Will someone please explain why hitting a girl is bad but hitting a guy is fine?


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Why is this thread still going? I thought I said it was cleared up several pages ago. And for those getting angry at me, must I repeat that I don't go around hitting people, I'm just saying that people make a bigger deal over a girl getting hit than a guy getting hit.


New member
Aug 14, 2010
eggy32 said:
Why is this thread still going? I thought I said it was cleared up several pages ago. And for those getting angry at me, must I repeat that I don't go around hitting people, I'm just saying that people make a bigger deal over a girl getting hit than a guy getting hit.
probably because its an interesting topic?
and as for getting mad at you tell me about it ive been there before buddy.


New member
Mar 9, 2009
Its looked at as the woman is frail and implies you can do serious damage. Which is utter bullshit. I was in a scenario before hand recently where my gf was throwing crap at me. Pushing me, grabbing me and slapping me. Even after i told her to stop 4-7 times. I had enough and gave her a light jab to the solar plexus.

The police were called and she claimed abuse and i claimed otherwise. I couldnt leave the house because she literally would block the door. Shes just about as big as I am so I couldnt just "remove her" without a serious struggle.

I actually ended up having to run from her that night.

Ill say this. Save yourself the trouble...dont defend yourself unless shes coming at you with a knife and your options are death or jail.

Women tend to have this thing about them ALWAYS being the victims. If you can bail. Just get away from the girl, period. You usually have to have a STRONG case if she claims you did something.


New member
Jan 24, 2008
eh i dont like hitting period.. but i dunno its how we are raised.. plus there number of physical reasons...

and dotn get pissy for the averages

1. men and women feel pain differently. us dudes have less nerve ending and even those nerve ending dont feel as much... but again our body doesnt make as much natural pain killers.

2. men have naturally more muscles and naturally stronger.. this is an average btw

what else.. i dunno, i dunno im peaceful... and i dunno id hit anyone if they really desrve even a female

Mr Montmorency

New member
Jun 29, 2010
If a girl was to attack me, I'd still fight back/defend myself. Circumstances of birth won't make me hesitate to keep my balls in the right place.

I remember that in school, the girls there could say any shit to the guys and they couldn't do shit because they were girls. Granted, they were throwing food, but the point still stands, It could have easily been worse. This stupid ass societal conditioning is preventing many guys from standing up for themselves without being punished for bullshit. In some cases they would be ridiculed even more because a girl is attacking them and they aren't doing anything.


New member
Aug 14, 2010
sharpshooter188 said:
Its looked at as the woman is frail and implies you can do serious damage. Which is utter bullshit. I was in a scenario before hand recently where my gf was throwing crap at me. Pushing me, grabbing me and slapping me. Even after i told her to stop 4-7 times. I had enough and gave her a light jab to the solar plexus.

The police were called and she claimed abuse and i claimed otherwise. I couldnt leave the house because she literally would block the door. Shes just about as big as I am so I couldnt just "remove her" without a serious struggle.

I actually ended up having to run from her that night.

Ill say this. Save yourself the trouble...dont defend yourself unless shes coming at you with a knife and your options are death or jail.

Women tend to have this thing about them ALWAYS being the victims. If you can bail. Just get away from the girl, period. You usually have to have a STRONG case if she claims you did something.
lets be real here everyone tries to be the victem its just the way the world is as my father once said there are always two sides to a story and in the middle is what really happened.


New member
May 13, 2010
FargoDog said:
There are guys who will hit their girlfriends for no other reason than to show dominance and blow off steam, because they think they can get away with it. That, in my opinion, is just cruelty.

If a girl is genuinely attacking you there's no reason not to hit her back, but abuse against women is something I can't stand.
I agree with Fargo. Don't hit them or anyone else for that matter unless it's either playful or you are being attacked.

Oh...and try not to get overzealous when playing around - I often forget that point >_<


New member
Mar 11, 2009
Some special forces use wimmenz as menz are less likely to kill them straightoff (they will hesitate a bit). Captured woman in war = no fun though.

Assault or abuse is bad eitherway. My wife has more upper arm strength than me as she lifts kids allday meanwhile I'm not as bad as I was after the muscle atrophying but I'm not *that* strong.

That said if some bee-atch went for me I wouldnt discriminate, I've grabbed girls arms before and twisted them behind their back. Believe me many aren't as bitchy when they realise you will defend yourself. The best line is 'ow you're hurting me!' well duh what do you think would have happened if you'd slapped/punched/scrached my face? They sort of EXPECT you not to fight back which in itself is sort of funny.

