Your gaming "kryptonite"


New member
Oct 4, 2009
Games that decide they need to play themselves in order for cool stuff to happen. Crysis 2 wasn't the first but it is the most recent.


New member
Apr 18, 2011
Bad gameplay, plain and simple. If online, lag. You know when you lag by like half a second and everything is just barely out of sync? That's the worst kind, and it makes me feel sick.

pyramid head grape

Feb 4, 2011
MMO's and online multi player but every game under the sun has online now but I still never use it or play MMO's.

Games that feel like a second job can burn in hell!


New member
Apr 7, 2011

I would think its continualy telling you to do this to continue the game over and over and over again with no other choice. and im not talking about opening a door or going here or there. I am talking COD someone yelling at you to get on the .50/rocket launcher/some gun while wave based ai attack but never actualy do anything, and using the weapon they tell you to may not be the only choice to get the job done. speaking of wave based ai. sit there for 30 hours plinking headshots with no end in sight...until you use the .50 and then its kill 15.... no! thats a game breaker! and all COD SP i have played.


New member
Jan 23, 2011
Bad voice acting. It catapults me out of the experience immediately.
Save checkpoints. I don't understand why some modern games don't let you save wherever you want to. Back during the rise of video games, the save checkpoint was utilized to save storage space. We don't really have that problem now, so it's really, really annoying when a game does this (see: Metroid Prime, an otherwise great game).


New member
Feb 28, 2011
CanadianBacon said:
Being forced to frustratingly grind just to continue with the main story, not for some super special extra hard side boss that nets you bragging rights or a powerful weapon, but just to beat the actual game.

I'm looking at you "The Last Remnant"... /angryfist

also to follow up on that, random encounters that happen every 2.3 seconds. actually random encounters in general. jrpgd games need to follow the yakuza/persona3/radiant historia style of battle encounters.

also, rpgs that are long for the sake of being long. i don't want to grind for an extra 10 hours just to make your game's length go from 30 to 40 hours. that is not good game design and it takes the skill out of the player's hand.

also, games (mainly rpgs) that don't have an in-game diary or summary book. it's very annoying when you play a game where you have to grind for 40 hours, lose interest because of maddeing random ecounters and boring long grinding, to come back 2 week/month and have no idea wtf you were doing or what was what and who was who.

also games that don't let you re-watch cut-scenes after you have watched in the game


New member
Jul 12, 2009
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG sections of cut scenes and dialogue put me off really fast. If it's a game i REALLY want to play and finish, I'll bare it through sheer will, but if it's not, then i usually stop playing for good.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
Games with camera controls that are unchangeable and the inverse of the settings I like them to be. I love the Sly Cooper games, but the camera kills me after not playing them for a while.


New member
Apr 7, 2011
just had a smoke and remembered another... invisible walls! i hate invisible walls! you can clearly see theres nothing there, not even a hill or anything and yet you cant go further. ill take COD get on the .50 over invisible walls anyday.


New member
Apr 13, 2010
Escort missions, even more so when the escortee has HORRIBLE AI. I'm looking at you, Oblivion, and especially you, Dar-Ma. D:<


New member
Oct 20, 2010
Hmmm, quite a few things because really, my kryptonite is broken immersion. So all the things that break immersion; unreasonable/hard/unnecessary puzzles, poor clipping, graphical errors, game glitches and complete crashes obviously. Sometimes though, if a game is really really good, I can overlook these problems and still enjoy the game ie I loved Fallout 3


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Smallfry said:
What this is, is basically things that cripple either your gaming experience or the game itself for you. Mine would be multiple boss battles one after the other. Don't get me wrong, an epic boss battle here and there is a good thing, but if you have 3 or 4 bosses all lined up?

So tell me, Escapist, what is your gaming "kryptonite"?
I would either say any game that has a timed element (as much due to general dislike as the challenge) or mediocre players.

To explain the latter, I'm a pretty average game player in most respects, and have a lot of gaming experience from jumping around between so many games (it's rare for me to finish one). In games that wind up having a competitive element I tend to do surprisingly well against people who are "masters" of the game and operate on a very high level, and tend to devour most scrubs. However when I play against other players who are generally middle of the road I tend to have a much harder time. I've been told it's because I tend to overthink things surprisingly enough, but regardless of the cause it tends to give me problems. When I play fighting games for example I've broken some pretty impressive winning streaks people have lined up (and even gotten hate mail from achievement hounds once in a while, my XBL rating has still never recovered from playing Soul Calibur IV against random people) but when I run into people who are also in the same basic brackets or aren't toting any kind of impressive pedigree, and yet aren't newbs, I tend to wind up having a lot less success.


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
Pointlessly timed sequences. Needless timers cause my blood to want to leap from my body to avoid my fury. And anything with a stun-lock-kill capabilities. Like the dragons in Dragon Age 2, if your fort is low. That was annoying.