Will someone please explain why hitting a girl is bad but hitting a guy is fine?


New member
Aug 12, 2010
eggy32 said:
What about those of us who aren't stronger? Those of us with weak and flabby arms who can barely bruise a peach?
I suggest a self defence class, I'm an underweight guy who cannot put on weight with no self defence training at all but common knowledge says it's not about who is "stronger" unless you are...Being...Pinned or something lol

Generally if you are in a situation where you are going to be in a fight with anyone the first thing you are taught in various martial arts is to RUN. The best way to survive an encounter is to avoid said encounter. Failing that...It's all about location, location, location. Genitals, knees, armpits, ears (palming), eyes, nose and throat etc.

Just an example of strength means sweet FA unless you are being pinned by multiple attackers...In which case you'd wish you had followed rule #1 - RUN


Just an addition, if someone can't run due to weight then...That's either due to poor self maintenance and/or medical reasons in which you have to look ahead for tell tale signs etc...Point is...If you can't run never let a situation arise where running will be required


New member
Aug 1, 2010
FargoDog said:
There are guys who will hit their girlfriends for no other reason than to show dominance and blow off steam, because they think they can get away with it. That, in my opinion, is just cruelty.

If a girl is genuinely attacking you there's no reason not to hit her back, but abuse against women is something I can't stand.
Seconded. A thousand times seconded.


New member
Jan 6, 2010
I think it's perfevtly alright to hit a woman, provided she has hit you 1st. 'An eye for an eye' extends past gender lines.


New member
May 13, 2009
You dont hit a woman because they can send their spawn after you when you hit 1 woman its like your declaring war, and you better be prepared for that assault....I suggest building additional pylons when you get the chance.


New member
Feb 23, 2010
I once heard a girl say that it was alright to hit guys. That kind of thinking is ridiculous. People shouldn't be hitting each other.


New member
May 17, 2010
Men are built for fighting. Women are not. That of course can be changed by the individual, but the way our bodies are designed Men are designed to do the fighting. I guess when the meeting for Society was held at the beginning of civilized society Not hitting a woman was added to the list, for this very reason.


New member
Feb 18, 2010
I would say its largely a cultural thing instilled in most of us as we grow up, and possibly something having to do with the default wiring in the human brain. I think I remember reading somewhere that males have a subconcious 'drive' to protect or aid females.

However, there will always be double standards in society, that for various reasons, and as stupid as they are, that will not likely vanish anytime soon.

I would say violence is wrong, period. And everyone is entitled to self defence if it is warranted, regardless of who it is. Ironically, it was my mother that told me what I have stated in this last block of text.


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Sep 8, 2009
with me it's not really an argument over facts (stronger/weaker whatever), it's how I feel about the act itself. Admittedly, the situations where I'll actually haul off and attempt to loosen somebody's fillings are extremely limited and almost entirely hypothetical in nature, because I'm one of those shifty little fellows who tries to talk his way out of everything, but I've found that on the rare occasions where violence becomes my primary option, I simply feel incapable of delivering harm to anyone of the opposite sex. even when she wants to hurt me, my primary response is to cringe and try to talk her into stopping, rather than strike back. A male of approximately my age, on the other hand, is quite easy to hit (by comparison, at least) and in a very similar situation I will happily swing away at him.

It is sexism, and perhaps I am the lesser man for it, but all the rationalization and all the logic I can apply doesn't change how I feel about it.

Nick Holmgren

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Feb 13, 2010
cause some sexist guy way back in the day decided it. I think it was the same guy who said tipping your hat was polite.


New member
Aug 9, 2010
Weeeeell, hitting a woman is nevera agood idea because they are a bit more fragile than us pigmen. Still, in self-defence a light slap is good medicine. And if you're so weak with flabby arms you can still grope her while she's hitting you. You'll still get beaten up like the pathetic loser you are...BUT!

a)It'll give you a sense of achievement. Sort of.
b)You'll inflict major morale damage, which hopefully leads to...
c)She'll probably not want to come near you again because of how much of a pervert you are. Unless she's into sodomism.


New member
Aug 8, 2009
FargoDog said:
There are guys who will hit their girlfriends for no other reason than to show dominance and blow off steam, because they think they can get away with it. That, in my opinion, is just cruelty.

If a girl is genuinely attacking you there's no reason not to hit her back, but abuse against women is something I can't stand.
I'd pretty much follow this statment.


New member
Jun 28, 2009
Not sure, since I agree with you. I won't hit anyone without a reason, but I'll fight anyone who is a legitimate threat. Don't fuck with someone if you can't take what they dish out to you.


New member
Mar 30, 2010
Old standard from times when men were the strong bread winners while women stayed at home cooking and cleaning. The feminist movement as elevated women to basically equal standing as men (there are still biases but legally its equal) so this idea should be obsolete. Unfortunately this along with "ladies 1st, hold a door for a lady, etc" still gets thrown around by the same people who preach equality between the genders. I'm not trying to be sexist but the double standards needs to stop.
In summary don't hit anybody unless attacked 1st. Also don't do anything to warrant being hit and you'll be good to go. (In cases of abuse CALL THE POLICE)


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Punch another guy, whatever. Maybe he stole your girlfriend and deserved it, but who cares? However, if you punch a woman, it usually makes you look like a total douchebag. Women are much more sensetive than men, physically and emotionally. Not only will it hurt them more, but they probably won't be able to shrug it off in a couple hours like men. Society has already taken males to be more powerful, and overpowering someone weaker than you makes you look like an asshole. So it's a good idea not to.

Mighty the Moose

New member
Aug 11, 2010
Men hitting Ladies - Completely unacceptable

Men hitting Men - Within the confines of a ring please

Ladies hittin' da Ladies - Bring out popcorn, we gots a catfight up in this crib.

In the words of the immortal singer from Belgium, Katerine:

I'm getting back whats mine tonight
wrong start
you shouldn't break this kittens heart
I won't stop
I'll show you who's the ***** on top
so meaow meaow
I'm gonna get you back somehow"

Pure art.


New member
Mar 14, 2010
Sheesh, you dudes pretty much own the whole effin' planet already. And now you want the guilt-free right to disband chivalry? You guys are just never satisfied are you?


In all seriousness though, guys usually don't strike women because it had been enforced as law WAAAAAAY back in the Medieval times. "Chivalry" can actually be described as an instinct as well. Since during "caveman" times, the women usually cared for the children, gathered berries and other wild food stuffs from the forests/plains/rivers etc, and tended to the tamed animals, and crops when farming came about. The dudes meanwhile took care of things like hunting, conducting rituals and prayers, and protecting/leading their families/tribes. While women weren't exactly viewed in the same light as men were, they were still important and vital enough to the survival of the human species that men would be instructed to care for and protect the members of the fairer sex rather than harm them. Yes there are always the exceptions, but all in all that's basically where this notion can be traced from.

In my own opinion though, the members of both genders seem to become more angry as the generations pass.


New member
Jun 1, 2010
krseyffert said:
I think it's perfevtly alright to hit a woman, provided she has hit you 1st. 'An eye for an eye' extends past gender lines.
"an eye for an eye" also makes the world blind.


New member
Aug 5, 2010
eggy32 said:
Marter said:
Males are usually stronger. They can do more damage.

That's the way I look at it anyway.

And it's a societal thing. It has always been worse, so that thought is in people's minds.
Usually stronger? What about those of us who aren't stronger? Those of us with weak and flabby arms who can barely bruise a peach?
May I suggest some protein powder sir?