You first "**** This" Moment in Gaming


New member
Apr 19, 2008
It was either the police station in 'Silent Hill Homecoming' that completely fucked me over bcause of the hooorrible controls or the tank in 'Metal Gear Solid'. Though I went back to MGS and was able to complete the game.

Ryan McGrath

New member
May 25, 2011
Fucking Russian mission 2 in Empire Earth where you had to fucken defeat every fucken nation when they constantly rushed you with rines and shock troops and aircraft galore. holy shit it was a nightmare.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
tkioz said:
To me it was the very first TMNT game on the C-64 over 20 years ago
Oh God, how do you make one of the most frustrating games even more frustrating? Add a time limit and damaging scenery.

To be honest, though, I beat that level and STILL never saw the end legitimately (Youtube vids).

I had "Fuck that" moments later in the same game, basically.


New member
Jun 27, 2010
I think it was a game on the dreamcast, I know it has been on early consoles... Shinobi, all I remember is you have to keep killing to stay alive, to be honest I knew I could'nt stand games like that but I still picked it up and raged. I don't really remember where I got to.

So for one I can actually remember Ninja Gaiden on the xbox, getting to Alma also got me to the closest I've been to breaking a control. I did in after putting down the game for a few weeks.

monkey jesus

New member
Jan 29, 2009
For some reference on the level of my tolerance I'm been playing games for almost 30 years, I used to write my own on a Spectrum 48K with a rubber keyboard literally days spent typing in code you barely understood to make an "A" dodge falling "T"'s.

I weathered the early 90's playing conversions of arcade games designed to get the coins in by making bosses impossible to beat with skill.

I have dragged a car load of kit miles from home on a dark, cold, wet night for a couple of hours playing multiplayer on null-modems against players that swept me aside like a feeble child.

I lasted about 10 hours total playing Black Op's on Xbox Live, what the fuck is wrong with those people?


New member
Sep 4, 2010
Dreamfall. First game I ever bought. It's really story-oriented and I was like I dunno, 12 when it came out. They kept talking about vague things I didn't understand. It was the worst game ever for me.

I convinced the guy at the register to switch it out for FF9 and some other game. I was more than okay with that.


New member
Sep 14, 2010
Ytomyth said:
Harvest Moon on the GBA when, after 5 months of quite fervent playing my save file just....went up and left.

F&*^ that!

Edit: Whoops, no auto-filter here. :p
It's ok, we say shit and fuck all the time!

OT: It would have to be Ass Creed 2. About 5 minutes in. The shitty game kept giving me Xbox shaped button prompts. I'M ON A KEYBOARD. This required me to look up my controls all the damn time. Fuck that.


Future sovereign of Oz
Nov 6, 2010
Probably somewhere inside the campaign of Call of Duty: World at War on Veteran.


New member
Dec 4, 2008
Jak 2 there a glitch if you do the races before a certain mission you cant complete it
i did not know this


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Star Wars Rogue Squadron for the Gamecube. It was just this one mission in the co-op mode. Escaping the Death Star II as the Millennium Falcon and a X-Wing. No matter who I played with, no matter which vehicle we chose, we would always fail. I realize that if just one person gets out then you win, but whoever plays as the Millennium Falcon gets screwed over by its slow speed and awful maneuverability. You can't even take things slow because there is a wall of fire speeding up behind you. Its just plain impossible. F**k that.


New member
Oct 16, 2011
Racing that damn penguin in Mario 64 the second time around nearly did the whole game for me, but I got better. Other than that, probably trying to beat all the levels on Perfect Agent in Perfect Dark 64.

I can't think of any recent examples, probably because games have become much easier, lawl.


New member
Sep 3, 2010
First? Well, probably original Quake, 3 level of the first world... the one when you first encounter zombies... I was like 7 years old and it wasn't a nice experience....

More recently, from STALKER, when you first encounter Bloodsucker... i saw him hi went and cloacked itself and I said " fine, there's no way in hell i'm gonna beat that shit."

And then I quit the game.
(I lately restarted playing it and even though I now I will meet that creep there, it still scares me shitless)


New member
Oct 22, 2007
Metal Gear Solid.

