What's YOUR zombie escape plan?


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Sit where I am and do nothing.

Round here (Boston, UK) the locals are so stupid that if the did become zombies, it's more than likely that no-one would notice, not even the victims themselves.
They'll just continue shuffling about the town centre, getting pissed on cider, vodka and terps then picking fights with each other.
Life will continue as normal as the zombies gradually decay to dust, fall in the river or, as is cutomary in these parts, get run over by a drunk Ukrainian and agonisingly die in one of the many thousands of ditches.
Either way, life will go on.

Death Magnetic

New member
Aug 10, 2008
I'd befriend the zombies and tell them of the wrong doings. They will repent their sins by commiting a mass zombie suicide but before this i will make them kill all chavs of england. The world will see my mighty powers of persuasion and i will be crowned king of universe and i will get free meals at mcdonalds. One day...


New member
Aug 11, 2008
Get a spade from the shed, find my friends, kill them if they are zombies, if not we band together! Find some vulnerable people and get them to hitch along so when we are in trouble we can throw one away and make our escape! Make our way to the Fire Station and attempt to steal a Fire Engine, if succesful drive to the coast and make an escape to France on a stolen speed boat. Unfortunately living in the UK limits my armory :(.


New member
Jul 22, 2008
Shotgun from the garage, and if they're anything like the zombies from RE4, they will fall apart with the slightest touch from my shottie.

pha kin su pah

New member
Mar 26, 2008
while everybody is up and grab their guns and what not, its good somebody mentioned weapons/ammo being a burden/limited resource. with that in mind i don't think i can find shotgun shells in school lockers like in RE/series. so say 1 bullet per zombie, you are limited.

so for me, melee weapons are the way to go, baseball bat in next room and a little martial arts training would be the start. collect and go, then take a RE extinction approach, transport and keep moving out towards the country try and reconnect via radio to see whats happening but keep it low, stick the the outer city towns.

travel fairly light by bike preferably or car with few people, food for whats needed till next stop etc, maybe one gun, 2 melee weapons (hopefully picked up lightweight sword at this point), proportionate to a person, extra weapons of course if more people. evacuate country if possible.


New member
Apr 16, 2008
pha kin su pah said:
while everybody is up and grab their guns and what not, its good somebody mentioned weapons/ammo being a burden/limited resource. with that in mind i don't think i can find shotgun shells in school lockers like in RE/series. so say 1 bullet per zombie, you are limited.

so for me, melee weapons are the way to go, baseball bat in next room and a little martial arts training would be the start. collect and go, then take a RE extinction approach, transport and keep moving out towards the country try and reconnect via radio to see whats happening but keep it low, stick the the outer city towns.

travel fairly light by bike preferably or car with few people, food for whats needed till next stop etc, maybe one gun, 2 melee weapons (hopefully picked up lightweight sword at this point), proportionate to a person, extra weapons of course if more people. evacuate country if possible.
I'd like to point out that 1 bullet per zombie is extremely generous. Aside from that, all weapons have limits. Bladed weapons dull quickly, Blunt weapons are going to have a slightly longer life span, but require a lot more physical strength to deal disabling blows to zombies. And the effectiveness of the weapon is going to vary greatly with your physical conditioning, but in most cases swords and the like will last longer than firearms. It is much easier to use a firearm to killing effectiveness than a sword. I think with blades your best bet is going to be to go for the tendons in the zombie to disable them from moving, that would require the least amount of effort, and it is a simple concept you could easily teach people.

Every plan has flaws with it, but I think most people's desire to go for guns comes down to "I hadn't planed on getting that close!"

Lt. Sera

New member
Apr 22, 2008
I have a baseball bat next to my bed and 2 swords hanging in the living room, so i'll manage to hold em off. Supermarket nearby for foodies, but no real 'fortress' in which to hold out for a longer period of time.

I'll be the guy dieing after a week or so due to simply being overrun and exhausted, assuming there's no safe haven to get to. If there is, easy getting there since we got a couple of cars and spare fuel about.


