What's YOUR zombie escape plan?


New member
Feb 7, 2009
okay so i break open my emergency in case of zombie survival kit which includes cricket bat, hand gun, shotgun, flashlight, and pack of cigarettes. Then i go to the Winchester cause the only way i survive is if its like shawn of the dead.


New member
Feb 4, 2009
If scenario starts in my Room, I'm pretty screwed. If they're already in my room, I have nothing to defend with (No weapons). If I have advanced warning, I get out my window and onto my roof (A dorma on a bungalow). From this, move to the garage, pick up what tools I have in there (hammers, chisles, burners ect). Try to get a hold of friends I know are alive, meet them up where ever possible (Probably at one certain friends house, good security). If it's dark at this point, barracade front and back doors with furiture, move upstairs and block stairwell with furniture again and wait out the night, zero light used unless you're being attacked.
Day break start making our way to the local regiment barracks and arm up with whatever is available. From there, who knows.


New member
Mar 29, 2008
The nearest cemetary is about a 14 minute brisk walk from my house. Assuming zombies walk about a quater as fast as regular people (at 2mph, so 0.5mph) and have no uniform direction, and there are people along the way, I'd give myself 2 hours and 46 minutes. That gives me sufficent time to gather those I can trust, and begin plans for survival. I'd watch the news or listen to the news if avaliable, to understand the extent and reason behind the infection and how people are reacting if its not already evident. People can be just as much a factor to fear as the Zombies right now. Weapons wise, I'm limited, but I could throw together a make shift long melee weapon out of stuff in the garage, and know how to make simple explosives.


New member
Jun 17, 2009
I think I'm gonna let one infect me early on. Then I can finally satiate my desire for human flesh without having to feel bad about it. Muahahaha. But seriously (can I say seriously in this thread?), head up north where we all know zombies can't function properly because of the cold.

The Iron Ninja

New member
Aug 13, 2008
The Iron Ninja said:
I live pretty near to a large expanse of forest. For some reason I can't imagine shambling zombies being able to navigate very well there.
So I guess I'd gather up all the food I can, grab the sledgehammer from the garage and leg it. However if it turns out there are Zombies in the aforementioned woods I guess I'd try and link up with friends or family and barricade some as yet unspecified place (and barricade it good)
Holy crap. It's my first post ever.
I feel all nostalgic.

Nothing much will change from this plan.
I might make a small addition involving armies of giant crabs that will carry me and all those I know to safety. But other than that, the plan remains unchanged.


New member
Jun 7, 2009
well i know where th 22 is and ammo we has to banana clips for lolz
so id grab that if i could. metal wire, butter knife, and some nails and possibly some elctric proof gloves take the knife stick it in a socket wrap metal wire around knife and basiclly send it back and forth between doors useing nails as anchoring points since we have a split lvl house there would be a lot of body clogging the stair well if i had a chance to get the gasoline from the garage i would burn the deck so it collapse and blocks the downstairs entry point and elimanates the deck for the up stairs only has to worry about one entry pointand the stair would eventually clear up from the zombies eating each other if the electricity is still activ at this point id leave it to my improvised trap or not i shoot them with a the 22 with teh banana clips. during a lul in activity (day) i would search naboring house for all kinds of supplies power tools, mor gasoline, food, ect.

but in real life i would freak and cower in a corner and get eaten and then hunt you down because i now know all of yours zombie plan


New member
May 8, 2009
Just be thankful that these aren't the "I Am Legend" zombies. Shit, now I'm thinking about them

*hides under bed*


Man must have a code.
Dec 21, 2007
riskroWe said:
Screw fleeing to the countryside, in the city there's more resources, more hiding places, more survivors to band together, more potential weapons. Although granted there are more zombies and day-to-day living will be a lot more difficult, after a few weeks we'd adjust to the lifestyle. And as the incompetant survivors are killed off, natural selection will start to take effect leaving only the most talented and resourceful.

And if necessary, a city dwelling vigilante squad could serve to evacuate refugees and survivors out of the city so they can go flee to their precious countryside.
Theres no sustainable future living in the city, eventually you will run out of supplies or in the long term the city will deteriorate. Zombie numbers will be much higher. Any fires could spread out of control and wipe out entire blocks.

In Australia, there is a larger number of accessible firearms in the country, along with people who know how to use them. There are crops in the fields, there are farms in the middle of nowhere that are can be completely self sufficient food and water wise.

Both options are going to be difficult, at least in the countryside you could build a new life, but I wish you luck enduring 3-4 weeks of a zombie infested city, let alone the rest of your life.

I for one would rather risking dying quickly for a better life, than slowly because its safer for the moment.


New member
Apr 21, 2009
my plan is simply get a car and drive to Alaska or some place similarly cold and just chill, zombies have no running blood meaning no body heat so they would freeze and become "corpsickles" the only real problem would be finding a good enough car and getting to it through a zombie horde. Hopefully i can run past the slow shambling horde fast enough or find other people with weapons to protect me on the trip


New member
May 25, 2009
Grab one of many guns in the, grab a lot of bullets, grab my scythe (can't confidently call it that, tis pretty short), grab my car keys, and GTFO of town (after visiting Wal*Mart for provisions and training, we all know Wal*Mart drains IQ over time, meaning the zombies would be even dumber).


New member
Mar 22, 2009
I'd fight my way out and drive my butt to the nearest bowling alley... more after some z's =_="


New member
Jun 14, 2009
My friend told us that... just steal a train when zombie apocalypse happens.

I can't stress enough how friggin' dumb his idea is.


New member
Oct 9, 2008
Zombie survival plan #927, clock tower, sniper rifle, several months of supplies, nuff said


New member
Aug 20, 2008
Ever see the original Dawn of the Dead? Basically that but with more guns and bombs.


New member
Feb 10, 2009
Right at this very moment? Panic and die.

If not that, the can of Axe and bottle of Windex rightnext to me would blind them so I can get the fuck to the car, pausing to grab my mom's keys. From there, normal "Run the fuck away, collecting weapons and survivors from known sources as I go" plan.


New member
Aug 20, 2008
Right here, right now, I have access to almost everything I need. I live with my family and my room is on the second floor. I have my machete on my desk, plenty of food, gardening tools in my garage (shovels, pitch-forks, power tools, more machetes, etc.), and I have three hunting rifle's in a closet that I could get to in 15 seconds.
I live in a small neighborhood on the outskirts of a small town. The initial zombie attack wouldn't be hard to fight off, due to the low population, and any attacks that would come later would likely be scattered enough to be managable for a while.
In order to survive later in the zombie infested wasteland, I would have to start scavaging the town. Because I have bikes, I'll be able to get to any part of town within an hour. The local grocery stores, gun shops, police stations, and restuarants would be the first things I'd search. After taking everything useful in town, I'll just move on to the next town over, which isn't that far away either.
So I would just have to go from town to town, looking for anything useful and killing zombies.

If I came accross survivers, I would kindly ask them either

1. Join me in my attemps to unify humanity. Those that work together, stand together.

2. Give me their supplies. If you aren't coming with us, you can at least help us.

3. Leave them. I refuse to resort to stealing or killing others, while claiming to help humanity.

So that's my plan. Short term effectiveness. Long term usefulness. =)