Will someone please explain why hitting a girl is bad but hitting a guy is fine?


New member
Jul 3, 2009
eggy32 said:
Marter said:
Males are usually stronger. They can do more damage.

That's the way I look at it anyway.

And it's a societal thing. It has always been worse, so that thought is in people's minds.
Usually stronger? What about those of us who aren't stronger? Those of us with weak and flabby arms who can barely bruise a peach?
thats why usually is in there so night stalkers like us dont apply


Press R to cause ragequit
Jul 14, 2008
I would never strike a woman because at any given point in time, any given woman might be carrying an unborn child. Sometimes, even the woman herself could be unaware of it.

And, no, I don't think that striking a woman is ever appropriate. I've been struck by a woman before, and I most certainly did not hit back. The situation resolved itself... she was arrested.

Be the better man.


New member
May 10, 2009
In my honest opinion, the bottom line is: Respond in a manner that suits the situation, regardless of the opposition's gender. An eye for an eye, if you will, with a little situational awareness thrown in.

If someone's ready to do serious damage to me and/or a friend, I will gladly do the same damage to them. Gender has nothing to do with it. This whole "can't hit women" thing sounds a bit like "don't kick people in the groin". There are no rules (and there should be no rules) when it's your well-being against another person's. Do what you have to be on the winning side when the fight is over, if the situation calls for it.

Then again I'm a crazy Finnish militant, so nyeah... :p

Blue Musician

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Mar 23, 2010
WanderFreak said:
I love how the arguments FOR generally include things like "men are physically stronger than women" or "woman have less upper body strength."

So you're saying ALL women are weaker than men?

Oh, you're not? Some are stronger?

Well then you don't have an argument.

If hitting one is fine, hitting the other is fine. I'm not advocating going around hitting people for no reason, but if you give me a reason, male or female, I will put you down.
I actually agree with this, mainly because it's not right to hit anyone for no reason. Thanks for summing it up for me.


Made of ticky tacky
Jan 19, 2010
Men are stronger in general. You seriously don't get that? It's no sexist thing, it's a biological fact. As the saying goes, "pick on someone your own size". It's not like fighting someone of equal strength and size. Usually the women who are getting beat around are in submissive fear of the men.

A friend of mine the other day called me to pick her up from a bar because she basically stalked her abusive ex boyfriend and he (lo and behold) hit her around some. Why do some women get so attached to those kind of guys? I mean I was definitely far, far, way far more pissed off at the asshole who would hit a girl like that, but still. Why would she do that? I really wanted to go in there and beat his ass but he was with a bunch of his friends and honestly, I'm no fighter.


New member
May 21, 2009
Generally when a guy is hitting a girl it is very obvious that he is much stronger than her. He wouldn't be doing it otherwise.

I honestly have never seen a case of a girl beating the shit out of a guy who didn't deserve it.

No matter what people say, we are different.


New member
Aug 10, 2010
hitting anyoine is bad period. doesnt matter the gender, But have i have seen cases, one in particular, that this girl , started hitting this guy because she said (during basketball) "You can block me when im with the ball!" (witch is total bullshit o.o , and then she started hitting him, when he slapped her, (it wasnt even a punch) she started crying and HE got expeld .. so yeah sociaty, fails


New member
Jun 29, 2009
You shouldn't hit anyone unless they are attacking you. And if they are, feel free to fight back, male or female. It's self-defense, so if people call you out for hitting a girl, they are dumbasses.

Basically that's what it should come down too. There's a lot of stuff in society that makes people think this way as well. Think about it, if you see a girl cry, you wonder what the problem is. If you see a guy cry, you think he's a pussy (not saying you do specifically, just the average person), without even knowing why he's crying. So, basically, males should be able to take the hit, while girls can't. That's what society says, not me.


New member
Feb 21, 2009
Because women in general are physically weaker, sure some could be linebackers for the NFL, but generally they're weaker, so it's like beating up a guy half your size...=P


New member
May 27, 2010
Naheal said:
eggy32 said:
After all, males and females are apparently equals
No, we're not.

Marter said:
Males are usually stronger. They can do more damage.
Physiology supports this. Testosterone helps build muscle mass and, with a greater amount of muscle mass, men can do more damage with a single attack then women can. This is a fairly sweeping generalization, but to say that we're equal is a complete fallacy in this instance. Socially, we might be equal, dependent on culture, but we're not equal physiologically.
Men and women are different in terms of potential; men have the advantage in many physical pursuits. However, the concept of equality implies that men and women deserve to be treated the same way, or, to put it more appropriately, for their gender to be irrelevant to their treatment. Just because it's more likely that a woman will be more frail than a man doesn't mean that women deserve special exception.

Actually, I experience this hypocrisy mostly when girls decide to hit me, or anyone else. Lots of girls I know will wail on their male friends without reservation, jabbing them straight in the chest at full strength, and suggest that we're supposed to take it "because we're men." That shit hurts! And god forbid we try to smack the c**t back -- then we're being "abusive." But more broadly, modern gender roles feel like a one sided deal dictatorially stamped into society by women. I'm expected to respect your opinion, practically venerate your sexuality, and generally accept you as I would any other man, yet I'm also expected to hold your door and your seat for you, take all of the initiative in any social/romantic situations, and protect and serve you like a knight-in-shining-armor call service. Or a master to a dog.


