Your dark secrets


New member
Jun 15, 2010
I'm a guy and I like being dominated by a girl in bed. Not really a dark secret but not something I tell to just anyone.

Also, I don't really mind on-disc DLC


New member
May 4, 2011
Hmmmm... most of darker dark secrets are too secret to post here. In milder news, I'm probably bi. My friends and family would be fine with it, but I don't want to bring it up until I'm sure. I have never been in a romantic relationship (I'm a 20-year-old female), and I have never really felt sexually attracted to anyone, aside from a weird two days when I had a vague crush on a female friend. I mostly just look at someone and think, "Yes. This person is attractive/has an appealing personality. I would be willing to date and/or have sex with him/her/zir." I sometimes wonder whether I'm asexual, but I am still interested in sex, I'm just not sexually attracted to anyone. If that makes sense. Hopefully I will figure this out if/when I have a romantic relationship.

I'm not too worried about the whole relationship thing, though. Eventually, either I'll find someone I'm into or someone will ask me out, and then I'll see where things go from there. Or possibly I will never have a romantic relationship, which would only bother me because I would continue to feel unqualified to write about or talk about romance/sex. (Also there's some low self-esteem from no one showing an interest in me, but I suspect that people would show more of an interest if I put myself out there more, which I don't really feel like bothering to do.)


New member
Jul 14, 2011
I don't really see my self as having deep dark secrets...I mean I have a sense of public decency, but hardly shame.

So sure, I have quite the plethora of fetishes and sexual deviations, but I don't see them as SECRET. Somebody could easily just go to my furaffinity page and see the weird shit I like, I have no shame in what I enjoy. But I'm not going to go around shouting it to the world because it's not the world's business and it would be rude and silly of me to propose my combined fetishes are some kind

I guess my deep dark secrets are my credit card, bank, social security, and other important identification and financial information, because I don't want people to know those.

Hrm, that or the fact that I hate my mother and I'm only tolerating her because I want her money to pay for college, and that the moment I graduate she's never hearing from me again, and I'm rejecting anything she gives me in her will. Though all of my friends know that, I mainly just don't want HER to know that.


New member
Apr 16, 2008
I consider myself a furry, but the fandom scares me. I ever have a *shudder* "Fursona" *shudder*. I'll probably never go to a Con, and I'll never wear a fur suit. Speaking of the furry fandom, apparently I'm a strange one, since my tastes are very, VERY vanilla compared to a LOT of the weird shit in it.

I like MLP, but am not a Brony (It's one thing to like a show, and reference it once in a while, but one of my friends is OBSESSED with everything MLP.)

I was raped when I was 5 or 6. I repressed the memory so much that I don't remember any details other than that it happened and where it happened. No one in my family knows and I will never tell them. It happened about 20 years ago, I'm over it, and I don't even remember enough to get the guy who did it behind bars. (If I told my family they would start a crusade and it's all I would hear about for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time).

The above makes me act very homophobic. "Guy love" makes me very uncomfortable.

As a straight male, I get hit on by gay men, more than straight women. I'm okay with it as long as they take heed to the fact that I am not gay, and that I find the idea of me doing anything like that to a guy disgusting.

Hmmm.... that's about it, I think.


New member
May 18, 2011
I work in TV production/broadcasting. Now, where's the dark secret, you ask?

You may know if I ever decide to make a memetic picture of "What people think I'm doing" vs. "What it really looks like".


New member
Nov 8, 2007
Aylaine said:
maninahat said:
Unfortunately, I'm not quite anonymous. My brother operates on here somewhere, and who knows how often he reads what I write. He probably already knows too much. In fact, so do you. NO SECRETS FOR YOU!

"This is the Organization. We have your brother. He told us...everything."
Heh know, all that stuff I said about the pay roll tampering, a blind man and an egg whisk was just my little joke...right?

Zack Alklazaris

New member
Oct 6, 2011
I spent my childhood obsessed with imagining I was someone else... oh wait thats being a gamer.

I really like to be submissive. See my job is a Director I spend all day telling others what to do, how to do it, and when I'm wrong its my fault. Sometimes just letting someone else do what they want without me putting in any sort of input is just stimulating. Whether that be pick what to watch on tv or tying me to a bed is fine with me. Just as long as I'm not responsible for it.

Captcha: Love me?

Seems appropiate


Vae Victis!
May 24, 2010
I don't have many dark secrets. When I was a kid, a friend and I smashed up a car. We were caught and our parents punished us. I'm not proud of it and am a bit ashamed of my stupidity at that age.

