Worst movie ever


New member
Oct 24, 2008
Grindhouse: double feature (planet terror and DeathProof)

Ok, for us americans, it's Grindhouse. The enitre movie made my brain hurtz and I wanted to brain my stab for the lost I intelligence. *nods*

but the worst of the two was by far Planet Terror.


New member
Sep 17, 2008
The Shade said:
Napolean Dynamite would definitely be on my list. It barely beats out Borat, just because Borat had, like, one funny line in it. (Forget what it was, though. =[ )

You joking!?

Borat was great!


New member
Oct 24, 2008
Drift-Bus said:
The Shade said:
Napolean Dynamite would definitely be on my list. It barely beats out Borat, just because Borat had, like, one funny line in it. (Forget what it was, though. =[ )

You joking!?

Borat was great!
to quote you

You Joking!?


Big Brother
Sep 23, 2008
Eyclonus said:
neoman10 said:
Eyclonus said:
Turkish Star Wars, properly known as Dünyayı Kurtaran Adam (The Man Who Saves the World). Its meant to be a rip off of Star Wars, Indianna Jones, and just about any big film from 1970s - mid 80s.

By rip off I mean the steal all the music and randomly inserted it, took all the flying scenes from SW reshot the cockpit parts and applied the oddest backgrounds from the film behind the actors (In one part the pilots are doing that narrow canyon in the Deathstar thing, except by splicing in the footage of the models instead it looks like the ships are flying sideways, then with out any cuts, it changes to giant image of a nebula.)

The plot is even less logical, like melting down a magic golden sword and a magical Brain in a campfire pot, then plunging his hands in there and pulling them out wearing golden heavily mailed gauntlets. For some reason an amulet of mind control and a sword of Mass Genocide +999999 aren't as good as a pair of gloves AND matching boots.

Other interesting points are:
-The same guy plays about half of the monsters, only wearing the masks and not changing out of his pinstripe jacket,
-For some reason the Deathstar is shown at the start levelling Alderaan, then it later turns out that the Deathstar is Earth... and that the nice, environmentally healthy and beautiful planet is evil...
-And that the Deathstar's Earth's armoured shell is an invisible(???) barrier projected by the brains of the human race...
-That the co-star is necessary to power a machine to nullify this shield because he is from Earth, ignoring the fact that about half the evil wizards henchmen are human and from Earth and are not constantly escaping and being generally violent.
-The Millenium Falcon appears randomly throughout the film, and when I say randomly in the context of this film, I mean random, like theres a battle going on between robots stolen form Dr Who and villagers who come from either a Conan film, or a Mad Max film (I'm not being indecisive, literally half look post-apoc and the other half look like classical period Gauls/Goths/Germanians/Celts.) and then Woooosh jump to Hyperspace... Back to battle of the Franchise mooks.
i want to see this movie now you know to see the badness that it sounds

but epic movie
I think its on netflicks or somewhere, getting copy is hard, many Turkish people in the film industry try to bury it on the basis that it makes less sense to them than it does to us.
great i will actually, I hope my face doesn't melt (name that reference!)


New member
Aug 20, 2008
Either "Yor hunter from the future" (though that is soo bad it's actually a good watch )but ANY steven seagal movie, i hate that man with a passion.


New member
Aug 31, 2008
These are the worst because they're so over-rated and deemed to be the "best thing ever" by so many of the twiddly fanboys and girls which largely makes me dislike them more:

Sin City - Can anyone explain how this was good?
300 - Ditto.
Scarface - Longest 3 hours of my life.
Donnie Darko - "I didn't understand it, it contains gimmicky characters and features - therefore it is the best film ever made."

And although I've never heard praise for this film; Meet the Spartans. I could have better spent the 70 or so minutes lobotomising myself.


New member
Apr 12, 2008
Baonec said:
Either "Yor hunter from the future" (though that is soo bad it's actually a good watch )but ANY steven seagal movie, i hate that man with a passion.
Whats not to like about Yor? I mean the man's crazy enough to challenge UFOs with a stone axe. He's got that perk from fallout which makes gore everywhere and that one from Deadlands, Grim Servant O' Death hindrance.

neoman10 said:
great i will actually, I hope my face doesn't melt (name that reference!)
How? Do you have any fucking idea how often face melting happens in shitty horror films?

