Your dark secrets

Delicious Anathema

New member
Aug 25, 2009
Roofstone said:
Delicious Anathema said:
My dark secret...I'm trying to lactate to know what it feels like.
You're a girl right? I know a guy that has tried that, but I find it a bit less odd when it is a girl I suppose.
Sorry to disappoint. It wouldn't be a dark secret if I was a girl doing it, it would just be a secret. Love to see women do it though, it's sexy as hell.

Wolf In A Bear Suit

New member
Jun 2, 2012
I would tell you guys but First rule of Fight Club is NEVER talk about fight club.....Damn I just talked about fight club. I genuinely like to pretend my toilet is a spaceship powered by, you guessed it feces, kind of like Doctor Who on the Loo
(Badum cha)


New member
May 13, 2010
Delicious Anathema said:
Love to see women do it though, it's sexy as hell.
Fair enough, I think the same.
Another dark secret: I am bi, nearly pansexual. Though I find hermaphrodites a bit weird IRL.


New member
Sep 25, 2009
TwiZtah said:
chinangel said:
Hay Gais! Social Experiment time :D

Okay essentially, let's see how safe you feel with the anonymity the internet provides. Share with us your dark secret. Maybe not your darkest, but make it interesting.

So...let's see how many will step up!

Naturally, I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't go first so..hmm....ah!
I'm a 'little'. Which is a term for a person who can mentally regress to a very young age. It's typically a BDSM lifestyle word but not exclusively.

Because of this I have had to search for a Daddy to take care of me and let me be myself, it's be a tough but fun search.

Okay escapist, your turn! >:3
Coincidence you like MLP?`...
Yes and No ^^

Sonic Doctor

Time Lord / Whack-A-Newbie!
Jan 9, 2010
chinangel said:
Oh, sexual fetishes and quirks, ain't life fun....bizarre.

Mine secret is quite dark, though I don't know how much of a secret it is on here, because I've mentioned it in a few other threads.

When it comes to fetish/fantasy stuff, I'm a big barrel of bizarre.

I'm a cannibal fetishist, through art and story. Lovely women look tasty to me, in that they actually make me hungry besides sexual attraction, though really the two are linked cause I feel both at the same time.

That's my dominant side.

I also have a submissive side too.

I like giantesses. Whether it be that the woman is actually giant-sized/grown to giant proportions, or I've some how shrunk to only a few inches tall and the woman is normal sized. Along with that comes the vore fetish. It all usually ends with the giantess eating me or trying to at least, normally by swallowing whole, but other scenarios sometimes occur.

But in the end, it is what it is, just fantasy fetish stuff. I didn't seek the stuff out; when I became a teenager way back when(14 years ago), thinking about such situations just popped right into my head without any outside influences that I know of.

Hey, you asked for dark secrets, that is what you get. It's not a crazy thing, everybody, whether they like to admit it or not, has some kind of weird kink or thing they are into. It only becomes crazy if the people actually end up trying to act on the impossible or illegal urges. Other than that I think it is healthy to have a weird side to compliment the normal side, and the weirder the better.


New member
Nov 25, 2008
It's not really dark, and it's only a secret because no one cares, but it's the only thing I can think of to add to this thread.

I prefer gay male porn to straight porn or lesbian porn, and I am a straight female.
Oct 27, 2010
a childhood full of abuse that I don't like to talk about.
I used to have a drinking problem but got over it.
I'm clinically addicted to caffeine and am trying to get over it.

Escapist related;
I'd never posted in the forums until after escapist expo.
I have a mad crush a certain contributor even though my boyfriend hates his guts. haha XD

Delicious Anathema

New member
Aug 25, 2009
Roofstone said:
Delicious Anathema said:
Love to see women do it though, it's sexy as hell.
Fair enough, I think the same.
Another dark secret: I am bi, nearly pansexual. Though I find hermaphrodites a bit weird IRL.
I'm straight, at times lesbian-like in the ways I feel about women though, but not very often.
Hermaphrodites are weird, I also think homo is an anomaly too, if not necessarily a "disease" per se.


