Your dark secrets


Jan 4, 2010
United States
Aylaine said:
There are some hot members here I would make a move on, erm...ok ok!
I have suddenly become far too curious for my own good. Dark secret time! WHO'S ON DAT LIST!?


New member
Apr 7, 2011
Let me see... I almost killed a friend of mine once. S'was a big rock and a small hill... By the sea... I guess you can guess where this is going. Still unsure if it was an accident or not *Ponders*

I'm a kleptomaniac, sooooo *Steals AntiChri5's coffee* MEIN!

I absolutely LOOOOOOOVE to manipulate people, which strangely enough has made me into a person that doesn't really trust others... Shouldn't it be opposite?

I'm into BDSM, but for fuck's sake, I will be the dominant one even if I have to spank you with an octopus! I'm also into both sides, so yeah.

I am the perfect liar. No one has ever busted me. *That up there is actually true, surprising right?*

Umm... I'll come back when I remember more XD

Edit: When I think about it, I am not sure any of that is actually secrets others don't know about XD


Jan 4, 2010
United States
Aylaine said:
Fappy said:
Aylaine said:
There are some hot members here I would make a move on, erm...ok ok!
I have suddenly become far too curious for my own good. Dark secret time! WHO'S ON DAT LIST!?
First! Why do you want to know? The real reason, please. Honesty will get you answers!
Because I am an incredibly vain, egocentric person who will be crushed if Daystar's on that list and I'm not >:O


New member
Jun 12, 2009
lRookiel said:
I watch alot of porn, nothing wrong with that.

I am a brony, nothing wrong with that either. (however I will never share this info with my family).
The real question is if those two sentences ever cross paths, if you know what I mean.

OT: In my life there have been three nights where every mistake or everything I've ever done that was wrong comes flooding in all at once to the point where I will be wide awake until first light. With all the noise and all the guilt bearing their full weight upon me for hours, it had gotten so bad one night that I thought how much easier it would be to hang myself in order to quiet everything instead of suffering through the night. I haven't told anyone yet.


Your Commander-in-Chief
Jun 15, 2011
i'm a guy. i have a mild crossdressing fetish

that's all i'm willing to share, there are worse things, right?


New member
Jul 6, 2011
I'm that guy who reports low content posts

I never did anything dark or have any secrets, worst thing I ever did was to watch nude women.

I'm so boring.


New member
Jun 11, 2012
My name is Peter Parker.
And I am Batman. Wait, fuck...

For realsies, My darkest secret: I am a creepy hentai fetishist who moonlights as a serial killing crime fighter whilst struggling to come to terms with the dark power that resides within me, all the while battling zombies, aliens, aliens zombies and futanari schoolgirl demon type things.

And before anyone asks no I'm not Japanese.


New member
Jun 11, 2012
Tranquility said:
Fapped to 2g1c

Multiple times.
"I told myself it was just chocolate Ice cream. I knew that I was lying"

Seriously Bro, whatever floats your boat, provided you don't maim others. That's my motto anyway.

But apparently not the courts....


Shark Girls are my Waifus
Jan 9, 2012
In really I have some dark secrets that I will NEVER say in Internet.
But as I said in one of my threads, if you have a weird thing you do and you don't care for the others looking at you or the others simple they don't care, then with all my heart please tell us.


Shark Girls are my Waifus
Jan 9, 2012
ThatRandomGuy42 said:
I still pick my nose. Yes it's disgusting, but it's a habit.
Do you really consider this specific habit a dark secret?
I do this too, but I don't think is something you need to hide from others [I don't mean to be gross and to this in front of others].


New member
Sep 22, 2011
chinangel said:
Hay Gais! Social Experiment time :D

Okay essentially, let's see how safe you feel with the anonymity the internet provides. Share with us your dark secret. Maybe not your darkest, but make it interesting.

So...let's see how many will step up!

Naturally, I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't go first so..hmm....ah!
I'm a 'little'. Which is a term for a person who can mentally regress to a very young age. It's typically a BDSM lifestyle word but not exclusively.

Because of this I have had to search for a Daddy to take care of me and let me be myself, it's be a tough but fun search.

Okay escapist, your turn! >:3
Coincidence you like MLP?`...


New member
Jun 27, 2010
Guess it might be indifference. If the world was on fire it would suck, but would it really.

I had a thought a year ago that if I still am in the same state of mind as I am in now, that I would move away and go travelling, or just stop. I think that qualifies as a dark secret, in that anonymity allows me to say it and it's not bright in the larger picture.

Delicious Anathema

New member
Aug 25, 2009
chinangel said:
Hay Gais! Social Experiment time :D

Okay essentially, let's see how safe you feel with the anonymity the internet provides. Share with us your dark secret. Maybe not your darkest, but make it interesting.

So...let's see how many will step up!

Naturally, I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't go first so..hmm....ah!
I'm a 'little'. Which is a term for a person who can mentally regress to a very young age. It's typically a BDSM lifestyle word but not exclusively.

Because of this I have had to search for a Daddy to take care of me and let me be myself, it's be a tough but fun search.

Okay escapist, your turn! >:3
Oh ABDL, that's kinda cute actually. Much better than other, more violent fetishes out there, I like the fact that sometimes it's not even sexual and more about comforting, though I don't understand the obsession with diapers. You can role-play as a baby without them.

My dark secret...I'm trying to lactate to know what it feels like. Also, I pick my nose and then eat it. Sad I know.


New member
May 13, 2010
Delicious Anathema said:
My dark secret...I'm trying to lactate to know what it feels like.
You're a girl right? I know a guy that has tried that, but I find it a bit less odd when it is a girl I suppose.

OT: Dark secrets? Well I watch uncountable amounts of hentai porn, regular porn is kinda icky. I enjoy not showing any signs that I am mute just to piss strangers off. (It amuses me to see people rage. : / )

I literally see 50% of my day as if I was in a Dynasty Warriors-ish game, sort of a roleplaying story narrated in my head, used to go to therapy for it. But I didn't want anything to change, I like it. I used to be rather lonely, but not anymore. I have friends with swords that can defeat armies on their own.