New member
Jun 19, 2008
My freinds and I have formulated a master zombie plan for each of the four classes of zombie outbreak.

Class 1 & 2 (Minor-medium infestation. Maximum 1000 zeds.):Destroy the staircase of the apartment and sever the elevator cable to cutoff the zeds. If any manage to pile up to get up the destroyed stairs, quickly take them out with weapons of choice. My weapons of choice:Titanium crowbar and M1 carbine.

Class 3 (Major infestation. Maximum 10,000 zeds): Go down to the first floor and destroy all staircases comming up. Get supplies from top-floor apartments and set up a small survivor village on the roof using tents. Always have someone guarding entry points.

Class 4 (Extiction-level Event. Maximum 7,000,000 zeds): Escape via boat to private island where a 'doom fortress' has been erected. Grow crops and fish. Wait out until civilization has reported that there are no more zeds, or at least few enough so that humanity can live in peace.


New member
Jul 30, 2008

Rob the nearest grocery store, Move into the courthouse, Baracade the doors, move into the top tower and get comfy. if all goes to plan, die of old age,(or hunger, which ever comes first) if the plan falls, reenact the scene from "Shawn of the Dead" and hope it works. then try to find another suitably location to live.


New member
Jul 24, 2008
luckshot said:
3. hope the prisoners are nice

I have 37 zombie plans.

This is the 4th one.
1. Grab the food, a small camping gas burner and a pan.
2. Grab anything long and solid that's easy to use as a weapon.
3. Run away.
4. Find survivors and follow them sacrifising them to keep me alive as long as possible.
5. During 4 go to nearest army base collect weapons, food and ammo then to a hospital for medical supplies.
6. Kill as many zombies as possible.
7. If all survivors died except me repeat from step 4.



New member
Jul 30, 2008
well i have 3 katanas and a collection of blades wich include:
butterfly knife
3 good sharp pocket knives
military issue K-bar that belonged to my dad
and about a foot long survival knife
i also have a police baton
slap all those on my belt and im good to go to the local gun shop and wait it out
but first i would need a bandana
Dec 1, 2007
In the event of the dead returning to life, I really don't think any movie's got it right though. Consider, the "zombie apocalypse result" in which, quoting from the Zombie Survival Guide, "zombies become the dominat life on earth". In "World War Z", the military even looses a large set-piece battle against millions of zombies (though they had massively smaller numbers). In the "...Of the Dead" movie series by Romero, zombies are shown to repeatly overcome any human resistence even if blocked by numerous obstacles (fence, river, door, wall).
Yet, from a military standpoint, zombies are the most laughable threat possible. Consider, masses of tightly packed infantry, unarmed mind you, easily lurable with human bait. Off the bat, an attack helicopter's nose gun, usually a 30mm chaingun, would allow the pilot to eliminate many hundreds of zombies every second (30mm rounds do a headshot pretty much anywhere). The helicopter simply hovers out of reach of the undead hoarde, while the human bait sits atop a very high pillar. The only limitation would be ammunition. In addition, gernades, heavily armored vechiles, aviation strafes, and automatic rifles. If we cannot reasonably assume society would digenerate into chaos without 1 military escapade, a zombie apocolypse becomes impossible.
Hence, a zombie scenario becomes a matter of civil strife. The level of suffering I believe would largely correlate to how quickly the "zombie rules" (Zombies want to eat you, Zombies can only be killed with a headshot, Zombie-bites kill you, all dead people become Zombies) are hit on and propogated by the media. There is some lines of thinking that would indicate the scientific community would be a hinderance to the dissemination of the "Z" rules, however, as I will show below, many instances of experimentation would quickly turn science into the Rule's greatest advocate. The experimentation is actually where social ills play a good part in our salvation. In rural areas, zombies by nature would not be a large threat except to the extremely unweary (large distances, clear visibility, prevelance of hunting equitment). However, in an urban enviroment, the only counter to rampant zombie-ism prior to the police/military's update on the Z rules would be criminals/gang members. However, many non-criminals may be killed or driven away before a gang member is found and said gang member retaliates the zombie's meancing lurch with violence. From these tentative experiments a practical foundation to zombie-ism could be established, and with this, science would support the pragmatic "Zombie rules" and begin informing of the public.
Thus, depending on the date of media information hitting on the zombie rules, the death-toll could range from a few dozens to several thousand. However, it seems unlikely more then that given the contemplative nature of humans and the saturation of fire-arms in our society (which result in more experimental evidence for the zombie rules and thus leads greater credience to them more quickly).
Largely the only difference for the average person in a post-apocalypse would be 1) near-universal ownership of firearms (as zombie-ism by its nature would be a continual social problem) 2) murder becomes relatively easy to get away with (she was a zombie!) and 3) Our death rites become far more distant.

