Your name


New member
Oct 4, 2010
Amadeus Wolfgang Rhodes. People just call me Adam though. Doesn't stop my friends from singing Falco, though.
Jun 5, 2010
Gaiseric said:
Liam is a good name.

Yeah my name has been made fun of. Name's Cameron(Cam-ren), when I was going through elementary I was called Carmen(by several new teachers), Kammy, Camron(a YMCA counselor liked this one), Camera, told I have a girls name(It works for both guys and gals), and like you told it is gay(stupid, retarded, whatever). It bothered me then because it is my name and I like my name, but once you learn to role with the punches(or have friends like mine) you just stop caring, at least that's how it worked for me.

edit: I'm nice and dead inside ;)
Cameron's my name too, but I roll by Noremac or Phife around these parts. I like being called Noremac (its just Cameron backwards) and its also my online name usually. some people call me phife because of my last name though. the reason I am called anything other than Cameron though is because my best friend's name is also Cameron so it helps end confusion form my other friends.


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
Daystar Clarion said:

I'm a guy.

I'm that awesome.

(Although Americans seem to think it's a chick name for some reason).
One of my dogs is named Ashley and is a girl. Not saying it can't be a boy's name, I just thought I'd point that out. :p

OT: Anyway, my name is Charlie. And I have had people who called me "Charlie Brown" in the past. But they were just jokes so I didn't really care.

As for your name, I don't think it sounds dumb at all.


New member
Apr 14, 2011
RedxDecember said:
My name is Liam (LEE-YUM). I'm white and I go to a primarily black school. I fit in pretty well, but recently a teacher couldn't pronounce my name. She'd call me Lam or Laim or Leem. I didn't care about that. That's her issue and it's minor at most. But since then I've had kids come up to me and just say "Your name is (insert offensive slur here)." No laughing, etc. Just saying it to be a dick. I don't know why this makes me feel so insecure, but it just gets me in the right way. Call me fat, that's fine, I could go on a diet and change that. Call me stupid, I could go read a few books and pay attention in class. I never take insults that seriously. Call my name retarded, stupid, gay? Not cool. I can't change it and I don't fucking want to. But for some lame reason I care about what they say. So if you've read so far, I thank you and here are my questions.

Is the name Liam dumb to you?
Have you ever been made fun of because of your name? How did you handle it?

Thank you for reading.
I know quite a few, it's a fairly common name in the UK.

Is liam funny to the black community or something?

General BrEeZy

New member
Jul 26, 2009
Daystar Clarion said:

I'm a guy.

I'm that awesome.

(Although Americans seem to think it's a chick name for some reason).

Incidently, I have friend named Liam, and he's had the same problems with Americans who can't seem to pronounce it correctly.
I know a male Kelly.
and He's friggin BOSS too!

OT: Chris is my name...and being caucasian is my game! xD


Dec 3, 2010
I don't see how Liam is a name you could make fun of. The pronounciation is very self explanatory, so I feel sorry for you having such a retarded teacher. :/
My name is Daniel. Not much to make fun of there either.


New member
Dec 23, 2010
My last name is burt and people call it "butt" when I usually here people say it I usually take it that they are just stupid and insecure since they cant come up with anything better.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Shaun...they dont pronounce it wrong or anything but they relate my name to the cartoon "Shaun the Sheep" I once liked that cartoon and I still do!

But it has no relation to me apart from my name. (Unless I outsmart them which that sheep does)


New member
Mar 31, 2011
People have trouble pronouncing Liam?
Thats a relatively common name here in the UK, and a fine one it is.

name's Ben. Never had any problem with it, either.

The Gray Train

New member
Aug 8, 2010
Liam's a pretty cool name, dude. My name's Owen; as a kid I was pretty indifferent to it, but now that I'm older i like the name. Although, my first and last names are both common first names, so people sometimes flip them around (which is always funny when it comes to medical records :)). No one ever made fun of my name; they made fun of me for being the fat, sensitive, quiet kid.

Death God

New member
Jul 6, 2010
Liam isn't a dumb name. It is a guy's name as far as I know. My name is Ashton-Drake William Aaron Hudnall, so I know all too well about people making fun of my name. I just took it as me being a hell of a lot more unique than them so it didn't bug me and soon they left it alone.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
I know exactly what you mean so many of my teachers say my name "Lam" and I hate it. Never had my name be made fun of but my friends name is Leslie he gets mocked from time to time.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
I think Liam is a fine name.

I don't recall any instances in my life where people in class were mocked because of their names or the misspronunciation of them. There was a girl named Leah (Lee-ah), and every substitute teacher we had pronounced it Lee thinking it was a guy. You could tell she was fed up with people getting it wrong, but no one ever teased her about it.

I probably get more grief over my game character names than I ever have in real life. Heck, I had someone call me Murray once instead of Miru. 'Mur-ew'. How do you get Murray from that?


New member
Jul 17, 2010
I know a guy named Liam and he's in the movie pictures. he seems pretty awesome.

No, but my name is Anthony, so I've been pretty lucky on that front. Its hard to even turn into a girls name, and just awkward to rhyme something to it that doesnt sound like you just made it up cause both end in a long e sound. seriously the best anyones ever come up with to insult me was calling me anita, and his last name was Pagat adn rhymed with ******. Plus his first name was ashley so it didnt end well when he walked up and called me anita and I just responded with "Ashley Pagat the big hulking ******, whos parents love him so little they know hed suck dick for all his life when he was born".

Oh I was an ass when I was younger (I still am, and really I have no idea why that set me off so badly). But it was totally worth it.

Anthony Abney

New member
Mar 16, 2011
I have a friend named Melody, I like the name, she likes it, but every now and then some idiot makes a music related joke about it and thinks he's clever. She doesn't let it bother her and neither should you.
Feb 9, 2011
I've met a few Liam's in my time. The name isn't dumb; it's fine. I, personally, have never been made fun of for my name since it is pretty straightforward - Derek.


New member
Nov 30, 2009
Your teachers must the pretty damn stupid to mispronounce Liam, but I know exactly how this feels, as my name is Rium (Rye-Um). yes, my dad did make that up.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
Liam's common where I'm from. One of my best friends is called Liam, and I've never heard anyone make any mention of his name being complicated or difficult. This is in Australia, by the way. But I've never met anyone else called Darby. Ever. If your name is unique, then be proud of it. It just means that it's easier to tell who you're talking about, and you don't need to write your surname. - Darby.