Will someone please explain why hitting a girl is bad but hitting a guy is fine?


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Person Dude said:
krseyffert said:
I think it's perfevtly alright to hit a woman, provided she has hit you 1st. 'An eye for an eye' extends past gender lines.
"an eye for an eye" also makes the world blind.
But if you don't take their eye, they'll be whole, you won't, and they'll exploit your weakness.


New member
May 7, 2009
cause on average a girl is more intelligent, and on average a male is stronger, that being said if a normal girl attacked me i wouldnt do anything, but if she was in martial arts or had a weapon then i would have no problem giving her a good punch


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
I do not hit women for the same reason I do not hit children or men who are significantly weaker then myself.

Once had a drunk girl have a go at me with a steak knife. Still couldn't hit her.

Don't know if that's reasonable, but there you go.

Canadian Briton

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May 1, 2010
Because we live in a world where double standards are common. Anyway I thought women wanted to be equal? So why do people consider hurting woman worse then hurting men.


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Oct 9, 2008
ive seen my own father hit my mother. He was crippled and in a lot of pain at the time so i dont really blame him. Hed never do such a thing these days since finding the lord and his back coming good. But he is very strong and can actually do a lot of damage with a hit.

I dont think we really grasp how bad this can be as, what i assume is mostly young people here. The older generation of men appears to be mostly, much stronger than us. I mostly mean the men who worked with their hands mind since i dont know a lot of 40-50 year old ex bankers or whatever. But the strength gap between young men and old can be ridiculous.

Heres an example i can think of, i work with my dad as a builder, and one time there was this big muscle beam, the kind of beams you use to support the weight of a building. He picked it up and started carrying it when cory, a labourer who was also a biker and he was thickset with big muscles saw and shouted for him to stop or hed do his back in. He came running in and told dad to carry it with him, but you could see the strain on corys face as he tried to hold just one end, this guy cory was about 30ish btw, whilst my dad was 50+.

As a builders labourer i see this stuff all the time, one of the old guys come in to something the young fellows are struggling with and shows us all up as weak pansys, its happened to me over and over and im a LABOURER mind, like shovel and wheelbarrow all day. I think these rules come from a time when men were much stronger, possibly because of a lack of technology where men got ridiculously strong from work while the women stayed at home. whilst today our strength is less because of technology giving us an easier life, we dont have to walk 15 miles in the snow uphill both ways. Imagine building a house without powertools.

but i still wouldnt hit a woman, except of course in the situation where my life was in danger, but then id probably just run away since im no fighter.


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Aug 20, 2008
Housebroken Lunatic said:
If I feel threatened by a woman (which might not be as likely as me feeling threatened by a man of course, but that doesn't mean it couldn't happen) I will respond with lethal force just as I would do against a man...
I'm sorry, if someone threatens you... you KILL them? Wow, pretty harsh measures there, I must say.

As for me, I'd prefer it if we just, yknow... didn't hit people at all. Cause once you've got that out of the way there's no need for gender-based discrimination in combat.


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May 18, 2009
Marter said:
Males are usually stronger. They can do more damage.

That's the way I look at it anyway.

And it's a societal thing. It has always been worse, so that thought is in people's minds.
I don't know about "usually stronger" I'd say "potentially stronger". I know I'm not exactly strong.
But I do agree with the societal thing. I also agree that it's stupid. But then, a lot of guys will just hit each other casually, think nothing of it. Girls aren't like that. However, I'll never understand why some people are so shocked that I wouldn't think twice about fighting back if I were attacked by a girl.


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Aug 5, 2009
Tdc2182 said:
Generally when a guy is hitting a girl it is very obvious that he is much stronger than her. He wouldn't be doing it otherwise.

I honestly have never seen a case of a girl beating the shit out of a guy who didn't deserve it.

No matter what people say, we are different.
How well do you think it would go for me in court, if I said I beat the shit out of my girlfriend because "she deserved it" because she cheated on me? So women can get away with physically assaulting a man because he "deserved" it, and he can't defend himself?

Honestly, If I were attacked by a woman I will physically subdue her. Not as harshly as I would a man, but she'll be on her ass.


New member
May 22, 2009
Personally, I think males are (usually) stronger than females. Also, it's a bit of a matter of principle. But to be honest, some girls (say, 1 out of 1000) do deserve a punch. Sorry.

Housebroken Lunatic

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Sep 12, 2009
Cheesus333 said:
I'm sorry, if someone threatens you... you KILL them? Wow, pretty harsh measures there, I must say.
No, not immediately. But after having been involved in a few threatening situations before, I have learned that it's tactically sound to neutralize the threat as swiftly as possible rather than standing around and getting hit and shoved and thus presenting the threat with every opportunity to take you down first.

Thus, if I find that I can't run away from the confrontation (something I very much prefer to fighting) I believe in the practice of a swift and violent response that shows your opponent that you mean business (like pulling a blade and give him/her a slice across the face). This won't kill them of course but it is an intensly scary realisation to discover that the person you picked a fight with just cut you across the face and is preparing to cut or even stab you again.

Fortunately, pain, blood and panic will scare an aggressor off most of the time, though I put it into practice to make sure that im ready to repeat the attack with more lethal results during he next strike. Luckily, no confrontation which I have been involved in have ever needed to come to that.


New member
Apr 19, 2009
If I get in a fight with a guy, I expect him to hit me. Honestly, I'd feel insulted if he wasn't taking me seriously.


This name was cool in 2008.
Feb 11, 2009
Because when people wanted equal rights for women and black people, they went too far and now anything a white man does to either of them is horrible and discriminatory, but anything they do to a white man is fine. That's the way I see it, at least. We all say we want peace and equality, but mostly people just want the upper hand.


New member
Feb 24, 2010
eggy32 said:
For some reason people seem shocked by the fact that I'm as willing to hit a girl as I am to hit a boy, why is this?

Is it not sexist to say that girls cannot be hit by us guys? After all, males and females are apparently equals, so why does this not apply to violence.
It stems from chivalry. It's how I was raised.


New member
Jan 2, 2010
[sarcasm]Because your sandwich and dishes may fall on the floor when you strike them.[/sarcasm]

In all seriousness, I would never hit a woman unless she struck first.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
I so love that song by The Prodigy! What was it again .....ah yes, Smack my ***** up! Anywho, talking seriously, I find it retarded to hit a women, even if she's the one doing the harras, still rather calm her down, even a bear hug is enough to stop her totally till she chills.