This was the exact moment where I gave up on AAA games forever. Sure, I'd been becoming disillusioned with games being driven by graphical advances and terrible narratives rather than gameplay mechanics before then, but this was the straw that finally broke the camel's back.


New member
Jul 30, 2011
I remember being really young, and i loved that game Project Gothan Racing 2 (this was before the 360).
I wanted to get all the platnium medals, and so whilst trying to get one, my mother was telling em to get off it. At this point, i was just very annoyed because I had lost this one race about 20 times. I eventually threw the controller on the floor and stormed off.

Wow, i sound like a total jerk.
(then again, I was only 9 :\ )


Pandamonium is at hand
Dec 3, 2008
It was a few years ago,a friend of mine was astonished that I had never played Quake.FPSs didn't quite interest me when games like Quake first came out,so I never really bothered.

So he copies a folder onto my computer and tells me to have a go at it.Easy enough with the experience I had with these types of shooters.
Then,he put on a bot on nightmare difficulty on an open map with spring-powered jump pads,a couple pillars for safety and cover,and a deep dark abyss under the plateforms on which you fight.
The only weapon on the map? Railguns.For the younger generation here,Quakes railguns are instant fire/infinite speed projectile,perfect accuracy, one shot reload type of weapon that leave a distinctive trace behind their projectile.No zoom,no auto-aim.If you point at something and you click on your mouse,that thing dies.

I was confident at first,then I poked my nose out maybe only a single pixel out of cover behind a pillar,and I was gibbed.
I tried again,respawning at fast as possible to try to catch the bot in between reloads,but I got my ass handed to me.
I lost 15 to 0 in less than 2 minutes.

No Quake,fuck you.I haven't played you since,and I won't be playing you anytime soon.You can shove your cheating bots up your (*censored for the good of mankind*)

Edit:I just remembered: Goldeneye 64,Control on 00 agent.Fucking Natalya had a damn bullet magnet attached to her face,and was hellbent and having the world's largest "used bullets" collection.


New member
Apr 7, 2010
Left 4 Dead 2, Dark Carnival, last stage. No, it isn't my first moment, but it's the first I thought of. Seriously, I hate the AI sometimes.


New member
Jul 28, 2009
Ancient and obscure, but: Alone in the Dark on the Game Boy Colour. Backtracking through previous rooms and discovering that enemies respawned, but health and ammo pick-ups did not. My patience with that game lasted less than an afternoon.


New member
Jul 10, 2009
Superman 64. More recently, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2's Multiplayer for a while.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
My very, very first moment of rage at a game, did not go well for me.

See, my family was, and is, poor. ( We didn't live in a carboard box, but going to the movies was a once a year event, if that)

As a result, I got a job as a paperboy to buy myself the games and toys I wanted.

I bought myself a Gameboy. My family and I played the hell out of Tetris and Super Mario.
As time went on, I ended up buying the game Nolan Ryan Baseball.

I forget now, why the particular match I was playing was so important, but I do know I had tried many, many times to beat it, and had failed massively each time. I remember the score was 7 to 0 in my favor, going into the 9th inning. I was thrilled, not only was I winning, but I was winning by a landslide. It seemed there was no way I could lose.

Unfortunately, the 9th inning did not go well for me. Not only was I unable to score any more points, but amazingly the computer opponent who had not been able to score a single run the entire game, managed to rack up 10 points in a matter of minutes. ( To this day, I swear the game set me up)

I went into a blind rage. I had hit the gameboy on my head before when I was continuely losing, but this time was different. This time the game had put hope in front of my face only to cruelly snatch it away at the last second. It was like the game was laughing at me.

I slammed the gameboy into my forehead with enough force to break the screen. Afterwards, I found out from a repair guy that it would be cheaper to buy a new Gameboy than to replace the screen. I didn't have the money to buy a new Gameboy, and it would be almost 5 years before I bought another video game system.

Needless to say, in the decade and a half since then, I have learned to better control my temper.


New member
Apr 5, 2011
My first would have to be Earthworm Jim for the SNES. I was a rather bad gamer as a kid, about 90% of all games I played I NEVER saw the final boss, much less beat them, but EJ I couldn't get well past the second damn LEVEL! I don't even know why anymore, I think I just didn't have the patience to really learn how to play the game, so when I couldn't get any further, I'd just turn it off and go right back to Megaman or Mario.