Zardoz: Sean Connery in Y-fronts, leather boots (HaHa! Inuendo) and excessive chest hair. Against, and what can only be described as so mind bendingly weird as to compel every viewer to ask the Zardoz question upon witnessing the first act:

"Why am I attempting to apply logic to a movie where Mount Rushmore vomits guns and hates the cock?"

I'll even link you to proof of this weirdness:


New member
Apr 12, 2008
maximilian said:
These are the worst because they're so over-rated and deemed to be the "best thing ever" by so many of the twiddly fanboys and girls which largely makes me dislike them more:

Sin City - Can anyone explain how this was good?
300 - Ditto.
Scarface - Longest 3 hours of my life.
Donnie Darko - "I didn't understand it, it contains gimmicky characters and features - therefore it is the best film ever made."

And although I've never heard praise for this film; Meet the Spartans. I could have better spent the 70 or so minutes lobotomising myself.
You honestly believe that hype allows any common summer uber-blockbuster into these prestigious halls of suck? Begone you who know not the sweet, sweet taste of cardboard ray guns tearing midst a mighty battle against toilet paper and garbage bag aliens!


New member
Jun 27, 2008
Not Good said:
pieeater911 said:
Epic Movie
Meet the Spartans
Scary movies 2-4
Date Movie
Disaster Movie
Anything directed by Uwe Boll
Scary Movie 3 was the height of the series and I believe it shouldn't be included.
Well, if that's your opinion then don't add it to your list.


New member
Oct 24, 2008
maximilian said:
Donnie Darko - "I didn't understand it, it contains gimmicky characters and features - therefore it is the best film ever made."
I actually like Donnie Darko. I didn't understand it when I was ten, but now I do appreciate it more.


New member
Jun 23, 2008
The music video for Rick Astley's "Never gonna give you up"... And it doesn't get better with the fact that I've been tricked into watching it three million times..

: D

rayman 101

New member
Jun 7, 2008
Two words: Disaster Movie
The shittiest movie I've ever watched. (second would be Enchanted)

Aura Guardian

New member
Apr 23, 2008
Sarge8806 said:
Grease is the worst movie ever. Right next to Titanic
I'm not fond of musicals nor shit I know whats going to happen and could care less about the people in there.

COR 2000

New member
Jun 30, 2008
Mr. Moose said:
sv93 said:
Indiana Jones: Kingdom of the crystal skull, completely ruined the Indy series for me : (
You do realise that Indy 4 was set in the more scientific FIFTIES instead of the more superstitious THRITIES, right?
It was during the COLD WAR and GOVERNMENT COVERUPS and the crash at ROSWELL and the sightings of UFOs
...And The plot was also based on the Creation "Theory" that aliens were responsible for creating us and all our ancient wonders (Pyramids in Egypt and Mayan Pyramids, Stone-Henge, Etc.).

COR 2000

New member
Jun 30, 2008
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Bhaalspawn said:
Look, I just didn't like it. I watched the prequals and I thought they were excellent. Episode 3 was perhaps one of the best movies I had ever seen...right between Red Eye and Jumper, but the fact remains that I thought the original trilogy was crap. That's all there is too it, and none of your fanboy whining is going to change that.
Fanboy whining? Hahahahahahahaaha
Oh wait...Episode 3 was one of the best movies you've ever seen?....

Jeez...watch some more films...

Star Wars Episode 4 : 95% on Rotten Tomatoes
Star Wars Episode 3 : 79% on Rotten Tomatoes
Red Eye : 78%
Jumper : 16%

And that's with 250 of the most respected reviewers worldwide. My opinion not-withstanding.
Methinks you just like Hayden Christiensen a little too much.
Anything wrong with a 79 and 78? Those seem like respectable scores. 16, on the other hand.... Not as much.

EDIT: I also liked both trilogies.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
Do you mean "oh god how terrible" worst (Epic movie for me)
Or "Sweet lord that was hilarious" worst (Story of Ricky)