What's YOUR zombie escape plan?


New member
Apr 4, 2009
Lions in the Australian outback? What dimension do you live in? :S
I'd just use my guitars as weapons, i have 2, so dual wielding :p.
(The sound of them hitting zombie flesh is probably the best ill ever get out of them though.)


New member
Feb 2, 2009
yankeefan19 said:
use my useless games as throwing equipment and get my way to my car. Then drive to the nearest military base.
Lol, why can I imagine us all in a Shaun of the Dead situation, rifling through game discs (records in the films) to find expendable games to use as throwable weapons.

"Kane and Lynch?"
"Throw it!"


New member
Mar 20, 2009
There is no escape, your weak attempts of protection are useless against our kind, every human will be brought to heel.

Accept the truth! Do not resist! Join in the wonders that is the unlife!

(This message paid for by the Zombies Against Shotguns campaign)


New member
Nov 8, 2008
being in a house.
ill grab my hunting rifle and laod it up.
bring all the bullets.
i have a van that i can use since zombies are stupid and dull they cant open the door and if they can even come close to geting on the front of the van they should not be consitered zombies (thats fuckign high off the ground) theres a bet back there and a Tv ill bring my laptop with my wireless broadband.
best plan is to hit up the baracks first.
tell them im armed and i could help with the defence. (if they're there)
if not then ill check out airports.
if that works then ill take a helicopter the fuck outa there. (if someones there)
right so my uncle owns a massive yatch...ill hit up a grocery store and take most of the canned food and all the other food i can.
i go get shit loads of petrol.
then i go to the boat and load on me and my friends + family...
then we spend a majority of our time sailing in deep waters off the shoreline.
(that who thing where they can do some pirates of the caribean walking onthe bottom of the ocean shit is kinda dumb)
if all fails ill go find an oil rig.
thats how ill stay alive


New member
Apr 7, 2008
CkretAznMan said:
Get semi-auto guns, eastern swords, some Starbucks, ramen, and a car/airplane (which ever one is working or useful at that time). After gathering that crap, I'll head straight towards Alaska because we all know that zombies can't move when they're frozen, right?
Hey, Undead are immune to cold!

It says right here in the emergency zombie survival instruction manual: "Zombies and You, What To Do", that first and foremost you need to remember that YOU are alive and THEY are not. You also need to ensure that this balance is maintained. Therefore food and water is essential. MRE's taste awful, but don't spoil. Water might be more problematic but any sort of rainwater gathering device should be useful, and the garden hoses and chiminea you ganked from the local garden centre will come in handy to collect and boil that water before you drink it. You will need to burn something ~ Deactivated zombies serve this purpose very well.

Swords are very effective. Guns run out of ammo, and as every schoolchild knows, the most effective way to stop a zombie is to cut off it's head, or destroy it's rapidly decaying brain somehow. A heated sword plunged into a rotting skull will do very nicely. Eventually, there will be no more zombies, (unless they're able to keep making more out of those who never read the survival manual,) only reanimated skeletons. A battery operated DVD player and the Voyages of Sinbad DVD's will give insight as to how to deal with those, as well as the D&D player's handbook, and Monster Manual.

Aside from that, stay inside as much as possible. Remember that knock on the door may very well be your next door neighbour, but they don't want to borrow a few eggs anymore, and eating those MRE's by candlelight on the overturned box that you now use as a table because all furniture has been reassigned to boarding doors and windows, goes a long way to restoring Esprit de Corps. Or would that be Esprit de Corpse? Either way, that's what I'd do. I'm ready.


New member
Jan 12, 2009
iJosh said:
Ushario said:

A string of zombies shuffling into the Australian outback doesn't sound overly scary lol.
But I'm sure the Lions of the Australian out back would have eaten some zombies therefore making them infected as well. There isn't anything scary about a lion though, right?
There´s no lions in Australia man :p thats pretty basic knowledge ^^but im sure a crazy ass kangroo could come.

Personally id get out of my home and head away from the heavily populated area. If i managed id get a gun or two with some ammo but try to save it for later. to get away id use my fake katana things their end is sharp enough for stabbing and they pack a pretty hard hit anyway.
I would try to get a boat. (a motor boat not a sail boat) and head for iceland. the reason id head to iceland is due to the low population. I will scour for survivor while killing any zombies that crosses my path (now i think ill use the gun) and after im done scouting ill gather supplies and setup a base. Id set up in a place that has only one big entrance (if we have the slow shambling zombies that cant climb to well =)
i will barricade this and prepare other exits. Then ill just live there for a while until i may start to run out of food. Then ill head back to Norway and try to survive :D


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Somthing said:
iJosh said:
Ushario said:

A string of zombies shuffling into the Australian outback doesn't sound overly scary lol.
But I'm sure the Lions of the Australian out back would have eaten some zombies therefore making them infected as well. There isn't anything scary about a lion though, right?
There´s no lions in Australia man :p thats pretty basic knowledge ^^but im sure a crazy ass kangroo could come.

