Your greatest NEVER AGAIN achievement?

Danny Ocean

Master Archivist
Jun 28, 2008
Aiden_the-Joker1 said:
Modern Warfare 2 getting all 69 stars in special ops ahhhhhh. I had to do that one in the plane graveyard by myself.
Believe it or not it's actually a bit easier that way, as you get a barret, so you can effectively kill the juggernaughts.

On co-op it's ridiculous. An intervention each is all you get.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
Kazicun said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
Never again do I want to hunt all the Bobbleheads in Fallout 3.
^^^ This
Really? I actually didn't think it was too bad, but I did have some hints to a few of them. Maybe that makes the difference. Besides, the perks for collecting them made it very worth it.


New member
Jul 18, 2009
Captain Pancake said:
Attaining all the veteran achievements on Modern Warfare 2. On that difficulty it turned a 5 hour game into a 10 hour one. Trying to complete the last part of contingency in only a minute and a half was the worst.
ohhh god that was the worst, tied with the estate level on veteran. but look at it this way, modern warfare 2 had the easiest campaign on veteran, do you know what they do on WaW?
you*yes im about to beat this level YES!!!*
Japaneese soldier*oh whats that? you're about to beat the level? GRENADE!!!*
you*I can see it!, it's right there, im just about to-.......WTF!!!!!!!!!! it didin't even show up on the grenade indicator! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.*
that my good sir, is WaW on veteran

OT:but the real achievement that i will never do AGAIN is the vidmaster endure achivement.
i almost got it once, last set, last round, last wave, ran outta lives and i was the only one left with a plasma pistol and a needler against a brute chieftan RIGHT BEHIND ME.needless to say, we lost. but when i tried it again, we got it and i earned my recon armor......yays.

One Seven One

New member
Feb 5, 2009
Mile high club in Call of Duty 4, mostly because I refuse to do achievements such as Little Rocket Man.


Terror Australis
Mar 25, 2009
Beat Zico on Wipeout HD. Some idiot thought it clever to put some godawfully fast lap time to beat as a trophy. I swear, I nearly had a haemorrhage several times trying to get faster than that dick.


New member
Jul 18, 2009
Blights said:
Halo 3: ODST. Endure: Survive 4 Sets of Firefight on Heroic difficulty with 4 people..

Not only does this achievement take about 2 hours to do, It's fucking insane, what's worse is that if anyone Disconnects or has to leave, you are screwed and have to start all over again.

The best way to do this is when you know you will have a strong connection for a few hours, get some friends who know what they are doing, stay together and be sure you make the most of the power weapons such as the Spartan Laser and the Rocket Launcher by using them to take out Wraiths and Brute Chieftans.

The only bad thing is Skulls, Black Eye is probably the worst. You need to Melee to get Health Back.

There are 5 rounds in a wave, and 3 waves in a Set.

That's 60 waves. Yeah.

The other 2 Vidmasters that are a ***** to do are Deja vu and Annual.

Halo 3. Annual: Complete "Halo" on Legendary with the Iron skull on with 4 players in ghosts.

Halo 3: ODST. Deja vu: Complete Tsavo Highway on Legendary with the Iron skull on with 4 players without any of you getting into a Warthog or Scorpion tank.

The only real reward is Recon, which TBQH isn't worth it, most Vidmasters don't even give you gamerscore.

If Reach has Vidmasters, yeah, I'll do them, they were challenging and in some ways fun with friends but never again those 3, they were fucking ridiculous.
well first, and i don't want to be a grammer nazi but you got rounds and waves mixed up, its 5 waves in a round and 3 rounds in a set.

but anyways no no no no, deja vu wasen't even that hard to be honest, and annual was only hard becuase you always had some retard go too far forward and make the ground fall out below the people in the back. but endure makes deja vu and annual look like a kids games achievments to be honest.


New member
Dec 28, 2009
its not that bad if you like the game i got 160 hours playthrough loved it the bobbleheads took me three playthroughs but i enjoy the game so :p

Super Toast

Supreme Overlord of the Basement
Dec 10, 2009
Onyx Oblivion said:
Never again do I want to hunt all the Bobbleheads in Fallout 3.
I just used the Fallout wiki.

OT: Getting a $5000 dollar bounty on RDR. I simply lack the will.


New member
Dec 28, 2009
or the energy weopons one you only get one shot for that in the enclave stronghold so you have to play the story and only get one attempt any way


New member
Dec 28, 2009
7 day survivor dead rising took me a while i must admit no save points just 16 hours conitinuous playthrough what fun :(


Elite Member
May 23, 2010
Captain Pancake said:
Attaining all the veteran achievements on Modern Warfare 2. On that difficulty it turned a 5 hour game into a 10 hour one. Trying to complete the last part of contingency in only a minute and a half was the worst.
Um, how about that God-forsaken favela level? That made me SOOOOOOO mad. When you're on veteran, the AI is a bunch of super-geniuses with the ability to see through walls and know exactly where you are. I beat the game on veteran but that level was easily the worst.

The Furbinator

New member
Jul 12, 2010
Dr. Feelgood said:
Captain Pancake said:
Attaining all the veteran achievements on Modern Warfare 2. On that difficulty it turned a 5 hour game into a 10 hour one. Trying to complete the last part of contingency in only a minute and a half was the worst.
You should have played Call of Duty 4 on Veteran, man did that suck.

OT: The hardest achievement I got was "What are you trying to prove?" in Left 4 Dead... frickin' expert difficulty.
COD4? COD FOUR? Did you men never do COD5 veteran? It made the modern warfare veteran campaigns feel like something for mentally handicapped carebears, never, ever again would I do that campaign.


Elite Member
May 23, 2010
vivalahelvig said:
Playing MW2 singleplayer was one of the most rage inducing things, because those mother fucking enemies kept fucking meleeing you, and your already really fucking you die instantly, BULLSHIT.
Plus the AI si a bunch of SUPER GENIUSES! They can see through walls and know instantly where you are so as soon as you round a corner there's a firing squad of 58 people with their guns all trained on you're exact location. But I still beat it on veteran.

OT: The Favela level was Hell.


New member
Jul 18, 2009
Masonhome said:
Completing Brutal Legend on hardest difficulty: I just...I don't even want to talk about it.
i actually glitched that, i started playing on brutal, becuase it wasen't even that hard, until the first battle outside general lionwhite's mansion, fuck was that hard, and i don't even want to think about doing the stage battle against ophilia. but anyways at that battle i switched to normal and played thorugh the rest of the game, i hit the one on one doviculus fight and i say "what the hell ill try it on brutal" so i beat him, cause he's VERY EASY to beat on brutal, and i get all three difficulty achivements. so i tell my friend about this and he does the same thing but he only gets the gentle achievement so he had to go thorugh the campaign again just to get the normal achivement, and he still hasen't gotten the brutal acvhivment yet.


Elite Member
May 23, 2010
SuperChurl said:
Like a full third of the Dead Rising achievements. God, no!
My friend rented the Wii version of Dead Rising, and all the boss fights were, as Yahtzee would say, baby's first vagina adventure. The boss battles were so east. Then he bought the game for 360, and is stuck on the psycho Nam vet.