But dont hit girls, or people with glasses, or anyone else.

They might be ninja...



New member
Sep 14, 2008
Flames66 said:
Pist0l 07 said:
Its chivalry dude, also I'm pretty sure its man-law.
For me it's a question of equality. I will hit a girl for the same reason I would hit a guy, not to do so would be sexism.
I'm thinking if you would hit a girl in the same scenario as a guy... you would be a coward. It's easier to hit a girl. 95% of the girls is weaker than 90% of the guys. In my class, there's probably only one guy who has trouble lifting 60lbs. Two guys lift about 80lbs. Me and one dude lift about 100lbs. I don't think it would be fair to hit someone who can't lift half of what I can, let alone the exact same weight.

Not to mention men are ALWAYS more buffed than girls. Yes, even the strongwomen are weaker and less buff than strongmen. It's physiology, you can't defeat it by effort.


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Mar 9, 2009
krimson_dropz said:
sharpshooter188 said:
Its looked at as the woman is frail and implies you can do serious damage. Which is utter bullshit. I was in a scenario before hand recently where my gf was throwing crap at me. Pushing me, grabbing me and slapping me. Even after i told her to stop 4-7 times. I had enough and gave her a light jab to the solar plexus.

The police were called and she claimed abuse and i claimed otherwise. I couldnt leave the house because she literally would block the door. Shes just about as big as I am so I couldnt just "remove her" without a serious struggle.

I actually ended up having to run from her that night.

Ill say this. Save yourself the trouble...dont defend yourself unless shes coming at you with a knife and your options are death or jail.

Women tend to have this thing about them ALWAYS being the victims. If you can bail. Just get away from the girl, period. You usually have to have a STRONG case if she claims you did something.
lets be real here everyone tries to be the victem its just the way the world is as my father once said there are always two sides to a story and in the middle is what really happened.

That is correct sir. I view my actions as justified as she does for herself. The thing is there were no witnesses in my case so nothing was really called out.

The Last Nomad

Lost in Ethiopia
Oct 28, 2009
Because by hitting her, you are stopping her from doing the cooking or cleaning...

I joke... I'd hit a girl just as much as I would hit a guy but I really just prefer to hit nobody...


New member
Apr 5, 2009
Men are stronger DUH Testosterone effects the growth of muscle. You can be politically correct all you want but the average man is stronger then the average woman. Not mention they are bigger.

Beyond all that there is something called CHIVALRY! Any man who ignore it is less then garbage to me.


New member
Feb 26, 2009
eggy32 said:
For some reason people seem shocked by the fact that I'm as willing to hit a girl as I am to hit a boy, why is this?

Is it not sexist to say that girls cannot be hit by us guys? After all, males and females are apparently equals, so why does this not apply to violence.
trick is not to hit LADIES ... you can hit bitches if they're being bitches to you ... in my eyes, if a girl wants to be treated like a lady .. she should act like one .. i NEVER hit ladies mind you


New member
Jul 20, 2009
If you want to know a real reason, you have to read up on some MaleVsFemale psychology litterature, that is written by REAL psychosists and not the "self help" kind. Aside from millenia of guys and girls basicly having different societies where they live and thus different rules to abide by, there's a lot of psychology behind the whole thing.
It's going to take a lot more than the "equality between genders" wave to get this out of our systems.

I never really read too much up on that. I was raised a gentleman, so I'm already in the "hitting girls are wrong" grouping, and I'm fine with that :)

There's also the upperbody strength and fair fight side to the debate, but if your really need to hit someone your either a prick or in trouble anyways.

Chogg Van Helsing

New member
May 27, 2010
FargoDog said:
There are guys who will hit their girlfriends for no other reason than to show dominance and blow off steam, because they think they can get away with it. That, in my opinion, is just cruelty.

If a girl is genuinely attacking you there's no reason not to hit her back, but abuse against women is something I can't stand.
FargoDog said:
There are guys who will hit their girlfriends for no other reason than to show dominance and blow off steam, because they think they can get away with it. That, in my opinion, is just cruelty.

If a girl is genuinely attacking you there's no reason not to hit her back, but abuse against women is something I can't stand.
I think this may be the reason, and the fact that women are stereotypically 'weaker' than men. But if a girl hits you, she shouldn't do it expecting not to be hit back just 'cause of her sex!