You are going into battle against 100 soldiers on the back of a creature, What are you riding?....


New member
Mar 15, 2010
A german sheperd, why, you ask? Well a shepard managed to save the universe from reapers twice


New member
Mar 31, 2009
Obvious big scaries: fire-breating dragon (too environmentally destructive); Cthulhu (too apocalyptically destructive); Kraken (dies when it surfaces); dracolich (probably wins very easily then takes over the world, starting by raising a unit of 100 undead soldiers with assault rifles); sonar worm from Half Life (utterly bulletproof and grenade proof but riding it would be fatal too and they might just retreat); something that sprays out Tyrannobdella rex [] (just not practical); my daggerfall character (too easy); a green worm mass (too corrosive); one of the Nephilim (we don't know enough to make such a choice); the boar god from Princess Mononoke (too pig-headed); Megalodon Landshark (Fine unless he's chewing on an air bottle or a mains cable, right?); Luke Skywalker (which makes me Yoda and the enemy f_____!) and finally the great and terrible Gelatinous Cube (which is horribly lost in a forest with no solid ceiling and would digest my legs, so no).

I think it has to be the Jedi.

Oh, hey ... Ancient Olthoi Queen.

You know the Alien Queen?

Imagine her with extra arms, each tipped with a five foot blade, and ... followers. Not the little walktopus things and the occasional warrior from the movie but followers in the numbers you'd expect from a Queen Ant. Yes, Ant. All she has to do is smell like she wants a thousand scary eight-foot-tall giant ants and a thousand even scarier four-foot-tall giant ants to come boiling up out of the ground, rush through the forest and shred the intruding mammals and it'll happen, with some really gory special effects, too. They call the wide red ones Eviscerators because that's what they do. The same applies to the Mutilators.

Of course, then I have to come up with a way to not get the same treatment.

Then the forest is full of giant ants and my people can no longer live or forage there.

Then it becomes a wasteland of giant ant nests, the fungi they tend (yes, they're gardener ants as well as army ants and slavedriver ants) and the steam vents from the deep tunnels they dig (yes, they're miner ants too) and noone would want to live there anyway.

Okay, back to the Jedi. Can I ride the Jedi?

How about a Tardis? Does that count?

Se7enUpMustang said:
tits on fire
Hey, I saw that movie!


New member
Aug 14, 2009
One of the black dragons from Heroes of Might and Magic III.

Those soldiers are toast...

Lazy Kitty

May 1, 2009
The Star Forge...
It's practically a living thing...
Then I just send out an infinite fleet manned by droids.


New member
Oct 15, 2009
A kangaroo
What, nobody said it had to be an epic creature. Or one of my spore creations, you know which I mean...


New member
May 18, 2009
ddon said:
Cthulhu. He would take them down in thirty seconds. The first twenty-five twenty-nine is going to be it trying to rip me off of his back though.
Hmmm. I can think of so many things that would kill them instantly. In the interest of cool, I say... A dragon. I just love dragons.


New member
Apr 21, 2009
A tachikoma, you motherfuckers. You can't beat a lethal, agile, fully weaponized armoured tank with an AI equivalent to a cute little child.