Your name


Nov 24, 2009
United States
Devin but it is commonly misspelled as Devon,Devan,Daven and so forth.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
RedxDecember said:
My name is Liam (LEE-YUM). I'm white and I go to a primarily black school. I fit in pretty well, but recently a teacher couldn't pronounce my name. She'd call me Lam or Laim or Leem. I didn't care about that. That's her issue and it's minor at most. But since then I've had kids come up to me and just say "Your name is (insert offensive slur here)." No laughing, etc. Just saying it to be a dick. I don't know why this makes me feel so insecure, but it just gets me in the right way. Call me fat, that's fine, I could go on a diet and change that. Call me stupid, I could go read a few books and pay attention in class. I never take insults that seriously. Call my name retarded, stupid, gay? Not cool. I can't change it and I don't fucking want to. But for some lame reason I care about what they say. So if you've read so far, I thank you and here are my questions.

Is the name Liam dumb to you?
Have you ever been made fun of because of your name? How did you handle it?

Thank you for reading.
Kids: little, less developed versions of adults. Adults: typically fairly retarded themselves. I don't mean that as a subversive insult. I mean that they resemble the mentally challenged in their thought patterns and behavior. So this is what you're dealing with - even less evolved versions of these. Hell, as an adult I've been called Harry Potter numerous times (curiously enough, always by morons without futures), simply because I wear glasses. I look like Steve Buscemi or Billy Bob Thornton or Harry Connick Jr. I look nothing like Harry Potter. So just tell yourself that these kids are simply reminding you that they are dipshits. It's funny to think about, really. Someone comes up to you and says ___ and all you hear is "Hey Liam, just thought I'd remind you of what a vapid douchenozzle I am!" And you laugh uproariously - not that sort of nervous laughter where someone's making fun of you and you're not sure how to react but don't want to be a dick. They won't know how to respond. Probably just tell you that you're weird. But you already know that Vonnegut and Einstein and Hunter Thompson were weird. Weird is better than friggin' dumb.

Also, Liam is a badass name.


New member
Jun 6, 2010
Dude, Liam is a bad-ass name, and anyone who thinks otherwise should be shot :3

OT: My name is Alexander, but I normally go by Alex. Although it isn't a bad thing everyone at my work (I work at Taco Bell) calls me Alejandro. and whenever that goddamned Lady Gaga song comes on they are all "Oh Alejandro it's your song!!11!" yeah it wasn't funny the first time and it's sure as hell not funny after three fucking years >.>

Although some people have on occasion made fun of the fact that my name is a unisex name, or they go all "Alex is that short for alexandra?! derp a herp!"

Dr. wonderful

New member
Dec 31, 2009
RedxDecember said:
My name is Liam (LEE-YUM). I'm white and I go to a primarily black school. I fit in pretty well, but recently a teacher couldn't pronounce my name. She'd call me Lam or Laim or Leem. I didn't care about that. That's her issue and it's minor at most. But since then I've had kids come up to me and just say "Your name is (insert offensive slur here)." No laughing, etc. Just saying it to be a dick. I don't know why this makes me feel so insecure, but it just gets me in the right way. Call me fat, that's fine, I could go on a diet and change that. Call me stupid, I could go read a few books and pay attention in class. I never take insults that seriously. Call my name retarded, stupid, gay? Not cool. I can't change it and I don't fucking want to. But for some lame reason I care about what they say. So if you've read so far, I thank you and here are my questions.

Is the name Liam dumb to you?
Have you ever been made fun of because of your name? How did you handle it?

Thank you for reading.


Forget it, My real name is Kevin Johnson the second. I go to Roman Catholic high school for boys. Personally,I thinkl your name is pretty neat, since I had a friend named Liam as kid, I can say it correctly.

By the way, I'm Black.

Shadow flame master

New member
Jul 1, 2011
Well you have a pretty badass name Mr. Liam. At least you don't have a stpidly common name like me. I'll give you a guess what it is:it begins with a M, same name as an Angel.

Got is yet? It's Michael. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW FUCKING MANY MICHAELS ARE IN MY SCHOOL, MUCH LESS HE DAMN PLANET!!!!!! It gets too damn annoying turning around when my name is called only to be told "Oh, not you, the other Michael" Well if you wanted the other Michael, then you should have walked yur ass to him instead of yelling.


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May 28, 2010
I personally know no less than 3 people with that name. I'm Mason, which is a bit uncommon, but I've never been given any crap about it.


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Oct 9, 2008
My name is Steven and the only problem I have is that the name is apparently more commonly spelled as "Stephen" than "Steven". So occasionally I get a misspelling on my awards or something, but other than, it's fine.

