Your Parents view on a Game you were Playing


New member
Jun 18, 2008
My parents are dense when it comes to gaming, but thankfully they no enough to hate the Wii and DS for it's gimmicky-ness.


New member
Jun 18, 2008
stormcaller said:
World of Warcraft: Why does Shuppzy never come downstairs? (Shuppzy is my nickname, I made it myself when I wad two or three)

Wii games: "Hey Can I play Wii Sports?" Usually while I'm busy playing DBZ BT2

Resistance: Are you shooting Russian alien mutanta again?

GTA Vice City: My mum's personal 80's radio...
Laughed at these. Tenkaichi 2 is the best Dragonball game ever (better than 3)
At least they know the chimera were from Russia.

Medic Heavy

New member
Jul 4, 2008
When I'm playing my dad usually sneaks right behind me and comments on how disgusting or violent this is. I've had many a Mature games taking away for being to violent however that was many years he just deletes all the saved data and uninstalls them for "storage" reasons.


New member
May 19, 2008
My parents have no interest in them and don;t care one bit that I play them. I stay locked away in my room when I'm home so I'm not bothered by them at all, the few instances they payed attention to me playing is when I'm online with friends. They would be all confused on who I was talking to and I would have to explain or shoo them off. They have complained more about me being on the computer all the time than what I am actually doing on it.


The One with the Cake
Oct 17, 2008
Both my parents play video games. They used to play more but at least they understand. I actually got into video games by watching my parents play Tekken 3 together.

My dad doesn't really care about what kinds of games I play but he like to play Need for Speed and Siphon Filter. I do however a few years ago him saying that all my friends play those R rated video games. That has provided me with many laughs. My mom doesn't care anymore as long as it isn't "sexual." I can even get her to play Guitar Hero occasionally. Besides that she doesn't play much.

My mom doesn't seem to understand that almost everything for the Wii is crap unfortunately. Recently my dad said he wanted to "shoot some stuff." So my mom, instead of consulting me (I would have offered him any FPS I own (007 Nightfire, Metroid Prime 3, TF2, or COD3)) goes out and buys him COD:WAW. Yeah, she bought him a good game but she bought it for the Wii. Her excuse was because then she could "buy the gun and he can pretend he is shooting things." This is pretty much what my mom does with the Wii, buys useless things like Wii Fit that either never get used or get used for about a week and then tossed in the corner...


New member
Feb 8, 2008
Upon the mention of GTA i get a "don't let your brother see it". 10 minutes later my brother walks in and boots up CoD 4 on the hardest difficulty.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
My parents always react in the same way whenever I play a gory/violent game.

Say I kill someone. My dad will say "Oh, that was nice of you" or something along the lines of that, or will be annoying on purpose when I'm losing: "Your being shot at. Shoot him back. Oh wait, behind you. Pff, now your dead. Not very good at this are you?"

My mum will always say something along the lines of "Don't you have any homework to be getting on with?"

My dog seems to be enthralled when I play Burnout: Paradise though.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
I can play M rated games at my friends' houses, but I can't buy them ):

Already beat both Mass Effect and RE4 at a friends' house though lol


New member
Apr 17, 2009
this might sound sad but my dad got me into online gaming lol. We started playing Medal Of Honor: Allied Assault for PC online. Now he plays CoD4 @ 42 years old. Before online gaming we would play Genesis either Mortal Kombat series, NHL series, or Road Rash. So I guess he doesnt mind since he grew up on it.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
my parents don't really mind about most of the games i play unless it has excessive gore or sexual content. They r ok with curses and most gore, and me even playing FPS games. They would murder me though if they saw how much gore is in dead rising. Thank God they don't read why it's rated M


New member
Apr 20, 2009
My dad has liked first person shooters like Halo for many years, and still continues to call all the enemies 'baddies'. Much to my annoyance.

On the other hand, my mum thinks they're pointless and boring. She likes games like Broken Sword and Myst, but (despite her discrimination) played BioShock and Half-Life. And Fable. She's quite lenient, needless to say.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
My dad grew up on a commodore 64, played the NES, and many more and know when he sees me playing a game he usually stops and watches, which sometimes ends up in a split-screen match of some kind.


New member
Apr 3, 2008
My dad plays a lot of games.
As for my mum, she doesn't really mind games, she even used to play R-type.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
My uncle watch me fish most of the GTa 4 campain because he said it was like a very good movie.


Concept Artist
Dec 3, 2008
Whenever my parents would watch me playing any video game for more than 2 minutes they say: "I have no idea what's going on, but you seem to. I'll leave you to it."
I almost miss that competition for the television. It ensured I didn't play through my games too quickly.
Other times the interaction went like this: "Can you turn that off so I can watch the Office?"


New member
Apr 17, 2009
my dad'll just sit on the couch while im playing. he usually is like "did you have to kill him?" or "those graphics are great!" he evens reads about upcoming games in the Washington Post.

My mom is different though. I'll be playing GTA IV and she'll be like "Damn Devin (my name) kill them popo! Awww, you died. Again." Its kinda funny the way parents are.

LimaBravo said:
IronEd said:
this might sound sad but my dad got me into online gaming lol. We started playing Medal Of Honor: Allied Assault for PC online. Now he plays CoD4 @ 42 years old. Before online gaming we would play Genesis either Mortal Kombat series, NHL series, or Road Rash. So I guess he doesnt mind since he grew up on it.
Hehe your dad grew up on Pac Man, Elite, Operation Wolf and Outrun mate ;)
Yeah, when I asked my dad, who is 42, about MK2, he was like "The hell is that?"


New member
Jan 14, 2009
My mother plays games like Peggle and Bookworm, and buys me the majority of the games that I don't pay for. She knows that I'm old enough and mature enough to play certain games. I mean, the woman bought me Resident Evil 4, and the only comment she said when she watched me play it was,"I thought you were supposed to shoot them in the head." And my stepdad is only a couple years older than me, and plays just about the same games I play.