Thus my zombie plan is the same plan the heel of every zombie movie has. Hold up in my house until the military sorts out the problem.

the monopoly guy

New member
May 8, 2008
High security prison
That isn't infected.
Think about it

Andraste said:
Dude, I'm totally going to Russ' house. He's from Texas, so he's prepared.
man, Texas gets all the attention when it comes to guns.

we have them too... and lots of them.

Dommyboy said:
Quite simple really. Just get a shotgun and pretend I am father Gegori.
This annoys me to no end. Annabelle uses the magnum ammo, it is a rifle.

TJ rock 101

New member
May 20, 2008
Well... considering there are 4 guns in my house, 2 swords, a collection of both large and small knifes and a crossbow.
The outside doors are heavy and there are two windows i can safely jump out of so i think i would be fine. ^^
But if they got in i would pack a few big knifes and the shotgun (with ear-muffs of course) and ether drive off in my dads truck or go onto one of the farm building roofs where they could not get and blast 'em or run away from the farm altogether.


Could use a beer about now...
May 14, 2008
Get the short swords out of my brother's room, get in my '88 Ford F-150, drive to my buddy's house, get his guns, and hold up at a grocery store or something.


Not David Bowie
Apr 3, 2008

1.) Get into dad's car (his is a four wheel drive not my piddly hatchback)
2.) Drive to the shooting club i attend running voer zombies on the way.
3.) Grab golf club from boot and club my way inside.
4.) Kit myself out with guns n' ammo
5.) Drive 5 km to army surplus store. Get body armour and heavy duty combat clothing. (protects against bites and zombie blood)
6.) Go nuts. Thier f**king slow and I am a ver very good shot

I wil Hide plan- after fighting and realise that it is worthless

1.) Drive to work (Big supermarket.)
2.) Stop on the way at the hardware store.
3.) Close inwards goods roller door.
4.) Move container in front of it
5.) put as much food as possible away in the fridges , throw lots of yoghurt out the window to make room
6.) Put a giant sign outside saying entrance is only allowed at the single side door. (this will be heavily barricaded and zombie proofed (Door handle , maybe a waist high hatch that you have to step into, zombies have no motor skills whatsoever.)
7.) Drive to the petrol station. get as much fuel as possible for generators. Also use the ones outside the supermarket.
8.) Steal trailer from petrol stations. Steal beds and matressess from Farmers shop. Put inside the offices upstairs.
9.) Barricade to front windows and doors (made of big sheets of glass) with wood from hardware store. Move all but two forklifts to block the rest of them.
10.) Shut off all access from underground carpark
11.) live off the food for the next 5 years (thats how long the frozen stuff lasts.
12.) IF ZOMBIES MANAGE TO GET IN. We can make our last stand in the offices

any questions?


New member
Jul 16, 2008
Hmmmm my thoughts would be that their bodies cannot regulate heat so i would grab all my snow gear and enough food to last a fair while, then set out straight to the south pole. If there are any zombies down there they would quickly freeze and become frozen meat popsicles.

Its that or any of Sarges 37 plans from Red Vs Blue.