Also, I've seen much weirder names than "Liam"
Mar 20, 2010
Well, my name is Cansın. Yes with an I. (it means "You are life"). the lovercase I gets me into pretty stupid situations when i'm abroad. It sounds like a mix of jensen and johnson and i was made fun of almost all the time at my home country, because of the Johnson's baby something (shampoo, oil, cologne etc.) named products.
And i didn't even know that the word johnson was a slang for dick since 2 years ago.

I go by John now.


New member
Nov 11, 2010
there is no objective dysfunction with the sound "Liam" being used as a reference to yourself. humans have trouble pronouncing my [sound by which i'm refered] as well, but it's really not an issue for me as i rarely interact with them anyway.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
Wow, people are mispronouncing your name? I always thought of Liam as a name that is rather easy to say.

Well, I share some of that "pain" with you though. My middle name is Franciszek (it's Polish), and is apparently the hardest thing to pronounce ever for almost everyone in Norway (and some English-speaking people I talk to via the internet). It's almost like they just glance over my name, see that there is a 's' right before the letter 'z' and it breaks their mind making them spout random gibberish...


New member
Sep 20, 2010
I ot told that Robert was a geek name at my school by a named Jack. When i responded that Jack was a painfully generic name I had to then explain what generic meant. That didn't help my position.


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May 15, 2011
My name is Alejandro, pronounced A-Leh-Han-Dro (as in DROne). The way miss Gaga pronounces it makes it sounds like she's saying "Alihando" in spanish than Alejandro.
I knew I guy called Bonjovi Sanchez, and I couldn't help but play "Lay your hands on me" in my head. I also know an Exio, and from time to time I greet him with "Laa shay'a waqi'un moutlaq bale kouloun moumkine", he gave me pluzzed looks the first couple of times but he grew accostumed to it.


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Oct 10, 2009
The name Liam doesn't really seem strange to me. I can understand it being mispronounced, but I don't see anything unusual about it.

As for having a name that people make fun of you for, I can relate. My name is Forrest, which seems to be universally associated with Forrest Gump. Granted it's a good movie, but I don't really like being associated with a character like Forrest Gump. He's an idiot, and as interesting and likable as a character as he was, he was still an idiot. Usually I deal with by taking it as a joke, most people aren't trying to be mean when they use it, it's just an obvious joke.


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May 30, 2011
Mine's Minerva...
But I like to be called Maddie, because if people actually called me Minerva, McGonagall would soon follow.
Not that I wouldn't like to be called that.
But here in the UK, it would get old really fast.

Jimmy Sylvers

New member
Aug 30, 2011
Liam is a fairly common name really. My name first and second names are Reyne(RAIN)and Forest so i totally know what getting a hard time about your name is you just learn to get tough about it.


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Dec 18, 2009
Liam is alright, I quite like it.

See... my first name is Blake, no teacher I have ever had has gotten it right, always considering it to be my last name or calling me Blair, Ben etc... even when it's been written infront of them.

I dunno I feel like some people just don't do names...


New member
May 26, 2011
RedxDecember said:
My name is Liam (LEE-YUM). I'm white and I go to a primarily black school. I fit in pretty well, but recently a teacher couldn't pronounce my name. She'd call me Lam or Laim or Leem. I didn't care about that. That's her issue and it's minor at most. But since then I've had kids come up to me and just say "Your name is (insert offensive slur here)." No laughing, etc. Just saying it to be a dick. I don't know why this makes me feel so insecure, but it just gets me in the right way. Call me fat, that's fine, I could go on a diet and change that. Call me stupid, I could go read a few books and pay attention in class. I never take insults that seriously. Call my name retarded, stupid, gay? Not cool. I can't change it and I don't fucking want to. But for some lame reason I care about what they say. So if you've read so far, I thank you and here are my questions.

Is the name Liam dumb to you?
Have you ever been made fun of because of your name? How did you handle it?

Thank you for reading.
I thought there was only one way to pronounce "Liam" how else can you pronounce it other than LEE-YUM??

OT: My name is Mark Kramer. I constantly get confused with a kid who lives around me: Marc Cramer. Yeah...

Also, I know a guy named Running Wolf; How cool is that?


New member
Dec 24, 2009
My name is Garry (yes i spelt it right) and when i was in grade 2 (so about 6 years old) people were calling me Gary Oak, that guy from pokemon (when pokemon was so cool it was in card form). In grade 7 (12 years old) people kept chanting "NO GARY NO!" over and over cause it was on a no smoking add. Now days people call me Gary, like the snail from Sponge Bob, so they'll meow at me, which makes me think there retarded but you get that.