New member
Feb 11, 2009
SonofaJohannes said:
I like hentai.
Like, really like.
Much more than regular porn.
HENTAI HIGH FIVE! Though I don't consider it that dark a secret, quite open about sort of porn I like.

Uhm my dark secret...I'm too open? Don't have many secrets I wouldn't share with anyone who asked. Once stabbed a guy (In the arm and with a sharp object which I will not disclose to add mystery oooooo) and I can't remember if it was in anger or accidental.
And I like attention, it's nice, makes me feel wanted.
And that's all I can think of to share today.

Whateveralot said:
Also, lies. I'm an incredible liar, which is part of the manipulation that spreads in my wake. Most of my lies never come out.
Oh this as well, love to lie. It's a favoured past time of mine. I've spent most of my life lying, to teachers, family, friends, myself. I'm a lie addict. That said I tend to tell the truth these days, but sometimes it's easier to lie.

Edit part two: The final edit.
Final secret I swear, but it's a dark one. [HEADING=1]I hate bacon.[/HEADING]
Seriously it tastes horrible. I just thought I should tell you all before I show myself out of the internet.


New member
Oct 20, 2010
I really love cheesy B-String movies.
With all their bad effects, bad acting, etc.

Like my fave movie is still "THEM!"


New member
Feb 11, 2009
Fappy said:
Aylaine said:
Fappy said:
Aylaine said:
There are some hot members here I would make a move on, erm...ok ok!
I have suddenly become far too curious for my own good. Dark secret time! WHO'S ON DAT LIST!?
First! Why do you want to know? The real reason, please. Honesty will get you answers!
Because I am an incredibly vain, egocentric person who will be crushed if Daystar's on that list and I'm not >:O
I too would like to know...Partially because I like to know everything and also because of Fappy's reason, minus the being crushed if Daystars on it.


New member
Jul 20, 2011
Okay guys but you can't tell anyone... *ahem* I hate peanut butter. Like, reeally hate it. Never met anyone else who doesn't like it so I'm alone in this world, alas.


New member
Jun 29, 2011
First one, easy one, I lie to almost everyone in my school. 1/3 believe I'm from Canada. It's really fun actually :D

Second one, the one I hope gets buried in the thread. I'm actually a twin, my other half was still-born. As thus I took both of our names, Nicholas and Alexander. I don't like to talk about it.


New member
Apr 10, 2011
I'm growing increasingly out of touch with my emotions. Everything's been kinda flattening out over the past years. It's supposed to be common for those with AS but apparently it's somewhat odd that I'm aware of it happening.

On that note, I enjoy feelings of hunger, sleep deprivation and pain. It's nice to actually feel something every now and then. Don't cut myself or anything, bit too creepy for my tastes, but I'll happily walk on blisters or stuff like that.

In public I act like the perfect normal guy though, you'd never know unless I told you.

Evil Smurf

Admin of Catoholics Anonymous
Nov 11, 2011
Aylaine said:
Fappy said:
Aylaine said:
Fappy said:
Aylaine said:
There are some hot members here I would make a move on, erm...ok ok!
I have suddenly become far too curious for my own good. Dark secret time! WHO'S ON DAT LIST!?
First! Why do you want to know? The real reason, please. Honesty will get you answers!
Because I am an incredibly vain, egocentric person who will be crushed if Daystar's on that list and I'm not >:O

Everyone who is on my list is female. :3
contributors or people who don't contribute?


Jan 4, 2010
United States
Aylaine said:
Fappy said:
Aylaine said:
Fappy said:
Aylaine said:
There are some hot members here I would make a move on, erm...ok ok!
I have suddenly become far too curious for my own good. Dark secret time! WHO'S ON DAT LIST!?
First! Why do you want to know? The real reason, please. Honesty will get you answers!
Because I am an incredibly vain, egocentric person who will be crushed if Daystar's on that list and I'm not >:O

Everyone who is on my list is female. :3
That doesn't necessarily exclude Daystar, does it?!