Worst movie ever


New member
Feb 16, 2008
Eyclonus said:
neoman10 said:
Eyclonus said:
Turkish Star Wars, properly known as Dünyayı Kurtaran Adam (The Man Who Saves the World). Its meant to be a rip off of Star Wars, Indianna Jones, and just about any big film from 1970s - mid 80s.

By rip off I mean the steal all the music and randomly inserted it, took all the flying scenes from SW reshot the cockpit parts and applied the oddest backgrounds from the film behind the actors (In one part the pilots are doing that narrow canyon in the Deathstar thing, except by splicing in the footage of the models instead it looks like the ships are flying sideways, then with out any cuts, it changes to giant image of a nebula.)

The plot is even less logical, like melting down a magic golden sword and a magical Brain in a campfire pot, then plunging his hands in there and pulling them out wearing golden heavily mailed gauntlets. For some reason an amulet of mind control and a sword of Mass Genocide +999999 aren't as good as a pair of gloves AND matching boots.

Other interesting points are:
-The same guy plays about half of the monsters, only wearing the masks and not changing out of his pinstripe jacket,
-For some reason the Deathstar is shown at the start levelling Alderaan, then it later turns out that the Deathstar is Earth... and that the nice, environmentally healthy and beautiful planet is evil...
-And that the Deathstar's Earth's armoured shell is an invisible(???) barrier projected by the brains of the human race...
-That the co-star is necessary to power a machine to nullify this shield because he is from Earth, ignoring the fact that about half the evil wizards henchmen are human and from Earth and are not constantly escaping and being generally violent.
-The Millenium Falcon appears randomly throughout the film, and when I say randomly in the context of this film, I mean random, like theres a battle going on between robots stolen form Dr Who and villagers who come from either a Conan film, or a Mad Max film (I'm not being indecisive, literally half look post-apoc and the other half look like classical period Gauls/Goths/Germanians/Celts.) and then Woooosh jump to Hyperspace... Back to battle of the Franchise mooks.
i want to see this movie now you know to see the badness that it sounds

but epic movie
I think its on netflicks or somewhere, getting copy is hard, many Turkish people in the film industry try to bury it on the basis that it makes less sense to them than it does to us.
On a related note, this film might just be worse:


In short, the Mexican wrestler El Santo and Turkish Captain America vs Criminal Turkish Spiderman, who looks nothing like the actual Spiderman, demonstrates no superpowers at all and at one point feeds a man's face to two hamsters or guinea pigs.

Plan 9 From Outer Space and Manos: The Hands of Fate may finally have met their match.
Feb 13, 2008
COR 2000 said:
Anything wrong with a 79 and 78? Those seem like respectable scores. 16, on the other hand.... Not as much.

EDIT: I also liked both trilogies.
Nothing wrong with them, I just didn't like SW 3 and haven't seen Redeye. Just was tragically disappointed by what they did to Jumper.

COR 2000

New member
Jun 30, 2008
The_root_of_all_evil said:
COR 2000 said:
Anything wrong with a 79 and 78? Those seem like respectable scores. 16, on the other hand.... Not as much.

EDIT: I also liked both trilogies.
Nothing wrong with them, I just didn't like SW 3 and haven't seen Redeye. Just was tragically disappointed by what they did to Jumper.

Ah. Regardless, I liked Ep.III, But I haven't seen Red-Eye, and Jumper does irk me.

Methinks you just like Hayden Christiensen a little too much.
No, but a girl in my class does.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
Id nominate spy kids 3d as the worst movie ever

if I thought it was Fucking retarded when I was 7 I cant imagine how Id feel about it now


New member
Nov 3, 2008
'Plane 9 from outer space', there simply no "besting" that one. Don't believe there is a more hilarious Horror film ever created (emphasis on hilarious; might as well ignore the horror bit). A must-see!
btw, list of mistakes in link below xD


New member
Apr 22, 2008
Cathosach said:
ThePoodonkis said:
Anything that is a "Sci-Fi Channel Original Movie"

I hope to hell you're not thinking of Tin Man when you say that.
I was thinking more along the lines of Pterodactyl, Megalodon, and Abominable.
I haven't seen Tin Man, so I won't include it. Is it any good?


New member
Mar 10, 2008
ThePoodonkis said:
Cathosach said:
ThePoodonkis said:
Anything that is a "Sci-Fi Channel Original Movie"

I hope to hell you're not thinking of Tin Man when you say that.
I was thinking more along the lines of Pterodactyl, Megalodon, and Abominable.
I haven't seen Tin Man, so I won't include it. Is it any good?
Yeah, the only decent thing to ever come out of the Sci-fi channel.

Oh, and I'd blocked the memory of Megalodon until you mentioned it. *shivers*


New member
Nov 9, 2008
Troll 2, Shark Attack 3 or any of the films remotely like epic movie more than qualify for the title of W0RST M0V1E EVAR!!


New member
Jan 1, 2008
Worst Movie I've seen this year was Jumper. I'm not touching Disaster Movie with a 50ft pole.


New member
Feb 13, 2008
Gotham Soul said:
Any movie based off another piece of media, whether it be a book, a video game, or even another movie. Ever made. Ever.
what about most of Kubricks movies? Most notably A ClockWork Orange.

Zombie Badger

New member
Dec 4, 2007
Bhaalspawn said:
Look, I just didn't like it. I watched the prequals and I thought they were excellent. Episode 3 was perhaps one of the best movies I had ever seen...right between Red Eye and Jumper, but the fact remains that I thought the original trilogy was crap. That's all there is too it, and none of your fanboy whining is going to change that.
JUMPER? Back, demon from the nether world!


New member
Apr 24, 2008
My vote goes to the Super Mario Bros. Movie

Whoever decided that a LIVE action movie was a good idea is a few brain cells short of being classified as mentally disabled.