Will someone please explain why hitting a girl is bad but hitting a guy is fine?

Red Albatross

New member
Jun 11, 2009
My thought on the matter is that if she steps up like a guy, she can get dropped like one. Other than that, it's just kinda fucked up. It's really not debatable that in terms of physical power, women are at a disadvantage. Men who take advantage of that to abuse women are some of the worst kind of scum on the planet. Only cowards pick on those weaker than they are.


New member
Oct 9, 2008
FargoDog said:
There are guys who will hit their girlfriends for no other reason than to show dominance and blow off steam, because they think they can get away with it. That, in my opinion, is just cruelty.

If a girl is genuinely attacking you there's no reason not to hit her back, but abuse against women is something I can't stand.
Oh yes, and women NEVER abuse their guys, right?

Crash 9000

New member
Oct 22, 2009
When I was 13, a girl kicked me in the shin in an aggressive, non-provoked way, drew blood and such, I then proceeded to punch her in the arm with all of my nerdy, Runescape-playing strength.

From that day on, I was branded a, "Woman beater" at school.

Even caused a few guys to knee me in my frontal thigh and shout "grandad" for some unknown reason.
I then got angry at the constant abuse from my peers and fought back, before long I was suspended for "Aggressive behaviour". Despite me "lying" about defending myself when provoked to. Was only for two weeks anyway.

So, I guess, they just wanted to have sex with her.
She was awfully fat and wore a ghastly amount of make-up, so I guess my peers assumed that she would offer them some form of sexual gift if they honored her bruised arm.
I can't honestly see any other reason than that.
Sep 14, 2009
well 90% of the time (at least in my area) the woman is not as "beefy" or big as the guy, plus girls have more pain sensors or w/e so they hurt a bit easier, so i will never ever strike a girl, BUT

if a girl is attacking me, i know for a fact i can take some blows and ill just hold her down or restrain her in some way till she either calms down or w/e the situation needs to happen.


Dib dib dib, dob dob dob.
May 25, 2009
eggy32 said:
For some reason people seem shocked by the fact that I'm as willing to hit a girl as I am to hit a boy, why is this?

Is it not sexist to say that girls cannot be hit by us guys? After all, males and females are apparently equals, so why does this not apply to violence.
Self defense? Go have fun. For the lulz and/or because you can? *smacks him in the nose* Bad Mr. eggy32!! Bad


New member
Jul 24, 2010
Women are weaker *for the most part* and few other sexist sounding things i wont say. And as with the law women > men when it comes to law. And i would never hit a woman unless its my wife in front of the kids to show whos in charge *cookie if you get the referecnce*


New member
Oct 18, 2009
Because hitting anyone is bad. And people are very sexist and don't realize it. I correct people on that and women who are being sexist all the time. It is fun.


New member
Nov 2, 2009
eggy32 said:
For some reason people seem shocked by the fact that I'm as willing to hit a girl as I am to hit a boy, why is this?

Is it not sexist to say that girls cannot be hit by us guys? After all, males and females are apparently equals, so why does this not apply to violence.
Because it's inappropriate. Just because a double standard exists doesn't mean you can break it. Black people are allowed to say they are proud to be black, white people can't say they are proud to be white. Guys can't hit girls. It's just the way it is.

The reason guys shouldn't hit girls (unless they really have to) is because girls are generally much weaker than guys. It's like hitting a child - it's picking a fight with someone weaker than you.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Double standards? But my standard is simple: Hitting another person equals bad, regardless of crotch status.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
FargoDog said:
soulsabr said:
FargoDog said:
There are guys who will hit their girlfriends for no other reason than to show dominance and blow off steam, because they think they can get away with it. That, in my opinion, is just cruelty.

If a girl is genuinely attacking you there's no reason not to hit her back, but abuse against women is something I can't stand.
Oh yes, and women NEVER abuse their guys, right?
Not to the point men do, and female abuse is far more common. One in five women claim they've been abused domestically, while only one in ten men claim they have been.

And in case you think I'm bullshitting, here are statistics [http://www.nspcc.org.uk/Inform/research/statistics/domestic_violence_statistics_wda48736.html]
Statistics like that aren't all too reliable, what kind of man would admit being abused by a woman? I'm surprised it's even 1 in 10.


New member
Jun 23, 2010
the lapalminator said:
Thedayrecker said:
Marter said:
Males are usually stronger. They can do more damage.

That's the way I look at it anyway.

And it's a societal thing. It has always been worse, so that thought is in people's minds.
This pretty much sums it up. Also, girls have a lower pain threshold, so you're causing more pain.
girls actually have a higher pain threshold due to child birth
Only durring child birth, due to a large number of hormones that increase the pain threshold, and cause the woman to forget the pain later (at least, forget it enough, so she is willing to have another baby).

If it wasn't for this, the human race could've died out a long time ago.


New member
May 19, 2010
Hannibal942 said:
Yeah, my sister uses this rule to her advantage...a lot.
give her the rule I gave a girl at school that likes to punch and/or kick me because she feels like it. Everytime you hit me unprovoked I will be hitting you back 3x as hard.

She finally learned to stop hitting me when she had a bruise on her arm for a week from punching me repeatedly one day.


New member
Oct 30, 2008
It's one of the last, dying gasps of chivalry.

I don't follow it. I've never hit them hard as I've never needed to, but I wouldn't hesitate to swat an arm or leg away from me if they're bugging me.