Your current book...


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Foucault's Pendulum by Umberto Eco along with a collection of his semiotics back in the early 90's
The trial records of Louis XVI - Fascinating if you are into this kind of stuff
and Knut Hamsun's Growth of the Soil - I had a funny feeling while reading this, almost religious.


New member
Mar 22, 2010
naruto volume 15, the darkness compendium vol 1, the war of the worlds, roadside picnic , the bourne identity yes quite alot lol


New member
Mar 22, 2010
ZeroAE said:
On a recent trip to USA , I buyed almost all the Halo books. I red First Trike and now Im reading Contact Harvest. If you are a fan of Halo , they are pretty good.

Also Im reading Naruto and Lucky Star.

I like to read.
where are you up to in naruto?


New member
Sep 15, 2009
Task Force Black- Mark Urban

It's the true story of a British-US-Australian-Canadian Task Force formed in order to basically kill as many Taliban and Al-Qaeda High Value Targets as possible.

Leftnt Sharpe

Nick Furry
Apr 2, 2009
Wikileaks: Inside Inside Julian Assange's War on Secrecy by David Leigh and Luke Harding. Actually a pretty interesting book, its written from the angle of David Leigh who works for the Guardian newspaper and who had a lot of meetings with Assange. It also has an appendix which takes up almost a third of the book.

Mostly though I tend to read books for my history course, just finished reading Wallace Terry's Bloods and there is a ton of books that I have been using for my dissertation. Although saying that I have only read a couple of them cover to cover, usually only the relevant parts are required:

The Provisional IRA by Patrick Bishop and Eamonn Mallie
The Dirty War by Martin Dillon
The Troubles by Tim Pat Coogan
Provos The IRA & Sinn Fein by Peter Taylor
Armed Struggle: The History of the IRA by Richard English
The Irish War by Tony Geraghty
The Crowned Harp by Graham Ellison and Jim Smyth
UVF: The Endgame by Jim Cusack and Henry McDonald

Yeah, writing Dissertations can be.....................interesting sometimes.


New member
Aug 18, 2010
TheLazyKnight said:
I'm actually reading Death Troopers right now. It's okay. Better than the regular Star Wars books.
Death Troopers is a pretty good book, but I found that I liked Red Harvest more... Have you gotten to the huge surprise cameo yet?

Kadoodle said:
I just finished Mogworld (amazing book btw, Yahtzee outdid himself), and now I have decided to read LOTR in its entirety. I've already read the hobbit, which was awesome.
Both of those choices are amazing reads!

Especially Mogworld... Oh, that crazy Jim!

StoneCutter said:
Just about to start Dune. Heard it's really good, but it sucks I have a deadline to finish it.
Tell me how the book goes, I've been wanting to read it for a while now!


New member
May 28, 2009
I'm ABOUT to finish the hobbit, it can't compete with the Lord of the Rings but it's nicer to read, but that's just because LotR was a pain in the ass to read.


New member
Feb 11, 2011
Reading Airman by Eoin Colfer (perhaps my sixth read of it since i bought it?) and its brilliant, although i have to give a mention to the four books of Age of Unreason by Greg Keyes. It is so damn amazing, and i think one of the only books I've read that seem to have a totally original concept. Don't get me wrong, i've read alot of books that bring a new sort of feel to reading but this series stands out. I'd say i want it made into a movie but look what happened to Harry Potter? i wouldn't want to risk that. Apologies for the raving.


New member
Aug 18, 2010
Nuckelavee said:
Communist Manifesto (I finally get to finish it, my old copy was confiscated by one of my teachers.)
Really! Why would they do such a thing?
Dragonpit said:
Warcraft Archives by multiple authors
Great works!
I loved all four of the stories, such a great read!

BTW Have you read "War of the Ancients" by Richard A Knaak? If you haven't read it yet and you don't mind reading another Warcraft book, I highly suggest it!


New member
Aug 18, 2010
A prequel to Death Troopers?!?!?! The greatest Star Wars book I have ever read... I must buy this now! Going to Chapters tomorrow...

On topic, currently it is Let Me In, it's great.
Don't worry, you won't be disappointed with it...
Vryyk said:
Is that the sequel to Death Troopers? I haven't gotten my hands on that one yet...

OT: Re-reading the Once and Future King for the first time since HS. Great book, I recommend reading it if only to see T.H. White's take on Merlin.
It's actually a prequel!

The Once and Future King? I think one of my friends has that one... I'm gonna have to pick that up today!
wolfcrab said:
metro 2033 is the last thing i read, now im starting to read crime and punishment by Dostoevsky. Shits hard to get in to.
What was your opinion on Metro 2033? I finished it a bit ago and I'm not sure if I love it or hate it...
Vanalosswen said:
"Catching Fire", the second book in the Hunger Games trilogy. I was completely absorbed by the first one, and nicked the second and third ones from a friend I'm in a show with.
I was suggested The Hinger Games awhile ago, but I never got around to reading it because I thought it would be... well... kiddy... I might have to give it a try now!


New member
Aug 18, 2010
Cheesebob said:

Damn, just damn.

That is a book that everyone has to read, even if you find it a struggle about 3/4s of the way through. Absolutly fantastic.
You've peaked my interest, I'm gonna look this one up now...

...might I ask what it's about?

...or is it pretty obvious from the title...
ZeroAE said:
On a recent trip to USA , I buyed almost all the Halo books. I red First Strike and now Im reading Contact Harvest. If you are a fan of Halo , they are pretty good.
All the Halo books are great, personal favorites are "The Flood" and "Evolutions"
havass said:
I'm...still not done with the last book of Douglas Adams' hitchhiker trilogy. D:
Finish it... 'Tis amazing, probably in my Top 10...


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Re-reading The Death of WCW by RD Reynolds (of fame) and Bryan Alvarez ( research on a book I'm writing.

KISS Kompendium (a collection of all the KISS comic books from the 70's-00's) I found a signed copy by Gene, Paul, Ace and Peter at Hastings used for $10

Finally The Lives of John Lennon by Albert Goldman and The Beatles by Hunter Davies.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
Just in the fight with Zabusa =P. The anime in my country just got up to the fight of Gaara VS Lee , then it started over and over again to the beggining of the series. But with the games , I know what will happen , but I still want the details.


Do the buttwalk!
Mar 11, 2009
Bathelt & Glückler: "Wirtschaftsgeographie" ( = Economical Geography).

Aren't you glad you're not me?


New member
Feb 4, 2010
I haven't read any books for 3 months now... I'm getting a bit lonely in my bed because of not reading, but I haven't any money yet, so yea... next I'm gonna get is ANYTHING from Raymond E. Feist. I've read the Riftwar Saga - 3/4 books total, the first one either beeing divided in 2 or compilated to 1. I've read his Empire Series, with 3 books from the other side of the Rift(explained in the previous series).
Also David Eddings' Belgariad is awesome, gonna read that again, when my uncle's done with it... again :)
I'll have to see what else Eddings has made so... yea not reading atm, but really REALLY wanting to.



Mar 2, 2010
Darky Dreaming Dexter

Just having read the entire series and wanting to reread them again.
Very good series. ;)