovel?
H: The survivor has frozen curry and the ex army cadet beleives that a gun is more lethal without ammo.
K: I'm starting to like the cadet!
H: Don't get too atached he's gay.
K: WTF!! Dude and he's gonna be covering our backs!?!
H: More like he's gonna be cuming over our backs lol
K: WTF!! NO way man what made you recruit him we gotta kill zombies, not hump them.
H: We got another recruit a semi hot left for dead fan girl. She could prove useful
K: YES!! Repopulate the human race and all that shit.
H: I was thinking more of feed her to the zombs, but yours sounds better sex all round execept for the cadet boy.
K: We could give conor to him.
H: Screw him leave him to fend for himself give panda to the gay.
K: I like our plan!
H: TO the PUB!
H: Then to the school... which is the other way. Whoop another recruit he's a cripple so he will be our diversion.
K: Don't tell him that.
H: Lool


New member
Jan 19, 2009
I'd head to austin, Ive yet to see my girlfriend and Im so damn determind to see her, I would go through all the slow ass zombies.
I'd die in her arms...and be the zombie to eat her of course :3


New member
Feb 25, 2009
If zombies started tapping at my window, the first thing i'd do is run around the house as fast as I could shutting windows and locking doors (to give time to prepare).

From there, i'd grab the fire-poker from near the fireplace(which is more or less a blunt, hooked rod of dense metal), stash some batteries and a small torch in my pocket (from my room, possibly also my DS and Advance Wars) and a small backpack. Into the bacpack i'd toss the DS, my wallet, sunglasses (cos glare is not cool when you're trying to fend off rabid zombies, and sick shades totally are) and some snacks... like I don't know... chickin in a biscuit or some shit...

Also, before I went on my way, i'd hurry down stairs to my dad's tool shed. There's tons of crap down there, and among other things I might snatch in the spare of the moment, i'd take the sledge hammer, and for the pure conveniance of having the most useful and versatile tools in the world, the heavy duty glue gun and the screw driver with interchangeble head and assorted screwdriver head kit.

This would all only take at most a minute, by which time I can skip out the back window, sprint past the shambling mob, and walk/run to the... errmm... I spose my friends house?

Also the fire poker is just back-up in case I lose/break/am unable to use the sledge hammer.


New member
Sep 12, 2008
I'm currently in the toilet so this may prove imaginative.

1. I'd take the Head and shoulders bottle and squirt it all over the bathroom floor
2. I'd then take a few towels and also place them on the floor, pushed down enough so they can squeeze under my door.
3. I'd then open the door as quickly as i could and allow Zombies to start coming in as a hope that they'll trip and smash their head on the wash hand basin in front of them.

If this doesn't work then i could always hit them round the head with this here Macbook.

LooK iTz Jinjo

New member
Feb 22, 2009
I'd just like to say: Look how bloody awesome those guys at RT are to come up with such a concept it was raised in a small American town hall meeting, by a man who thought the town should have a Zombie plan.

As for MY zombie plan involves me and girl alone before they set upon us :p

Yes I know neither the time nor the place... Well Screw you! :p


Old Hands
Apr 6, 2009
I shall hide under my bed with my headcrab soft toy.Because we all know they wouldn't look there.


New member
Oct 14, 2008
I would leg it to my garage where i have the following: 2 Crowbars, 1 hatchet, 2 cordless drills, many heavy blunt objects such as spanners and hammers, my moped.

I would get my webbing kit on, carry as much kit as possible jump on my ped and take the 5 min drive upto the airbase near my home, using my long crowbar to twat any zombie upsides the head if they get to close while im riding. Once i reach the airbase i say "Wake up!" and either
1. Get evacuated
2. Help them out.


New member
Oct 14, 2008
HaruHearts said:
I told my mate Kieren about my posts and this is our convo over texts:
H: I posted our zombie plan on escapists.
K: Nice any comments?
H: Yeah we got a survivor and an ex army cadet.
K: Yay tourists but ask them can they handle a shovel?
H: The survivor has frozen curry and the ex army cadet beleives that a gun is more lethal without ammo.
K: I'm starting to like the cadet!
H: Don't get too atached he's gay.
K: WTF!! Dude and he's gonna be covering our backs!?!
H: More like he's gonna be cuming over our backs lol
K: WTF!! NO way man what made you recruit him we gotta kill zombies, not hump them.
H: We got another recruit a semi hot left for dead fan girl. She could prove useful
K: YES!! Repopulate the human race and all that shit.
H: I was thinking more of feed her to the zombs, but yours sounds better sex all round execept for the cadet boy.
K: We could give conor to him.
H: Screw him leave him to fend for himself give panda to the gay.
K: I like our plan!
H: TO the PUB!
H: Then to the school... which is the other way. Whoop another recruit he's a cripple so he will be our diversion.
K: Don't tell him that.
H: Lool
I am a current army cadet, am not gay, and also belive guns are more lethal with out ammo?
Mind if i hook up with you when the inevititable happens?