One secret that I have never let out (until now) is that I have written erotic fiction and actually posted it on an erotica website. Got good reviews on most of the stories I posted. I write in order to let out any pent up sexual feelings, as I am married and love my wife and could never cheat on her or anything like that, but the desire to experiment or sleep around is still there. The writing lets me do it vicariously so I don't do anything stupid in real life. Plus it lets me "experience" things I never could in real life, like sex from a girl's perspective, etc.

Oh, last secret that may or may not be dark, I used to dabble in cybersex. I was pretty good at that too. :)


Vae Victis!
May 24, 2010
Oh, and I must say, this:

Aylaine said:
thesilentman said:
Aylaine said:
There are some hot members here I would make a move on, erm...ok ok! Me and my ex-fiance tried to have sex while driving, but eventually we had to park when I couldn't control my steering & my hormones. Darn foreplay!
What, how, in what way, did that happen?! (If you don't mind me asking)

If I ever saw that, I would either scrub my eyes out with brain bleach or attribute it to a glitch in the Matrix [sub]further proving my theory...[/sub].
We were pretty aroused on the way home from my job one morning, she made some moves, I tried to do some with one hand behind the wheel, etc. Eventually it became way too much for me to handle when oral became involved so I parked. :)

Hazard lights + cold weather = steamy windows. Basically sex camo. ;O so effing hot! :)

Aylaine said:
thesilentman said:
Aylaine said:
I suddenly have a newfound respect for you... "Adds as a friend"
Added back, just the same! Color me kitty cat though...why do you have a newfound respect for me? XD


New member
Mar 1, 2011
I used to self harm, some days I just want to die but I'm not suicidal just depressed I guess. I've never been diagnosed, I'm just "over emotional" according to my school and parents.
28 now, and I've sorta dealt with it but every now and again (once or twice a year) I just have a breakdown and cry uncontrollably and I'm fine for a while.

I wonder if I'll ever snap out of it and grow up but.. I dunno.


New member
Aug 27, 2009
I am incredibly selfish unless it involves people I am very close with. I am quite hedonistic as well I think.

I don't really have any "dark secrets"... at least ones I can remember at the moment. I'l admit to watching some hentai I guess, i'm a virgin and i've only ever had one girlfriend ever.

I have a weird annoyance with all types of jewellery though. All of it annoys me.


New member
Aug 12, 2008
Hmm not really a dark secret, but vanilla sex really bores me. I mean it's nice and all but it's only crazy BDSM stuff that actually gets me really excited. I like being in charge, in a big way.
Also that is not something to say on a first date. There's at least a 50/50 chance it'll bugger everything up :D


New member
Jul 12, 2009
rollerfox88 said:
Guffe said:
I'm a Police Officer and take notes and track you guys down depending on what you type on these forums...
In that case I will keep my string of homicides under wraps, thanks for the heads up.
I was going to say something nice...
Then I saw your avatar...


New member
Mar 30, 2011
My dark secret is that I hate sharing dark secrets. No realy, hate it, not just posting this for irony.

Captcha: movie star

You keep out of this captcha!


Elite Member
Nov 29, 2009
Aylaine said:
thesilentman said:
Aylaine said:
There are some hot members here I would make a move on, erm...ok ok! Me and my ex-fiance tried to have sex while driving, but eventually we had to park when I couldn't control my steering & my hormones. Darn foreplay!
What, how, in what way, did that happen?! (If you don't mind me asking)

If I ever saw that, I would either scrub my eyes out with brain bleach or attribute it to a glitch in the Matrix [sub]further proving my theory...[/sub].
We were pretty aroused on the way home from my job one morning, she made some moves, I tried to do some with one hand behind the wheel, etc. Eventually it became way too much for me to handle when oral became involved so I parked. :)

Hazard lights + cold weather = steamy windows. Basically sex camo. ;O

DVS BSTrD said:
I'm not really DVS (as my health bar will attest) I'm actually super lazy.
Aylaine said:
There are some hot members here I would make a move on, erm...ok ok! Me and my ex-fiance tried to have sex while driving, but eventually we had to park when I couldn't control my steering & my hormones. Darn foreplay!
A woman who reads/watches REAL porn?
Sexual independence? Freedom from stereotypes? Whichever one works for you. I enjoy both very much. Wish there were better hentai's out there, though. :)

It's not "sex camo" if everyone, their dog and their mother knows what you are doing in there.


What this
Jun 14, 2012
Aylaine said:
thesilentman said:
Aylaine said:
I suddenly have a newfound respect for you... "Adds as a friend"
Added back, just the same! Color me kitty cat though...why do you have a newfound respect for me? XD
Not many people like to have sex in public. There's even fewer who'd having sex while driving a car. Most of the people I know where I live have trouble doing it privately, let alone in a car!

[sub]Goes back to dastardly scheming.[/sub] ):)