Your name


New member
Jul 23, 2011
Fuck 'em. You have a great name and should be proud of it. You're right, they're just trying to be dicks, and you shouldn't let it get to you. Kids are cruel, well, actually, people are cruel, they're just slightly less obvious when they're adults. Ignore them and smile. They're trying to get rise out of you. If they only get a pleasant smile then they'll eventually stop because you aren't giving them what they want. The extreme opposite route is to put your fist through the face of the next person who does it and make it abundantly clear why you did it. Those are pretty much your two extremes, and you'll probably find something that in between that works for you.


King over my mind
Mar 29, 2011
I knew a Liam in high school, never heard of anyone making fun of his name but, then again, I didn't really know him very well.

The closest thing that was annoying about my own name, Corey, was in elementary school when apologies were made.

The phrase "Sorry Corey, hey that rhymes!" got old pretty quick.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
My name is Margot, and I get sooo much crap for it. Most of it is in good fun, but you kind of have to wonder what your parents were thinking when they gave you a name that no one in the USA can pronounce on the first try.

As for yours, I think Liam is a nice name, very classy. Don't let bullies get you down! <3


New member
Jul 17, 2010
CurlyHairedDemon said:
My name is Margot, and I get sooo much crap for it. Most of it is in good fun, but you kind of have to wonder what your parents were thinking when they gave you a name that no one in the USA can pronounce on the first try.

As for yours, I think Liam is a nice name, very classy. Don't let bullies get you down! <3
do you pronounce it with a long O and silent t? cause I honestly thought when I first say it that its pronounce Mar as in mars and Go and as do not pass go.


New member
Sep 5, 2010
I insult them back. "Complement" the way their fat hangs over the sides of their jeans. Tell them how i wish my wife had cankles like those.

Ive never seen a problem with getting on someone else's level. It makes the fight so much more fair. And i did this all through highschool. ((Almost 21 :D and i still act like a kid!))

Sure, its not the best thing you could do, but fair is fair. "Treat others the way you want to be treated" doesnt work in this day and age. If war breaks out, you dont carry cakes onto the battlefield hoping they will bring you cookies in return.

Besides, people who are a dick deserve to be put in their place.
I mean, my wife says im the nicest person on the planet. Its rare for her to see anything but glasses, and a smile on my face. But if people are mean, stupid, or just plain dicks, return the favor. Fair is Fair.


New member
Apr 15, 2010
Dude, I see nothing wrong with the name Liam.

Probably because it's my name but still it's quite common in britain :p

Tazzy da Devil

New member
Sep 9, 2011
Your name is fine, I've heard MUCH worse. My name's Tara, and I didn't have a problem with it before people figured out that it's 'A rat' spelt backwards. Or before I put my full name into an anagram generator and it came up with 'Giant Harlot'.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Liam seems like a regular name to me. Then again, I'm not a native American, so don't take my word.

I seriously hate my own name. It's "Ari-Matti", and as you maybe able to tell, it combines two names into one. It's just so abnormal that I very much prefer any other nickname rather than my real name.


New member
Mar 29, 2008
Thomas. I didn't have an abjectly horrifying primary / secondary school life because of my name. In primary school it was my lunch box and that I didn't like wrestling. In secondary school, it was that I had long hair and liked science.


You're name was the 15th most common Irish boys name in 2010, and the 4th and 9th most common Scottish boys name in 2009 and 2010, respectively. It was the 30th most common in the US in 2010, the highest prevalence it's had since it's arrival there.

So it's not very bizarre.


New member
Aug 28, 2010
Liam is certainly not a stupid name. It's one of my favorite names for a male. So those guys are just being douche bags because they have nothing better to do.

My name is Paul Anthony...
Though in primary school they only knew the Paul part. Pauly wants a cracker was what many people called me. Then Pauly wants your mommas sweet ass...then Polygon...Then Polly Pocket...
When I was younger I used to chase them trying to kick their shins but we did it half jokingly.

In middle school along with some other insults (since I'm a small guy an I switched from super long hair to bald every now and then no one could tell if I was male or female--they also said I was gay or a lesbian) I usually ignored them until they got physical and I would try to beat the shit out of them unless I was out numbered.

High school everyone left me alone and my friends finding out

Then when people found out Anthony they didn't have a way to make fun of me because well, Anthony? Whats wrong with that. So a close friend of mine would go "HEY TONY! I like the things you doooo~~" but then I did have this guy call me Poly Pocket a lot, but it was more of a term of endearment


New member
Oct 5, 2010
I have a friend at college named Liam. He's pretty cool...well he is nowadays

On regards to the part about being made fun of by my name, but rather my full name. See my name is Chris Nicol, thus someone (coincidentally, it was Liam who I just mentioned) decided to change it to Crispy Nipple and that didn't sit well with me. I tried a intimidation approach which didn't work so I went for an ignore it. Later, someone (once again, the guy called Liam I know) called me Crispy Nipple in our English class. Now I'm not sure why, but our English teacher (Greatest. Teacher. Ever. No arguments) had a go at the guy so now I'm not called that any more... Especially since I've started going to college where nobody knows me.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Drakmeire said:
Liam is an awesome name.
My name is Jason and in high school people would call me Gayson...I would then laugh my brains out and say "What are you? 12 years old?"
My friends sometimes call me that too. And it's nowhere close to resembling anything that comes near my actual name, my middle name, or my last name.

I usually stare at them with the word why all over my face.

Always, ALWAYS, carry a sharpie kids.

Besides Liam is a cool name. Better than my pretentious and boring name which I shant ruin this thread by uttering.


New member
Oct 20, 2008
RedxDecember said:
Is the name Liam dumb to you?
Have you ever been made fun of because of your name? How did you handle it?

Thank you for reading.
Ask them if they would say that to Liam Neeson. That dude is a little scary in the way that he seems to be type-casted.

Yes, I have been made fun of because of my name. It is a unisex name so I hear "x is a girls name, lol I'm funny"!!!
Aug 1, 2010
Fuck that!

As someone who's name is Sean, I know a thing or two about being named after a baddass actor.

If anyone gives you shit again, show them Shindler's List, Taken and Unknown. Then tell them the actors first name.


This name was cool in 2008.
Feb 11, 2009
My name's Aengus. It is pronounced identically to Angus, but does not look like it should. Also Angus is the name of a popular cattle type, and I am overweight.
See how that goes wrong?