New member
Jun 13, 2009
It's just a sexist double standard that people accept.
Women have sex with many men? Slut/ho/golddigger
Men have sex with many women? Glorious/pimp/sexmaster/the man/cool guy

It's like "holding the door open" or not letting women serve in combat.
It's like women always winning out in divorces.
It's why guys who do "girly" things are called "gay/fag" and why women who do manly things are called "tomboys/upstarts".

It's just part of societal attitude you can't change it.


Apr 28, 2008
I would hit a female in the same circumstances I would hit a male (eg: self defense).
But hell, what do I know? I'm Canadian, our women play hockey and knock the crap out of each other for fun.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
FargoDog said:
There are guys who will hit their girlfriends for no other reason than to show dominance and blow off steam, because they think they can get away with it. That, in my opinion, is just cruelty.

If a girl is genuinely attacking you there's no reason not to hit her back, but abuse against women is something I can't stand.
^This right here. Abuse is bad, abuse of weaker than yourself is worse, abuse of women is worse than that.

I do fucking hate spoiled little bitches just as much however, who think they can smack a man and then point fingers and complain if they get smacked back (without excessive force). Not that I have personal experience with it, but I've seen it back in high school, spoiled brat smacking a guy for no reason then when he slapped her back she just started whining about how he's hitting a girl.

Personally it would take a lot for me to hit a woman due to the way I was raised (and seeing it first hand in my family), but I still wouldn't blame a guy for (non excessive) retaliation any more than I'd blame him for hitting another man.

King of the Sandbox

& His Royal +4 Bucket of Doom
Jan 22, 2010
My two cents: There isn't a difference. Anyone, man or woman, that swings on me, is getting bear-hugged until breathing is a fond memory and the sweet embrace of unconsciousness calms their stupid asses down.

Don't like the proverbial 'heat'? Stay out of the equality arguments, I say.
Give up your right to vote, and you can get your 'no-hitting' rule back. Easy-peasy.

Although, to be honest, no one should be hitting anyone else. It's base and primitive and solves nothing.

Vrach said:
Not that I have personal experience with it, but I've seen it back in high school, spoiled brat smacking a guy for no reason then when he slapped her back she just started whining about how he's hitting a girl.
You saw that? Sorry, but I have to keep the pimp hand strong.

I kid, I kid. But I did slap a girl in high school for literally stabbing me in the hand with a pen because she thought it would be funny. The resounding *SMACK* as I fried her jaws like an egg on a metal slide in the summertime was met with nothing but cheers from all those present.

And yep, you guessed it, spoiled little princess syndrome was to blame. She thought she was beyond reproach. Not anymore.

So I guess it can solve some things... like making people stop trying to stab you.

The Arc of Eden

New member
Jun 7, 2010
If she starts it, then let her have it. If you still lose, then no one will blame you. If you win... just remember to have a camera on before the fight starts so you can establish self defense.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
summerof2010 said:
Men and women are different in terms of potential; men have the advantage in many physical pursuits. However, the concept of equality implies that men and women deserve to be treated the same way, or, to put it more appropriately, for their gender to be irrelevant to their treatment. Just because it's more likely that a woman will be more frail than a man doesn't mean that women deserve special exception.
"Frail" isn't quite the right word. "Frail" would imply weakness which, in the case of a woman's muscle structure, doesn't work. Pound for pound, muscle mass does more on a female body than it does for a male body, but men just have so much more than that would make up for. While I don't think that it is a reason that women should get special treatment, it is something to keep in mind. Simply just a logic of "hey, would I do some damage if I hit someone who was that much smaller than me?"

Actually, I experience this hypocrisy mostly when girls decide to hit me, or anyone else. Lots of girls I know will wail on their male friends without reservation, jabbing them straight in the chest at full strength, and suggest that we're supposed to take it "because we're men." That shit hurts! And god forbid we try to smack the c**t back -- then we're being "abusive." But more broadly, modern gender roles feel like a one sided deal dictatorially stamped into society by women. I'm expected to respect your opinion, practically venerate your sexuality, and generally accept you as I would any other man, yet I'm also expected to hold your door and your seat for you, take all of the initiative in any social/romantic situations, and protect and serve you like a knight-in-shining-armor call service. Or a master to a dog.
We're in agreement on this. Equality means equality. Period.


New member
Aug 1, 2010
If I punch someone, I expect to be punched back.
Not because of gender equality, it's because that's what I would do. Then again, it's a little different for me - if a girl hits me and I hit her back, it'll just turn into some sexy catfight where we tear each other's clothes off and maybe pull some hair.
That's what reality television tells me, anyway.

If I hit a gent and he takes a swing back, I'll just be a little crumpled mess on the floor. It's no secret, I'm a fucking waif.
The moral of this story: Don't punch people if you aren't going to knock them out with the first swing, especially when you're built like a house made of playing cards.

Actually, that wasn't the moral of this story at all. Punching anyone is bad, and I don't do it. People who hit me, though, earn a hefty amount of ire. Especially when said hit is out of the blue, and triple points if it's a guy.
Sorry, I just don't know that many other women who punch that hard.


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
There a double standard at work. In the general (and sexist) cultural undercurrent women are more fragile and delicate so punching one is (in theory) more detrimental then punching a boy. Its roughly the same as the idea of punching a baby, women are (apparently) more defenseless and susceptible.