Worst part of Halloween


New member
Mar 28, 2009
This one in particular brought back a lot of bittersweet memories, so I kind of want to join the ranks of the non-living at the moment. Otherwise, Hallow'een's pretty cool.


New member
Sep 26, 2009
Probably the preparation and clean up for it. My house always throws a family party, so every Halloween day I clean for maybe two and a half hours, go trick-or-treating for maybe half an hour, wait out the party for maybe another two hours, then clean it all up.

Halloween nights can get a bit long.


Supreme Evil Overlord
Jan 21, 2009
the idiots.......

you know the ones who i swear their frame of mind is "its halloween lets forget we have any sense or brains at all"


New member
Dec 23, 2009
My least favorite part? The moment where I inevitably start pining for the days where Halloween was the most awesome thing ever. I can't help it, hearing kids ring the doorbell and shout "Trick or Treat!" just makes me think of the years where I was the person in the cheap costume walking around getting candy. The wonder and mysticism of it just vanishes as you grow older.

Though indeed, I always did hate it when the weather didn't agree with the holiday. On the very last year I went, we had just been hit with a huge snowstorm. So not only did my mom make me wear a huge ass coat over my costume, the roads and driveways were icy as fuck. I must have slipped about five times, and I was being careful to avoid all ice. Why couldn't we have the holiday at the end of September, instead?


New member
Nov 17, 2010
TLS14 said:
You don't have room to complain. Perhaps you should make a trip out to Utah sometime. Snowtobers are fairly common here, and it's rather odd that we don't have one this year.
I'm sorry. I think us up in the north-eastern area took your snow. You can have it back. The fact that it snowed in October freaked most of us the hell out. We don't want it back until December when its Christmas.


New member
Nov 17, 2010
I hate the scrambling for costumes stuff.

Being creative with this stuff is not easy for me.

Although, the excuse the get free candy from people is nice.


Last day of PubClub for me. :'-(
Mar 23, 2011
CleverCover said:
TLS14 said:
You don't have room to complain. Perhaps you should make a trip out to Utah sometime. Snowtobers are fairly common here, and it's rather odd that we don't have one this year.
I'm sorry. I think us up in the north-eastern area took your snow. You can have it back. The fact that it snowed in October freaked most of us the hell out. We don't want it back until December when its Christmas.


Oh god, that's rich. Hey guys, he actually thinks I want snow around here. He actually thinks I like snow at all.

Son, you can keep it. I hate the snow. Soon as I'm done with school, I'm moving down south a bit. Just far enough to escape extreme seasonal climates.


New member
Jul 9, 2009
When I was a kid, trick or treating wasn't a big deal in the UK. Plus, my Dad said it was wrong to go around knocking on doors asking people to give you stuff, so I lack the fond memories of Halloween many of you North Americans seem to have. I've always loved the day though, even as a child I was obsessed with folklore/monsters.

The worst part of it now is that like most other things the day has lost its significance from two different perspectives. I'm "neo-pagan" or whatever you want to call it, so to see it become another commercialised day is annoying but I understand that at least in the west we are generally moving away from things of a spiritual nature. The other decline is the change in the way Halloween is perceived since my childhood. It used to be a day that revolved around horror, a day that celebrated the supernatural and the macabre. Now it's about dressing like a "sexy" whatever, or a "cute" whatever for the kids. Don't get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoyed the sexy fairytale princesses who were in the pub last year but I just wish the element of darkness would come back.

The absolute worst thing about THIS Halloween however, is that I couldn't do anything for it, literally everyone I know went out dressed up, yet I was at work. Till next year I guess...


New member
Oct 31, 2011
DragonFae said:
The fact that it's here in Australia, in technically the wrong time of year. Halloween has taken over the pagan sabbath of Samhain. Now, while for the northern hemisphere that's sunset on November 1st, in the southern hemisphere, it's May 1st. It's all so wrong.

Oh, and also, just because it's now being celebrated here. My childhood was perfectly fine without it. Why must it now be a thing here? I knew Americanism was going to take over to world.
Ah, you share my sentiments. The Americanism part mainly, but I'm sympathetic about the pagan holiday.

I hate how Halloween has been adopted here. And why? As an excuse to hold booze fests? I don't know, it all seems ridiculous to me.


New member
Jun 23, 2011
I hate holloween in general because it just seems so childish sometimes. Its an entire holiday where i have to pretend to like some kids cardboard box transformer.
Seriously kid. I have seen better at comiccon
Incase you havnet figured it out m a horrible Cynic.


Spoony old Bard
Feb 13, 2009
The worst part is remembering how awesome it used to be and how much I would look forward to it compared to how indifferent I am now, I have many memories of Halloween from when I was younger.

chaos order

New member
Jan 27, 2010
i freaking hate it when kids come to my door and dont have a costume. so what i do to is i have the bowl hold some small boxs of raisins (or some other b.s. Halloween "candy")and hand those out to the little kids who dont have a costume


New member
Jun 23, 2011
TheDarkEricDraven said:
On one hand, kids can be annoying, but the girls are so cute in their costumes, and giving out candy is really fun. On another, I can NEVER get a costume ready, but that is my own laziness. Oh, I know. The adults. They act really weird, to the point it creeps me out. Some are all "Don't eat posion!" and others just let their kids wander around the town till morning. And the candy isn't that great eaither.
Funny thing, I talked to a police officer who is my teacher, He said the poison candy or the like is rare. And we live in a big town. Sometimes they go years without hearing it and when they do its always a relative or friend who did it as a prank.


New member
Aug 28, 2010
I literally sob for all you people who don't or can't enjoy Halloween.

I loved it as a kid, my whole family would dress up, one year we all dressed up as the Addams Family (Since I was the youngest I was Wednesday, hooray for cross dressing as a child!) and my sister would walk me to school in costume. We are a family that does scary costume so my sister was a cheerleader who killed herself and oh boy did she look scary.

As a young teenager it was fun because I still got to trick or treat even though my friends weren't into it.

As an older person its FUN AS HELL. I get to scare little children and not feel bad about it.

I'm sorry you guys don't enjoy it as much as you should :(


New member
May 5, 2011
One time I got dimes from an old couple. I'm pretty sure it was around a dollars worth, but I was pissed. I wanted candy dammit!


New member
May 5, 2010
Just like with many other things in life, Halloween is a dandy and fun time for all until kids get involved. Kids always fuck shit up.


New member
Apr 18, 2010
I went off Halloween when I was about 13 because of some 18 year olds stalking me and a friends around town in their car while we were out. As for this year, some windows of my house are now covered with egg. Yeah... not happy.