Personally id get out of my home and head away from the heavily populated area. If i managed id get a gun or two with some ammo but try to save it for later. to get away id use my fake katana things their end is sharp enough for stabbing and they pack a pretty hard hit anyway.
I would try to get a boat. (a motor boat not a sail boat) and head for iceland. the reason id head to iceland is due to the low population. I will scour for survivor while killing any zombies that crosses my path (now i think ill use the gun) and after im done scouting ill gather supplies and setup a base. Id set up in a place that has only one big entrance (if we have the slow shambling zombies that cant climb to well =)
i will barricade this and prepare other exits. Then ill just live there for a while until i may start to run out of food. Then ill head back to Norway and try to survive :D
EDIT: Crazy Meat Eating Animals. Also Kangaroos would kick you in the face.

Sorry, I've never been to Australia yet.

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
Build a German WW2 style bunker out of cement and rebars, load it up with food, water, have plumbing and electricity installed and I'd have a damn fine bed in there too.

The bunker would be hidden and could hold enough supplies to sustain my life for roughly a year.


Friendly Neighborhood Time Lord
Apr 1, 2009
Step 1: Get with a group of survivors.
Step 2: If group of survivor are some good people and are handy with whatever weapons we can find, then I'll stick with them and go along with whatever plan the group agrees is the best one.

Step 3: If, however, the other survivors are assholes, then I will push them into the zombies to keep the hordes distracted while I run out of town stopping only to grab guns, ammo, a melee weapon, and some food.

Step 4: Find isolated building in the middle of nowhere, clear it of the few zombies that appear and fortify the place while I wait for someone else to come up with a cure or to wipe out all of the zombies or whatever happens.


The Count of Monte Cristo
Dec 22, 2008
Well I'm not gonna tell you guys am I? You might turn into zombies and remember it!!


New member
Mar 6, 2009
iJosh said:
Ushario said:

A string of zombies shuffling into the Australian outback doesn't sound overly scary lol.
But I'm sure the Lions of the Australian out back would have eaten some zombies therefore making them infected as well. There isn't anything scary about a lion though, right?

oh god *takes a breath*


lions in Australia.


New member
Sep 4, 2008
Zombie Escape Plan.

(Step One): Obtain Gun

(Step Two): Point Gun at Cranial Area

(Step Three): Shoot Self


New member
Jan 17, 2009
I'd go to my friends house, pull her out of the house, find her somewhere safe, then tell her to run there. I'd load a gun, take out as many as I could before eventually taking my own life. As long as I've kept her safe, I'm fine with dying.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
My great plan is to gather all the gear in my house that can cause some havoc (Rifle) And then if there isn't any sign of a zombie in my village I'd set up a large fence of metal around my house and then attach our generator from the garage to the fence, and see if any of those fuckers can get in. If that fails I'd jump off the roof onto the garage and hop into my dads BMW (Please make him infected) and drive to my mate Kierens house pick him up then off to my school, oh I'd pop into the golden grove for a quick pint. Once in the school I'd block the stairs with tables and chairs to the second floor, turn all the gas taps on in the lower floor science labs set the D.T labs torch on and wait for the gas to spread to it and KABOOM! And I'd sit with kieren with my rifle picking off any zombie that decides they can climb to the roof. I've had this all planned, plus were only 40 feet away from a pub lol.


New member
Aug 15, 2008
I make it a common practice to only befriend people physically slower than myself that prefer to hangout in large groups in bars drinking. The drinking will further impair their motor skills as the I scream "ZOMBIES RRRUUUUUUNNNN!"...you only have to be faster than the slowest human in a frightened mob to survive a zombie assault :)


New member
Feb 25, 2009
I'd head for the supermarket, lots of food to eat and gardening tools to destroy zombies with, it's fool-proof, you could even bash them with frozen microwave meals if you were hard pushed. Then I'd join HaruHearts at the pub for a bevvy :p


New member
Mar 20, 2009
Lukeymundo said:
I'd head for the supermarket, lots of food to eat and gardening tools to destroy zombies with, it's fool-proof, you could even bash them with frozen microwave meals if you were hard pushed. Then I'd join HaruHearts at the pub for a bevvy :p
Yeah we got another survivor me and kieren will have one hell of a laugh now lol.